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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
    Well, that was in response to your suggestion that Rs would just go quietly into the night on reparations. They will not.
    If they are led by somebody with balls you are correct. If they are not, then they absolutely will acquiesce to it. The former is not a guarantee. As I said above, this is one reason why courage is a huge must for an R candidate.

    If you disagree with me, then name for me a few Republicans who you think would mention it in a debate or run an ad campaign that mentions it. There are very few that would. I think that DeSantis would. And maybe a dozen or so of the most Right Wing Congressmen and women. The media would trash those efforts as "racist" or "divisive". Most Republicans would cower. I can't believe that after all this time, you still cannot see this.

    Even AA's statements about demographic change and the balance of taxpayers vs. welfare recipients is completely off limits. It's considered "racist" to say those things, even though they are obvious and undeniable. AA isn't a Right WIng guy but his stance on immigration is miles to the Right of what Republicans are willing to say. They haven't been a legitimate opposition party for a long time.
    Last edited by Hannibal; May 8, 2023, 01:32 PM.


    • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

      In California I suspect Gov. Newsom will pull strings behind the scenes to kill it.
      Governor Newsome is fully in support of it. He signed the bill to create the task force. He might cut back the number, but it will happen in California. 100% guaranteed. It might get blocked by the courts before the payouts can happen, but there will be a bill passed.

      For those of you who think that this can't happen -- it was less than five years ago that the concept of Trans Kids was considered a ridiculous idea to bring up. When I warned people about it, I got the usual retort of "you are listening to too much Rush Limbaugh/Fox News". Now the Democrat Party has universally accepted the concept and are promoting it. The Democrat Party is moving further and further to the loony Left, and the fraction of the population that gives a shit is rapidly shrinking. The Democrat party is a political party that openly condones race rioting and "gender affirming care" for children. There is absolutely no loony position that they won't adopt. And they will never get punished for it at the ballot box until the Republican Party embraces being the party of defeating the Left instead of just slowing them down a little bit.

      A national move for slavery reparations will happen in our lifetime. And when Whites are less than 50% of the population, it will be a politically viable position. That is why demographics is a critical issue. Amnesty 2.0 (supported 100% by Democrats and about 60% by elected Republicans) will make that happen even faster than projected. I don't know what it's going to take to wake people the fuck up about this. The Left is a collection of kooks and psychopaths who are hellbent on destroying the country, and they have to be stopped at all costs. Time is not on our side.
      Last edited by Hannibal; May 8, 2023, 01:45 PM.


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        Why wouldn't Alabam"Alum" include batteries with his reparations? Racist.

        The California state recommendation for reparations is, amazingly, a beacon of reason next to the San Francisco recommendation. I guess the one thing Progs do well is propose such mind-bogglingly stupid bullshit that other mind-bogglingly stupid bullshit only looks like regular ol' stupid bullshit.
        Yes. They have mastered this strategy. And it works. When they do it with reparations, "zero reparations" will be framed as the Right Wing extremist position. McCain and Romney style Republicans will propose a "compromise" and get the usual praise for it. That's how these things work.

        The Dems are absolute masters of political strategy. They have done it with immigration.
        Last edited by Hannibal; May 8, 2023, 01:47 PM.


        • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
          Just a quick inquiry here about reparations.

          As far as this racist white guy is concerned, the only reparations I'd even consider supporting would be to Native Americans. I think they have more of a valid case than AA's do. AA's had the option of returning to their homelands after being freed from slavery. Most chose to stay here.

          Native Americans had no such option. It was the reservation or nothing.
          The problem with reparations for Native Americans is kinda funny. Indians warred and took lands, women, and horses from other Native Americans regularly. So, for example, if you give reparations to Mohawks because we “stole” land from them, do the Mohawks have to, in turn, give reparations to various Algonquin or Iroquois tribes that they did the same thing to? This stuff goes all the way back to the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas.

          For that matter, African tribes conquered other tribes and took their resources and enslaved the defeated tribes, as well (and often sold those slaves to other tribes and European slavers).
          Further, with slavery, not only did African tribes have African slaves, so did Native Americans in North America as well as freedmen (former slaves) in the US.

          Colonization and slavery are very human endeavors and the more we peel that onion, the more tangled and convoluted a network of reparations becomes. Humanity as a whole has conquered, stolen, and enslaved others since time immemorial.The correct position is to insure equality now without trying to unravel centuries and millennia-old atrocities by long-dead ancestors.

          Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.
          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


          • Yeah, I mean the Native Americans, by and large, fought and lost. In the words of one Paul "Bear" Bryant -- "tough fucking shit." European society was vastly more proficient at making war than Native American society or, for that matter, about any other society post-Mongols (those motherfuckers could BALL). To paraphrase (or quote) Judge Holden, "war is truth". Your society exists only so long as you can defend it. If you can't defend it then you exist at whim of the mighty so don't cry when it doesn't exist.

            To quote another great American character, Judge Barry Switzer, "you come at us with arrows and rocks then we're gonna hang half a hundred on ya."
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              Yeah, I mean the Native Americans, by and large, fought and lost. In the words of one Paul "Bear" Bryant -- "tough fucking shit." European society was vastly more proficient at making war than Native American society or, for that matter, about any other society post-Mongols (those motherfuckers could BALL). To paraphrase (or quote) Judge Holden, "war is truth". Your society exists only so long as you can defend it. If you can't defend it then you exist at whim of the mighty so don't cry when it doesn't exist.

              To quote another great American character, Judge Barry Switzer, "you come at us with arrows and rocks then we're gonna hang half a hundred on ya."
              Yeah there's that too. Whites weren't and still aren't uniquely ignoble -- which is the premise upon which the concept of "reparations" is based. Reparations is a hateful Anti-White concept.

              And then there's the whole idea that if the slave trade never existed, the overwhelming majority of blacks living in the United States would currently be living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you are an American descendant of a slave then you can't make the case that the institution of slavery made you worse off than you would otherwise be in an alternate timeline.


              • I could see desantis tying himself to the trump ticket in 2024 to set up 2028

                from the kamala playbook


                • DeSantis is expected to announce that he is running pretty soon. I don't know what he's waiting for. He needs to officially get into the race.


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                    Yeah there's that too. Whites weren't and still aren't uniquely ignoble -- which is the premise upon which the concept of "reparations" is based. Reparations is a hateful Anti-White concept.

                    And then there's the whole idea that if the slave trade never existed, the overwhelming majority of blacks living in the United States would currently be living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you are an American descendant of a slave then you can't make the case that the institution of slavery made you worse off than you would otherwise be in an alternate timeline.
                    Is the Reperations then coming from a more cynical angle of this being a money grab than any moral retribution. Gasp..


                    • Is the Reperations then coming from a more cynical angle of this being a money grab than any moral retribution. Gasp..

                      It's always been a money grab. Every fucking thing on the Prog side has been a money grab. Reparations...Green Energy...The Vax...Border Bedlam...
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Texas legislator who sponsored the state's anti-Grooming legislation resigns before being expelled cuz...uh...he groomed an 19-year-old intern.

                        Just like many of the loudest homophobes turn out to be closeted gays, I fully expect many of those shrieking loudest about grooming are secret pedos or sexual sleazeballs.

                        Rep. Bryan Slaton resigns before House expulsion vote | The Texas Tribune


                        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                          DeSantis is expected to announce that he is running pretty soon. I don't know what he's waiting for. He needs to officially get into the race.
                          It was known from the get-go that he wouldn’t jump in until Florida’s legislative session was complete. I believe it is now. Smart move to actually govern first and fulfill his current duties.


                          • Hanni, do you think Ron should come out swinging against Trump in his announcement or focus more on his own accomplishments?

                            I figure take the fight to Trump because it’s an inevitability. Use the moment to highlight all the losing Trump and his candidates have done since 2016. IMO, that’s the winning argument against Trump. Trump’s personal issues are baked into the cake and highlighting them won’t move the needle for or against him. But making an argument about winning elections and keeping the progs out of power should resonate with primary voters.


                            • He’s in a tough spot. He is trying hard not to piss off and energize the Trump base.
                              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                              • Desantis GIF by Screen Chic
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

