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  • :::high five to The Wizard:::
    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


    • I think this is the last bit of evidence anyone should need that Haley is in the race to help Trump. And land another job, of course.


      • Oh, yeah. I forgot to add that he was walking around the locker room with his schlong out. Some women are not too keen on that concept. That's prog logic for you, though.


        • LOL ... believe me, South Carolina is the LAST place that Disney would want to relocate to. They are conservative/evangelical Christians on steroids. And they still believe the wrong side won the Civil War.
          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Oh, yeah. I forgot to add that he was walking around the locker room with his schlong out. Some women are not too keen on that concept. That's prog logic for you, though.
            And the girls were minors. All freshmen, which means they were 14-15 years old. Used to be if a GROWN MAN exposed himself to little girls, he'd end up in jail.

            Today, in 2023, he is celebrated by The Party for his courage.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • They aren't going to up and relocate a theme park so they're tied to Florida. OTOH, DeSantis' rivals can make hay with it.


              • Progs are sick fucks.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                  And the girls were minors. All freshmen, which means they were 14-15 years old. Used to be if a GROWN MAN exposed himself to little girls, he'd end up in jail.

                  Today, in 2023, he is celebrated by The Party for his courage.
                  This is college so they're likely 20ish.

                  But yes, as this stuff reaches high school and middle school, you'll have dudes changing in locker rooms with adolescent girls. Because PROGRESS! I'm sure it will all be fine...


                  • These sick fucks shouldn't be in any girls locker room period regardless of age.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                      I'm still waiting for the Republicans' health care bill... Or any other policy for that fucking matter.
                      Good lord, man. The R health care bill was to leave in place the health care system that existed prior to Obama's election. That system relied on private actors making private decisions regarding their individual health care. Obamacare was the takeover of 20% of the economy by the federal government.

                      No one was ever denied service under the pre-Obama health system. All of us knew that when a migrant worker (say) fell from a tree picking apples that he would be taken to the ER and treated. We knew he could not pay. We knew that those of us who were paying for health insurance would have higher premiums in order to pay for the indigent. Time has proven that the pre-O system was around half as costly as Obamacare adjusted for inflation.

                      One of the main drivers of the illegal immigration that is now swamping the US is "free" health care. It is little wonder that big corporations dramatically upped their donations to D candidates after Obamacare's passage. Think of the billions that Corporate America saves not having to finance health care benefits for their employees. And think of the amount Big Pharma makes, particularly when the Federal Government requires citizens to take government-approved medicines. Think of the enormous subsidies pharma receives. Insurance companies too.

                      And can you name anything in our economy that is government-run that comes close to the efficiency of privately-run items?


                      • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                        Why? They don't have the votes to get past the Senate, and even if it passed there, The Chairman wouldn't sign it. Shoot, they probably don't have enough even in the House.

                        What's the use?
                        Republicans promised for 6-7 years that the next time they controlled the govt repealing Obamacare would be the first thing they'd do. They held dozens of show votes knowing Obama would veto them all.

                        Then they unexpectedly controlled all branches of govt in 2017. They failed to repeal Obamacare and never released anything resembling an alternative plan. That's because they didn't have one. They've never had one. They still don't have one.

                        People can fight me on this all they want but serious policy people in the GOP are an endangered species. The base today is not the same base that New Gingrich had or even the Tea Party of the early 2010s. Trump changed the base for better or worse.


                        • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                          This is college so they're likely 20ish.

                          But yes, as this stuff reaches high school and middle school, you'll have dudes changing in locker rooms with adolescent girls. Because PROGRESS! I'm sure it will all be fine...
                          I was referring to the case where I believe it was at a HS in I believe, Tennessee, .. and a "trans" guy walked naked into a girls shower, where 3 freshman girls were showering following swim practice. He told the girls "Oh, by the way, I'm trans". Those girls were minors. He's an adult.

                          If any of us did the same thing, we'd be arrested and charged with a sex crime. And rightly so.
                          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                          • Lets keep giving free healthcare and other shit to the migrants crossing the border illegally though...thats a good thing.

                            Biden has flipped the bird to the American people on so many things...his handling of the border...his under handling with our adversaries for his profit...his failed energy policies...our rampant crime...having his fellow criminal son side by side as an ambassador of the USA in Ireland...and now running for re-election when it is clear a majority of Americans do not want him to run.

                            One big bird flip to America is what China Joe is.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                              I was referring to the case where I believe it was at a HS in I believe, Tennessee, .. and a "trans" guy walked naked into a girls shower, where 3 freshman girls were showering following swim practice. He told the girls "Oh, by the way, I'm trans". Those girls were minors. He's an adult.

                              If any of us did the same thing, we'd be arrested and charged with a sex crime. And rightly so.
                              Liney I have seen shit like this first wife entered a womans bathroom at a mall in her hometown in KS...and I watched a tranny walk in right after her...I walked in right after the freak did and kicked his ass out...mall security was called and they did nothing...he said there was no policy on this and there was nothing he could do...and actually threatened to cite me for disturbing the peace peace. If this shit can happen in Timbuktu can happen anywhere. Law or not...if I see a chick with a dick trying to enter a womens bathroom with one of my loved ones I will do the same fucking thing. Suck fucks.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Little hyperbolic to refer to a Love's station as a "mall" just because it has a Hardee's attached.

