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It's not about the 1%. It's about appealing to the collective that wants you to know that they CARE about that 1%. Whatever that 1% represents is largely irrelevant. I bet that, given a choice, a large percentage of those that "care" about trannies would not want anything to do with them. But, hey, they CARE so they're better than the rest of us.
It's not about the 1%. It's about appealing to the collective that wants you to know that they CARE about that 1%. Whatever that 1% represents is largely irrelevant. I bet that, given a choice, a large percentage of those that "care" about trannies would not want anything to do with them. But, hey, they CARE so they're better than the rest of us.
Well, not to sound rude but most trannies and frankly, members of the LBGT union have a higher than the rest of the population of mental disorders and violence towards their partners. Or domestic violence. Everyone probably knows this but we as a kind hearted and welcoming society, have a tendency to over victimize those of the statistically hindered of said society.
Transgenders have a fucking screw loose. Just say it. Progs want to make it normal. It ain't fucking normal. Just say it.
Go back a few decades and insert gay for transgender and that statement would fit right in.
2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR
That is a fucking ridiculous comparison. You are born with a dick or a pussy. It ain't fucking complicated. Look if a dude wants to cut off his dick...or a chick wants to add a dick...I really don't give a fuck...I don't care if you wanna dress in drag...slap on some makeup and pretend to he a chick...I really don't give a fuck. But when these freaks demand special right because of this freakish fetish...and they want to normalize it...then worst of all SHOVE DOWN OUR THROATS...AND OUR CHILDREN...well then I have a fucking problem with it. What we do behind closed doors...as long as it isn't breaking a law...like with children...and other defenseless people...then have at it Hoss...but that is NOT what these militant LBGTQ fuckers are doing...and pols, schools and advertisers are too FUCKING CHICKEN SHIT to draw the line.
Normalcy was the siren call of the 1950s. We are in the 2020s.
Who is forcing you to pay attention to LGBTQ+ issues? I mean the GOP certainly seems to think it is a winning issue since 417 anti LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced into state legislatures (as of 4/3) since the start of the year. I think they are certainly getting out over their skis here. Most people don't care about that. It is pocket book issues that are at the forefront.
2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR
When LGBTQ groups who are supported and endorsed by teachers unions and the government, are allowed free access to public school children, to promote their ideology, and disparage the teachings that our kids are brought up with at home, .. it should get our attention. 5-6 year old kids don't need to learn about drag queens and homosexual sex. They can be spared that stuff for a while. Hollywood will pollute their minds soon enough.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
Normalcy was the siren call of the 1950s. We are in the 2020s.
Who is forcing you to pay attention to LGBTQ+ issues? I mean the GOP certainly seems to think it is a winning issue since 417 anti LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced into state legislatures (as of 4/3) since the start of the year. I think they are certainly getting out over their skis here. Most people don't care about that. It is pocket book issues that are at the forefront.
Believe me...I wish I would NEVER have to deal with that shit...but when my 3rd grade granddaughter and her parents at a public school have to deal with this crap being introduced to CHILDREN...then yes I'm forced to look at it. When I watch ads on television and have to see that crap along with any children watching then yes...I have to deal with it. But the transgender "movement" is just not happy with the freedom of expression for their fetishes...they want to shove it to children...so yes at that point...yes...I give a fuck and have to deal with it.
Normalcy was the siren call of the 1950s. We are in the 2020s.
Who is forcing you to pay attention to LGBTQ+ issues? I mean the GOP certainly seems to think it is a winning issue since 417 anti LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced into state legislatures (as of 4/3) since the start of the year. I think they are certainly getting out over their skis here. Most people don't care about that. It is pocket book issues that are at the forefront.
Someone is out of their skis. I'm not sure it's the Rs on this one. It certainly could be or could end up being so. I've said that the Rs will almost surely overreact to this nonsense. That's the way of politics (to wit, "Defund the Police"). But the initial reaction is, IMO, fair and I think it's the Ds that are over their skis (The Chairman's DoE proposing to ensure that Title IX prevents States from saying men can't compete against women in sports, e.g.).
I certainly think the GOP is fimly tucked in on their skis when it comes to the parental rights aspect, too..
But, you are right that pocketbook issues will always dominate. Well, actually -- only if you have credible candidates. Pocketbook issues should have destroyed the Ds in 2022. But DJT/election denialism/bad candidates kept it close.
And Wiz is 100% correct -- the ideological Left has zero interest in dissenting opinions. They are Maoist -- and the trans folks are the absolute worst.
Again -- if you say a dude with a cock and balls ain't a woman -- THAT'S BIGOTED because there can be no rational basis for such an argument other than BIGOTRY.
It's un-fucking-believable.
Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]? Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
Look, I’m not anti trans, at all, really. The issue of it in a silo is not something I’m concerned with, but under the umbrella of trans, I am interested in the following:
1) Preventing people who proselytize to confused underaged kids that the solution to their confusion is to begin socially, chemically, or surgically “transitioning”.
2) My insurance provider being forced to pay for Pap Smears and Lamaze class (etc, etc) for trans “women”. Or an employer who provides tampons and pads to its female employees being legally forced to provide them to their trans “women” employees as well. Etc, etc, assorted such foolishness.
3) Trans “women” competing in female sports at anything above a rec level.
4) Facing termination from an employer or being hit with a civil or criminal complaint for “misgendering” trans people. And with this, calling a women who carried a fetus to term a “mother” - being made into “hate speech” (and other assorted linguistic foolishness).
There might be more, but those are my four main planks of dissension. Otherwise I’m not concerned with trans people being able to present themselves however they please or businesses who choose to have trans people promote their products.
Last edited by AlabamAlum; April 10, 2023, 09:01 AM.
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
And I would like to make crystal clear for our liberal friends just who exactly is aggressively pushing the ideas you listed. The fact that state legislatures need to take it upon themselves to enact laws prohibiting dudes with dicks from running girls track is astounding. The fact that those decisions are met with angry/violent mobs is disturbing.
It is the Left that came up with soft language like "gender affirming care" for minors which in reality is a double mastectomy and genital mutilation by any other name. It is the Left that uses the power of the state to prevent someone from adopting a child because they refuse - even hypothetically - to allow minor children to make decisions about gender transition. It is the Left that forms angry mobs to threaten and intimidate women for speaking out about men invading their locker rooms and athletic competitions. It is the Left that wants to teach children as young as kindergarten about transgenderism.