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  • It's a Sophie's choice for Trump. He could either get his coveted Perp Walk or his could force Tiny D to enforce the extradition.


    • i don't know but gas has went up about 60 cents a gallon in zona the last 4 weeks.

      groceries prices suck

      IRA taking a hit

      Banks are crashing

      just confiscated 4.5 million pills fentanyl and 3000 lbs of meth from katies border which is a fraction of whats going through as shown by 100,000 graves a year

      Russia and china seem to be teaming up

      I say give the hush money king another shot

      somebody is sure as hell worried if they go to all this trouble. first time ever bragg sought a felony isnt it?


      • A week or two ago, a Federal judge was invited to speak at Stanford law at a Federalist Society event where he was heckled to point of being unable to speak. The Stanford law DEI administrator even gave an impassioned justification explaining -- directly to the Judge -- how his words hurt people. Or something like. It was quintessential Prog. Really. The video is all over the place if you want to watch it. And, I mean -- these are students studying the law where the adversial process is fundamental -- I can't imagine claiming the opposing counsel's words hurt their feelings. Anyway, Total Prog parody, except real.

        Well, initially the Dean of the Law School did nothing -- then the President of the University stepped in and apologized to the Judge as has the Dean. The students, of course, demanded that Stanford retract their apology. In response, the Dean wrote a 10-page letter that is, to be honest, remarkable for the current state of academia. It basically sets forth the principle and importance of diversity of THOUGHT and outlines why that's so. Further, the DEI administrator was put on leave. I haven't a clue if Stanford will adhere to this -- I sort of think there's a credible chance. If they do -- this could be a small turning point in the battle against Prog Thought Control.

        The letter:
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • I'm familiar with the story and watched a good deal of the video of the DEI witch. Will try to read this letter tonight.


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

            No the one that leaked the information to Donald Trump that he was going to be arrested.

            They couldn't do anything about the leaker of the Dobbs decision because they allegedly couldn't find that person (Alito).
            Gotcha. That's plausible.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

              It's patentely unreasonable to me. PATENTLY. UNREASONABLE.
              If Ron Desantis is obligated to extradite Trump, regardless of circumstance, then what's to stop any overzealous prosecutor from coming up with a contrived crime in a hyper partisan district and charging somebody in another state with that crime? What is the protection against this possibility/


              • 28492401_0.png
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Is the state in which the crime is alleged responsible for transporting the suspect to their state for arraignment? Flying people across the country and the attendant expenses involved might be a bulwark against a DA in California charging a Floridian with glorified jaywalking.


                  • Even if you think Governors should block extradition to districts where they don't like the politics (and they shouldn't) it's pretty dumb to demand a Governor publicly guarantee no extradition before charges are even announced. And that's what some in the Trump camp are demanding from DeSantis.

                    Anyways this is ultimately irrelevant. If he's indicted he will show. He WANTS to be there. As I said there's no way in hell he lets DeSantis become his "savior" while he cowers in Mar a Lago.


                    • That’s 100% true, DSL.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • It's about a lot more than just "not liking their politics".


                        • I'm hopeful that this nonsense will highlight the contrast between Trump and DeSantis among primary voters. I reckon its more likely that DeSantis can lure Trump voters that don't like the man but like his policies/combativeness. I don't think Trump can siphon off many DeSantis voters


                          • I think hes already starting too

                            Trump widens lead over DeSantis in 2024 GOP presidential nomination showdown: poll (​--other polls showing same thing.
                            and thats before this week of indictment talk which I think solidifies his base

                            Dont mean nothing though until desantis actually throws his hat in the ring. he may wait 4 years...


                            • He ain't waiting and if he does, I'll never support him on account of damning evidence of cowardice. There is 0.00% chance Donald Trump will win another general election. He's the 15/16 seed that pulled a first round upset and was subsequently thrown out on his ass.

                              Charles Cooke had another (not surprising) spot on take on this exact issue.


                              Conservative Americans must choose. Do they want Donald Trump to play a central role in Republican politics, or do they want to win elections and achieve the policy outcomes that supposedly inspired them to get involved in politics in the first instance? My question is literal, not rhetorical. Conservatives must choose. They cannot have both of these things. They must pick only one....

                              Trump is not going to win elections going forward. He won in 2016 because he ran against Hillary Clinton — and, even then, he secured only 46.1 percent of the vote. In 2018, he was a drag on the Republican ticket. In 2020, he lost reelection by 7 million votes. In 2022, he almost single-handedly demolished the GOP’s chance to retake the Senate. If Trump is nominated in 2024, he will lose once again. The same goes for 2028, 2032, 2036, and every election season in between. Trump is a poor candidate; he has become worse, not better, over time; and his time in the wilderness has turned him into King Lear.​


                              • You may STFU.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

