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  • RFK Jr. is a Bannon plant.


    • The Loons never ever disappoint.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • What's there to disappoint? Your boy Steve Bannon has been encouraging him to run as a "useful chaos agent". If you ran for president, you would get as many people to attend your launch announcement.


        • No one can ever have a dissenting view of the Progs...even if they have the data to support their's not will obey. Period.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
            If you are an intelligent guy looking to win the Presidency, you tell the people in your caucus to lose the 6 week abortion ban.

            The problem with trying to win over the Trump base amicably without going scorched earth is that has been the strategy since 2015. It hasn't worked yet. A base that likes fighters, likes fighters. He has to bring the Chicago Way to Trump. Or he needs somebody else to bring the Chicago Way to him and hope to slide in the aftermath.
            DeSantis can very easily make the case that he is a fighter. He is far more of a fighter than Trump. Although he has a huge hill to climb to win them over and he doesn't have the gift of charisma that Trump has.

            The problem with trying to win over the Trump base amicably without going scorched earth is that has been the strategy since 2015
            No, the Rs have gone scorched earth repeatedly.


            • I don't know about that, I know the Trumpers have that mindset. If you have a dissenting view of Trump, you are cast out of the party.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                DeSantis can very easily make the case that he is a fighter. He is far more of a fighter than Trump. Although he has a huge hill to climb to win them over and he doesn't have the gift of charisma that Trump has.

                No, the Rs have gone scorched earth repeatedly.
                Who went scorched earth on Trump?


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                  Hilarious. Too perfect.


                  MyPillow founder and prominent election denier Mike Lindell made a bold offer ahead of a “cyber symposium” he held in August 2021 in South Dakota: He claimed he had data showing Chinese interference and said he would pay $5 million to anyone who could prove the material was not from the previous year’s U.S. election.

                  He called the challenge “Prove Mike Wrong.”

                  On Wednesday, a private arbitration panel ruled that someone did.

                  The panel said Robert Zeidman, a computer forensics expert and 63-year-old Trump voter from Nevada, was entitled to the $5 million payout.

                  Zeidman had examined Lindell’s data and concluded that it not only did not prove voter fraud, it had no connection to the 2020 election. He was the only expert who submitted a claim, arbitration records show.

                  He turned to the arbitrators after Lindell Management, which created the contest, refused to pay him.

                  In their 23-page decision, the arbitrators said Zeidman proved that Lindell’s material “unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data.” They directed Lindell’s firm to pay Zeidman within 30 days.

                  In a statement to The Washington Post, Zeidman said he was “really happy” with the arbitrators’ decision. “They clearly saw this as I did — that the data we were given at the symposium was not at all what Mr. Lindell said it was,” he said. “The truth is finally out there.”

                  Mike Lindell firm told to pay $5 million in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ election-fraud challenge - The Washington Post
                  Heh. You better not offer up that amount of money if you're not willing to pay it if you're wrong.


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                    It was worth it to Rupert Murdoch and FoxNews to overpay several hundred million dollars to avoid testifying about how the sausage gets made. The credibility hit to their hosts would've caused more long-term financial damage than this settlement will. And I believe they've said insurance will be paying for most if not all of it.
                    If an insurance company is/was paying most of a judgment, then the insurance company would have been a major player in the negotiations of a settlement. In my experience, insurance companies will pay a generous settlement in order to avoid a massive jury award. Then there would be a cost to the litigation itself through the appeals that would undoubtedly follow. I can see an insurance company feeling like they settled for 1/2 of the potential damages.


                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                      Who went scorched earth on Trump?
                      Liz Cheney

                      The impeachment 10

                      Every Republican who signal-boosted Democrat talking points about Trump

                      Every Republican who co-signed the January 6 circus trial.

                      The entire Republican Party establishment, vis-a-vis Trump-endorsed candidates last year.

                      That's a short list for starters.


                      • Never try to reason with a Loon.

                        Wiz's Rule #1.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                          If an insurance company is/was paying most of a judgment, then the insurance company would have been a major player in the negotiations of a settlement. In my experience, insurance companies will pay a generous settlement in order to avoid a massive jury award. Then there would be a cost to the litigation itself through the appeals that would undoubtedly follow. I can see an insurance company feeling like they settled for 1/2 of the potential damages.

                          Interesting. I read earlier that a "secret" mediator jumped in at the last minute to broker a deal. Maybe it was them? Sounds like Fox was resigned to a trial.


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                            Liz Cheney

                            The impeachment 10

                            Every Republican who signal-boosted Democrat talking points about Trump

                            Every Republican who co-signed the January 6 circus trial.

                            The entire Republican Party establishment, vis-a-vis Trump-endorsed candidates last year.

                            That's a short list for starters.
                            That's not a legitimate list. None of those people were/are candidates for president. I'm talking candidates. All of the candidates in 2015 failed to say anything substantially negative about Trump and hoped somebody else would. They all assumed his early lead would falter and they would inherit his voters. Ted Cruz famously let Trump make fun of his wife and he didn't do anything, he made a somewhat fiery speech at the RNC and after Trump won Cruz groveled back.

                            They way you beat Trump is attacking him yourself. No true Trumper is going to change their mind on him unless he looks weak and pathetic in a debate. Ron is not your guy for that.


                            • How is that list not legitimate? So what if they weren't Presidential candidates? It's a whole Republican Party problem.

                              I left Megyn Kelly off the list. Fox News tried to take out Trump in the 2015-16 debates. They are no longer anti-Trump, but they were at the start.


                              • With regards to DeSantis like it or not glad-handing is a part of the job. You can choose to believe the stories or not but when Rep. Greg Steube fell off his roof and landed in the hospital, Trump personally called him within 24 hours. DeSantis never did. Some staffer eventually called him. DeSantis was supposedly launching a charm offensive to woo Florida Republicans into backing him and once again, DeSantis called no one personally. Staffers did it. One guy, Vern Buchanan I think, complained that DeSantis never spoke up for him when he trying to become chair of some committee.

                                So far Trump has the backing of like a dozen Florida Reps already and DeSantis has just one (last I heard).

                                Maybe this shit doesn't matter to voters, maybe it does.

