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  • NPR is throwing a temper tantrum over being labeled "state-affiliated media" by Elon Musk on Twitter.


    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

      Isn't it racist to expel somebody from the State Congress? That's what I learned watching Tennessee.

      Edit -- note how Democrats circled the wagons around the Tennessee reps who got expelled but the Rs throw their own under the bus. Nothing new there either.
      lol, she brought in a jackass who accused virtually every Republican in the state of working for Mexican drug cartels. Even that psycho bitch Wendy Rogers. Yeah, so disappointing that the R's wouldn't proudly stand behind their gal.


      • Talent - Is it unusual for someone to sue a known witness against them in a criminal trial before the trial has even taken place? Asking in the context of Trump suing Michael Cohen today (lol btw) for $500 million.


        • FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Obama...they all DRANK.

          Jimmy Carter, Bush II, Trump, and Biden are teetotalers. And you see the results.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Obama...they all DRANK.

            Jimmy Carter, Bush II, Trump, and Biden are teetotalers. And you see the results.
            Well I think all of them drank otherwise they would have been dead a few days after being inaugurated

            2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


            • 340624380_1656047204866084_3987505521208195690_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=mu_GyxQHBAIAX9pitcj&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfCX-Mzccnq2FUCOYZ5kcJkEchYu9Ort5HRpcbVE2ytz9A&oe=643D1F7E.jpg
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                Isn't it racist to expel somebody from the State Congress? That's what I learned watching Tennessee.

                Edit -- note how Democrats circled the wagons around the Tennessee reps who got expelled but the Rs throw their own under the bus. Nothing new there either.
                She doesn't look like she just stepped out of a 70's Nation of Islam meeting. I mean Cornelius from Solid Gold would be envious of that hair.


                • Is there a mechanism in place that will allow her to be back in the House by Monday?


                  • To break rules and decorum is virtuous for Progs...but criminal for Conservatives. Get with the program.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                      To break rules and decorum is virtuous for Progs...but criminal for Conservatives. Get with the program.
                      Yeah, those uppity bastards shoulda knowed better
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • It's great that Progs think that leading a mob onto the floor of the legislature with bullhorns to completely prevent that the operation of government in "protest" gun laws is not only ok, but virtuous. And it's great that to defend this brazenly bullshit behavior they can only play their favorite -- the race card. I doubt the Progs even know what their heroes actually did. Jus that they were black.

                        Progs, man.
                        Last edited by iam416; April 13, 2023, 05:57 AM.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • On The Chairman's Administrative State:

                          *The EPA has proposed a new rule that at least 50% of all new cars (and possibly up to 67%) have zero tailpipe emissions. The government is basically mandating electric cars. They can't succeed in the market on their own, so The Chairman's Central Planning steps in. That's the Left. Not the wild left. That's mainstream Ds.

                          *And, of course, The Chairman has proposed a rule under Title IX that will basically prevent states from saying that you can only play sports with your own sex. There are exceptions that would have to be granted by The Chairman's DoE, so not really exceptions. That's the Left. Not the wild left. That's mainstream Ds.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Finally, the 5th Circuit has stayed part of the ruling on the abortion pill. So, the part of the injunction that was stayed was use of the pill up to 7 weeks. The 5th C said that was obviously barred by the statute of limitations. The FDA later upped the age from 7 to 10 weeks in 2016. That decision is not barred by the SoL. So, per the 5th C, it's back to 2016 for now -- until the merits are decided.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              It's great that Progs think that leading a mob onto the floor of the legislature with bullhorns to completely prevent that the operation of government in "protest" gun laws is not only ok, but virtuous. And it's great that to defend this brazenly bullshit behavior they can only play their favorite -- the race card. I doubt the Progs even know what their heroes actually did. Jus that they were black.

                              Progs, man.

                              The police report details that Ivery "wanted to have a conversation about her bill," which cost more than $1,000. Target employees that spoke with police said Ivery claimed she was owed reparations and she wanted Target to supply those.

                              "This is my Rosa Parks moment, dude," Ivery said. "Don't play with me."

                              She was eventually punched in the face and arrested.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                Finally, the 5th Circuit has stayed part of the ruling on the abortion pill. So, the part of the injunction that was stayed was use of the pill up to 7 weeks. The 5th C said that was obviously barred by the statute of limitations. The FDA later upped the age from 7 to 10 weeks in 2016. That decision is not barred by the SoL. So, per the 5th C, it's back to 2016 for now -- until the merits are decided.
                                You think the 5th Circuit did enough to avoid having the SC intervene further? Kinda thinking they did.

