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  • What's your proposed solution? What is your vision for how this thing gets turned around? And when does that turnaround happen? 2024? 2028? When?

    Right now you are adopting the scorched earth strategy of punishing the Republican Party until they dump Trump. As a result, the Democrats are pushing the country further down the slippery slope into oblivion. This strategy also involves telling 74 million people who voted for him that they are stupid bumpkins for voting for the guy when their alternative is a disaster.

    You talk about accepting reality. Here's a reality for you 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. Every one of those 74 million votes will be needed to defeat the Democrats in future elections. If you go scorched Earth on Trump you will lose a massive amount of those people. And rightly so. And in the process, you will lose 4 more years of precious time.

    What's easier -- changing the mind of the 74 miillion voters who voted for Trump? Or changing the minds of a 1 million or so swing voters who are anti-woke but don't like Trump? That's probably all that you would need.

    Things will pick up for the Rs when DJT dies. And, btw, as you noted, it's not like they're bad for them. They should be winning more, but such is life.

    My delusional side says the easiest course to find someone else who DJT voters approve of and who can appeal to the swing voters. That seems like a no-brainer strategy.

    My political reality side says that DJT is going to win the R nomination because, as I said, he is BAKED in with those voters.

    So, I see no solution. The 2024 election is a suburbs election (as was 2020). The focus will be on DJT and is absurdities instead of The Chairman and his. It'd be great if the Rs could shine the light on the latter, but, again, the political reality is that DJT demands the spotlight and the 2020 shit will never die. Ever.

    So, until DJT dies, the political reality -- IMO -- is that we're fucked.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Speaking of the Pitt protest:


      • I voted for Biden. This time if it’s Trump-Biden again, I’ll go on vacation and just not watch any news because no matter who wins, I think we all lose.
        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


        • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

          Wouldn’t “Rittenhouse is a murderer” after the trial satisfy the libel?

          I think that's more disagreeing with the verdict. As noted earlier, I don't think "OJ is murderer" was libel after he was acquitted.

          The falsity is when you add "convicted" -- again, it's goddamn high bar to get over to win.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

            Wouldn’t “Rittenhouse is a murderer” after the trial satisfy the libel?

            I don't really think so unless the person saying that is saying it day after day and has a major platform. Context would matter some too.

            I mean I again am not equating Rittenhouse with OJ, but OJ was acquitted too. Do you think OJ has a strong case against anyone who's called him a murderer since 1997? I certainly don't.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

              I think that's more disagreeing with the verdict. As noted earlier, I don't think "OJ is murderer" was libel after he was acquitted.

              The falsity is when you add "convicted" -- again, it's goddamn high bar to get over to win.
              DSL was right. And now I feel dirty.
              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

                DSL was right. And now I feel dirty.
                I generally do not take on apprentices but I will make an exception for you, padawan.


                • Myself and 3 other Marines collaborated on this op-ed that has been submitted to several on line news outlets with the hope it will be published. I think it was AA who suggested that private citizens ought to be asking, "wait a fucking minute' and "WTF" on much of the liberal left's absurd policy initiatives. If anything, this op-ed is intended to raise awareness of the implication of Biden's EO's dealing with gender and gender identity. It would be my guess that the majority of Americans are opposed to transgender male athletes competing in women's sports. The larger issue - that involving the risks to democracy of the rise of the administrative state - is probably not as well understood among the American electorate. But make no mistake woke liberals are making good use of it. They need to be called out.

                  The Demise of fairness in women's sports under the proposed revised Title IX guidelines

                  Our schools, colleges and universities have always recognized academic achievements and excellence when granting high school diplomas and college degrees (including undergraduate, advanced, and professional). In most cases the number one graduate was recognized. Even in sports and the Olympics, there has always been a winner and someone who received the First-Place award. As our culture evolved, more and more women entered the competitive arena of sports. In grade school many schools had co-ed teams as boys and girls were physiologically
                  similar. By middle school onwards these children were segregated by sexes. Even in sports such as wrestling and boxing the competitors were divided by weight classes. In golf, the women were afforded closer Tees on the fairways.

                  In 1972, thanks to the efforts of many, mostly women, a follow-on to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a clause in the 1972 Federal Education Amendment, known as Title IX, was created to protect people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. This amendment prevented the exclusion of women in education programs or activities.

                  On the day President Biden took his Oath of Office, he signed Executive Order (EO) 13988 adding new wording to the Title IX law to prohibit “discrimination based on gender…” which effectively opened the door for transgender males that identify as females to compete in women’s sports. Then on March 8, 2021, President Biden released EO 14021 “Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the basis of … Gender Identity.” Elections have consequences!

                  What these orders and directives from the President have effectively done is ruin women’s sports by expanding the scope of the accommodative office of Civil Rights to enforce sexual discrimination claims and complaints, including those involving discrimination against “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” The result is the Office of Civil Rights proposing preposterous and absurd Rules in a contentious and bizarre world whereby genetic males can declare themselves to be females for the purpose of participating in women sports. These proposed Rules come with the blessings of Executive Orders from President Biden and have created significant and unnecessary controversy and complications in women’s and men’s sports in the US. Keep in mind, these EO’s were implemented without Congressional concurrence debate or approval, and they amount to the establishment of policies, ‘laws,’ and/or rules via administrative action. The rising number of these actions creates an administrative state that denies appropriate accountability to Congress and voters. Our culture has always rewarded athletic achievements with fame, awards and in some cases financial rewards.

                  Looking back, we see the fall from grace of a Tour de France cyclist who lost his titles when it was discovered he used multiple methods of increasing his physiologic performance to win. Barry Bonds will always have an Asterisk after his Home Run Record due to using performance enhancing drugs. Even today colleges and professional sports vigorously root out individuals who use these or other methods to improve their performance outside of normal conditioning. We have declared all these people Cheaters.

                  Nothing is fair about these rules. Equality under the law guaranteed in the 14 th Amendment of the US Constitution has been altered to include the liberal progressive concept of equity as the basis of allowing genetic males to compete in female sports. Genetic males of our species from infancy onwards are different from females. The Y chromosome in males causes many of these differences, and when the boy goes through puberty, the hormone Testosterone increases muscle mass and density, increases bone density, accelerates growth, increases lung capacity and rib cage dimensions, plus many other physiologic changes. Even if the male individual is castrated, either by accident or intentionally, the effects mentioned above on the male body do not change. Only bone density will begin to decrease once testosterone is gone. The Administration, not through Congress, but rather by Executive Orders, has endorsed allowing males to self-declare themselves as female. Having done so, males can now participate in female sports. This defies common sense and represents a progressive bastardization of the 14 th Amendment. This turns the Title IX Amendment on its head and already has begun the ruination of women’s sports! To me, this male self-declaration of female gender is called cheating.

                  We don’t allow athletes to use performance enhancing drugs. Why do we allow someone who has all the advantages of a testosterone-built body to compete as a woman?​
                  Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 20, 2023, 09:22 AM.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • Anyhoo, if you skim through the court decision Talent posted earlier, you get many concrete examples of FALSEHOODS aired by Fox that the judge ruled cannot be protected by claims that it's just opinion being offered. The very last example is Mike Lindell (on Tucker's show) saying "I've been trying to find the machine fraud. And we found it! We have all the evidence!". He repeatedly said he had all the evidence needed to prove Dominion flipped votes.

                    The Judge ruled this isn't opinion. This is an assertion of FACT. An assertion that turned out to be completely false. Lindell had no real evidence and two and a half years later he still has produced jack shit.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                      ... the political reality -- IMO -- is that we're fucked.
                      I didn't know that you were so blackpilled. Welcome to my world, I guess?

                      Also -- Trump could realistically live for another 15-20 years. He's in surprisingly good condition for a man his age who is pretty badly overweight by now. So I hope that you're not counting on him dying soon.

                      You aren't alone in your voting strategy. I have IRL friends and coworkers who also voted for Biden for mostly the same reasons. I think that there are a significant amount of anti-woke swing voters who could realistically be convinced to hold their nose and vote for Trump. That, to me, is a much more realistic salvation strategy for the country than going scorched earth on Trump and his base, which is what you do when you vote for the other guy.

                      That last statement would be directed at Republican party leadership more than Talent.
                      Last edited by Hannibal; April 20, 2023, 09:38 AM.


                      • Trump is the power of the GOP and nothing the Democrats can do to change that or help it. He has a strong base that will not move off him. They love the cruelty. The biggest tell is the anti-anti-Trump forces dreamboat (Ron DeSantis) is trying to out Trump him. It's nonsense all base all the time strategy designed to court voters like Hannibal who want to fight all the time. But he is already going to vote for whoever the nominee is. Until someone in the GOP truly stands up to him instead of waiting for some other candidate to do Pickett's Charge he is still going to be the power.

                        The problem with you fellas is you are conflating the Democratic Party and the media as then same thing. The Democratic party isn't involved in some grand scheme to keep him in the news. He stays in the news regardless, he is great for the cable news business. Outlets like CNN and MSNBC can cover his next ridiculous statement and people watch. An outlet like Fox felt like they had to cover Stop The Steal like it was legitimate (it wasn't, Trump lost fair and square) because they were pertified that they would lose viewers if they told the truth.

                        But Trump isn't responsible for all this crap, something like the implosion of the Michigan GOP happens when Fox News gives legitimacy to these kooks.


                        • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                          I voted for Biden. This time if it’s Trump-Biden again, I’ll go on vacation and just not watch any news because no matter who wins, I think we all lose.
                          It's not out of the realm of possibility that Biden doesn't run. He still hasn't declared and it's starting to get unusually late for a sitting President to not say one way or the other. He could be stalling to maintain some political power for as long as possible because once he announces he's NOT running he'd be the lamest a lame duck could ever be. Several people noted his lengthy trip to Ireland seemed more like something you'd do near the end of your Presidency.

                          Or I could just be seeing things I want to see and he really does run again...sigh...


                          • The latest on the Fox News settlement is that, in addition to insurance covering much of the price tag, they're looking at a $213M tax write off this year as a result. Stock price has barely moved. In other words, it was a bargain for them when compared to the damage a trial would have wrought.


                            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

                              Wouldn’t “Rittenhouse is a murderer” after the trial satisfy the libel?

                              He was also labeled as a White Supremacist. That one's a no-brainer, IMHO.

                              Kyle might be waiting to sue because he is getting sued himself. It's possible that he could lose. It might make more financial sense to be poor when he loses a suit and then get money from one or more media networks. I don't know how the laws would work in that case though.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                The 74 million people who voted for Trump are egregiously stupid. I have no problem telling any of you hicks that. Suck it up, chucklefucks.
                                Honest hate is acceptable.

                                I respect that.
                                Last edited by Hannibal; April 20, 2023, 09:45 AM.

