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  • Meanwhile in an actual court of law and not just at a podium, Santos is charged with multiple counts of wire fraud and money laundering. Not good for him!!


    • FRY SANTOS!!!!

      Attached Files
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • 345461217_195581686678260_3533591952478721343_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=mOGdK2p5q3cAX-_u5IX&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfAgaCIuTfKFUS_LkinRwSdOuunP4gWeavChdKY2NMkcyg&oe=645FF072.jpg
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • The loons are unusually quiet today.

          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • They're sleeping off their hangovers from celebrating the lawsuit loss by Trump.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • heh

              Oh yeah...the he didn't "rape" her but we hate him so we know he did something bad which couldn't be proven in a criminal court but we are going to fine him severely cuz he's Orangeman Bad case?

              Oh yeah that one.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • I'm in mourning because The Chairman is probably making the rounds at the WH, shaking hands, saying goodbyes, because the tidal wave of hard evidence that Comer unleashed will force Biden to resign by MIDNIGHT!!!


                • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

                  Oh yeah...the he didn't "rape" her but we hate him so we know he did something bad which couldn't be proven in a criminal court but we are going to fine him severely cuz he's Orangeman Bad case?

                  Oh yeah that one.
                  The one where Trump called no witnesses, played golf instead of defending himself, and told the jury he'd never wanna fuck an ugly mutt like Carroll then thought a picture of her was his second wife. Yeah, that one.


                  • Well the sarcasm is duly noted.

                    golf clap

                    But sadly this will probably not get much attention by the media...and I doubt much will happen as dems get protected...but Hunter will probably get a slap on the wrist and the rest will be swept away. I'm simply pointing out the obvious double standards. If the Biden Family Crime Syndicate does this in the 18th Century it would be labeled as treasonous...but alas...nothingnothingburger. Nice to know that DSL...the great American he is...does not care about massive corruption by public servants with several adversaries of the US...yet you cheerlead about Trump getting indicted for alleged crimes of relatively less seriousness...

                    Just here to point out the massive hypocrisy. We'll see if anything happens to The Big guess is very little...but if the Dems were smart they would have a relief pitcher warming up in the DNC bullpen...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • I have no idea what corruption happened because every time the R's get asked anything about criminality they clam up.

                      Hunter Biden was profiting off his dad's name and office. Sure, we all know that. Unless the money was handled wrong, there's also nothing inherently illegal about that. I want to hear direct evidence about VP Joe getting a US policy changed in direct response to someone paying Hunter money for influence.

                      Until there's hard evidence of a crime happening this is boring. Sleazy but boring. I'm not even sure the info released today is NEW. I get the sense they keep recycling old info and maybe sprinkling in a few fresh facts.


                      • Have you read the complete report? Because you obviously have not. If this were Trump...Impeachment proceedings would have happened long ago. There is evidence of crimes on the laptop that the FBI buried for years. There is evidence of cover ups all over the place as well. We'll see what happens. There are sub peonas out now but I'm guessing as I said that Hunter will be the sacrificial lamb who is thrown under...well...not a bus but maybe a golf cart...and get a slap on the wrist for tax evasion...and the BFCS will come out with nothing more than maybe some shrapnel hits. Dual system of justice is real.

                        You're a great American DSL.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Comer gets repeatedly asked if he has evidence of a crime and he consistently non-answers or says no. He has yet to ever say yes to that question.

                          They obviously have no real evidence that anyone foreign paying Hunter money resulted in VP Biden doing a favor for that person because they would release that by now. Furthermore R’s have been looking into Hunter for the better part of a decade at this point.


                          • I don't know what will come of The Chairman's "shell corporation" stuff, but as of now, it's entirely "appearance" with none of the key links to establish any wrongdoing. The game is to create as much in the way of some sort of wrongdoing -- like, you know, accepting money (gasp!) -- and go from there. So, DSL is quite correct to say that this is basically for show at the moment.

                            What DSL should also note is that the Left is in smack dab in the midst of the doing the same damn thing to their most hated Uncle Tom of all time -- Clarence Thomas. And, really, any other conservative justice against whom they can gin up some sort of cloud. But, the AA who left the Prog Plantation -- that's who the hate the most. And so, they do the same thing. Create some "quid" (gasp!) without an ounce of evidence of the "quo pro".

                            That's the game.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • I think at a minimum there is probable cause that illegal activities have occurred. Far less would satisfy your thirst for justice on Trump. But you are blinded by your loyalty to the Prog Way of life. They should get their day in court. But ask yourself this...if no "crime" has occurred then why all the levels of wired money into dozens of shell companies then into various bank accounts of the BFCS...then into the individual Biden bank accounts? If all this is on the up and up and not illegal.. then why? Hell the FBI has raided mob outfits for fractions of this. And why exactly was Biden receiving money from a corrupt Romanian convicted of bribery...AFTER...the Chairman visited Romania in 2014 (as Veep) giving...of all things...A SPEECH ON CORRUPTION...jfc you just can't make this shit evidence of a crime...what the fuck ever dude. You and all your loons are fucking amazing.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                I don't know what will come of The Chairman's "shell corporation" stuff, but as of now, it's entirely "appearance" with none of the key links to establish any wrongdoing. The game is to create as much in the way of some sort of wrongdoing -- like, you know, accepting money (gasp!) -- and go from there. So, DSL is quite correct to say that this is basically for show at the moment.

                                What DSL should also note is that the Left is in smack dab in the midst of the doing the same damn thing to their most hated Uncle Tom of all time -- Clarence Thomas. And, really, any other conservative justice against whom they can gin up some sort of cloud. But, the AA who left the Prog Plantation -- that's who the hate the most. And so, they do the same thing. Create some "quid" (gasp!) without an ounce of evidence of the "quo pro".

                                That's the game.
                                EF TO THE MUTHA FUHKEN Z

                                GASLIGHTING 101
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

