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  • The official tally has Joe Biden getting more votes, yes. And Donald Trump has no legal recourse or precedent for being declared the winner, yes. That doesn't mean that the election wasn't tainted.
    It also doesn't mean it was tainted. You're right on the complete lack of cause/effect. I think you're completely wrong on the tainted point, but whatever. That's a disagreement with zero chance of resolution other than "agree to disagree" -- at least with respect to the votes.

    If you want to make the case that the Media threw in 100% w/ The Chairman, then, yeah, ok. But that's something different than counting votes.

    And as subset, the Russia Hoax pushed by the Ds and The Media certainly wasn't great, but that was largely erased by Mueller's report (IMO). And I'm not exactly sure what consequences you have in mind, but in terms of civil or criminal, no -- I don't think there's anything there. If you think there is, I'm happy to consider you theory of liability.

    IMO, the bottom line for DJT was that, despite a remarkably hostile environment, he still could have won, but Covid fucked him in that it confronted him with a crisis and he is remarkably unable to lead in a time of crisis -- and people saw that. He failed miserably -- again, IMO. And that cost him the election. That, and The Chairman was able to hide in his basement thanks to Covid. That's what I think. I'm sure it's not what you think. So be it.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Random trivia I saw today. John Roberts has now been Chief Justice longer than either Earl Warren or Warren Burger. Doesn't seem like it.

      If he stays two more terms he'll pass Rehnquist into 4th longest alltime.


      • The vote by mail operation until 2020 was a long time GOP advantage. The fact that they neutered it by claiming fraud and telling people not to use it was their fault and their fault alone. It's on the same level as telling John McCain voters in Arizona that they don't want their votes and wondering why Lake got less votes than other Republicans. Total malpractice in their part and to cover up for the malpractice they blame fraud instead of their own incompetence. Simply you should not fall for that shit.

        There have been some changing of minds in regards to mail-in voting with Trump. Ron a Romney and Donald Trump have seen the error of their ways.


        • couple of things

          tucker doesn't shy away from saying 2020 was a stolen election these days but doesn't expand--he maybe talking about the whole laptop issue and if people knew then what they know then.

          funny how that DC asst chief of the capital police is now working full time for Pelosi. she got some explaining to do if you ask me after her main client just got hammered

          Speaker of the House now says he will release all the tape. Love to see if there's any of the shaman doing anything that warrants 4 years.

          free elections is all we got--Im glad some of this stuff is exposed the way it is--republicans now knw they have to early vote harvest and forget about voting on election day if they can vote earlier. I don't think the election was stolen--I don't want to think it was manipulated --much easier to think of it as a bunch of people voted who probably have no idea who they voted for

          Now instead of governor Lake you may very well be stuck with senator lake. she isn't going away.

          Hopefully all the defendants can use these tapes that mccarthy is releasing to their advantage

          there's more bloodshed at a chiefs raiders away game then there was at the capitol


          • Lake won't go away because she won't shut up. She is like the My Pillow Guy in that way. But she blew her election, she ran a bad campaign and cost herself. Anyone who tells McCain voters in Arizona that she doesn't want their votes is simply dumb, they followed her instructions.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

              And as subset, the Russia Hoax pushed by the Ds and The Media certainly wasn't great, but that was largely erased by Mueller's report (IMO). And I'm not exactly sure what consequences you have in mind, but in terms of civil or criminal, no -- I don't think there's anything there.
              Lying on a wiretap warrant doesn't count? What about fabricating a fake spy dossier used for that purpose? Are you honestly telling me that all of that was perfectly legal? Not to mention people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg lying under oath to Congress about their censorship programs. The FBI knew it was a hoax from the beginning. It was all a sham. Who has paid the price for this? Nobody.

              The FBI worked with social media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. Was that all perfectly legal too? At the very least, everyone involved in it should be fired with cause and no pension. At the very least. In any healthy society it would happen. I'd argue that in any healthy society people like that would be more than fired. They would be imprisoned.

              But it won't happen. There will never be any accountability. Ever. Because the country's law enforcement and intelligence communities are hopelessly compromised and have succumbed to political bias. And very few politicians are interested in fixing it. The ones that are have become hated by both political parties.

              I want you to take a minute and contemplate the significance of this fact. The nation's top law enforcement agency abused their power to influence a US Presidential election. They did this knowingly and purposefully. And in the meantime, they have completely ignored the implication of Joe Biden in Hunter Biden's "pay for play" schemes. In the past seven years we have seen a handful of scandals and abuses of government power that easily eclipse the worst of what happened in the previous 240 years. The window for a solution to this problem that doesn't involve heads on pikes is rapidly closing. History teaches us that.

              Just out of curiosity, how broken do our institutions need to be before you do more than just shrug your shoulders about it and keep on rewarding the people who made it broken and hate your guts while saying "progs gonna prog?"
              Last edited by Hannibal; March 8, 2023, 03:16 PM.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                It also doesn't mean it was tainted. t.
                You're right. The fact that the President was elected by millions of unsecured ballots, many of which were only allowed because of unconstitutional changes to elections made by states' executive branches, is what makes it tainted. Well, that, along with the huge variety of shenanigans and statistical anomalies that have been noted here. At the very least, I can't blame people for not accepting the results.


                • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                  You're right. The fact that the President was elected by millions of unsecured ballots, many of which were only allowed because of unconstitutional changes to elections made by states' executive branches, is what makes it tainted. Well, that, along with the huge variety of shenanigans and statistical anomalies that have been noted here. At the very least, I can't blame people for not accepting the results.
                  The ballots weren't unsecured. The changes weren't unconstitutional. Furthermore several of the states that supposedly were stolen for Biden (Arizona and Georgia) are 100% controlled by Republicans. The executive, legislative, AND judicial branches.

                  The PA law that allowed for no-excuse vote by mail was passed by a Republican state legislature in 2019. I repeat, Republicans passed NO EXCUSE VOTE BY MAIL then later tried to claim the law they themselves passed was unconstitutional once Donald J Trump ordered them to do so. Because he needed a ready excuse for when he lost the state.

                  Voting by mail overwhelmingly benefits rural voters, not urban ones. That's why Republicans across the country traditionally favored it. But Donald J. Trump's a fucking idiot and demanded everyone abandon their traditional beliefs to back up his fantasy world.


                  • There are about a dozen ways in which mail-in voting is less secure than in-person voting, especially when it's with ID.

                    Wisconsin drastically changed their mail-in voting solely by fiat from the Sec of State. That wasn't constitutional. Ditto for Michigan. PA mail-in voting was signficantly affected by a court decision and that court decision was only upheld by a razor thin margin in the USSC. The PA Supreme Court extended the deadline past what was allowed by the law that you pointed out Republicans passed (you left out that little detail). Republicans did not put the 2020 PA voting system into place. The Democrat-controlled PA Supreme Court did. Your "Republicans did this" narrative is utter horseshit.

                    Also -- I call bullshit on "mail-in balloting always benefitted the Rs until 2020". Democrats have complained for decades that the lines in urban areas for voting are longer than the lines in rural and suburban areas. Show me some pre-2020 statistics on the breakdown on R vs D for mail-in ballots -- with military servicemen excluded. Even if it is true, mail-in ballots were always a miniscule portion of the count and didn't actually sway any elections, and if they come in rural areas then that means that there is little to no opportunity for significant fraud since a county can't have 300% turnout.
                    Last edited by Hannibal; March 8, 2023, 03:49 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                      There are about a dozen ways in which mail-in voting is less secure than in-person voting, especially when it's with ID.

                      Wisconsin drastically changed their mail-in voting solely by fiat from the Sec of State. That wasn't constitutional. PA mail-in voting was signficantly affected by a court decision and that court decision was only upheld by a razor thin margin in the USSC. The PA Supreme Court extended the deadline past what was allowed by the law that you pointed out Republicans passed (you left out that little detail).

                      Also -- I call bullshit on "mail-in balloting always benefitted the Rs until 2020". Show me some pre-2020 statistics on the breakdown on R vs D for mail-in ballots -- with military servicemen excluded. Even if it is true, mail-in ballots were always a miniscule portion of the count and didn't actually sway any elections, and if they come in rural areas then that means that there is little to no opportunity for significant fraud since a county can't have 300% turnout.
                      It was Republican dominated states like Arizona, Alaska, Utah, and Idaho that pioneered vote by mail. Other liberal western states later adopted it. I'll admit it is a comparably newer thing in PA and WI but you'd have to ask state Republicans in PA why they passed a law allowing it, no excuse needed, if it means automatic death for Republicans like you claim.

                      Florida's always had very loose rules on who can vote absentee and those votes were traditionally Republican. Wealthy people that only lived half the year in Florida but wanted to vote there.

                      In 2012 66% of all votes in Arizona were by mail. Romney somehow easily won the state despite that. For the purposes of this chart, early voting and voting by mail are the same thing. Arizona doesn't do in-person early voting on machines.

                      Arizona’s long history with voting by mail - AZPM


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                        you'd have to ask state Republicans in PA why they passed a law allowing it, no excuse needed, if it means automatic death for Republicans like you claim.
                        The same reason that many Republicans are willing to vote for illegal immigrant amnesty -- because they are profoundly retarded.

                        BTW you do recognize that most elected Republicans hated Trump and wanted him to lose, yes? WRT Trump half of the Republican Party might as well be Democrats. A lot of Republicans have enthusiastically signed onto a lot of Democrat nonsense and in doing so have stabbed their own base in the back. So if Republican X in State Y throws Trump under the bus, i don't see that as some sort of validation.
                        Last edited by Hannibal; March 8, 2023, 04:28 PM.


                        • Yes, if only the party paid more attention to the base!


                          • Fox producers are getting libel law training, and staffers are (cautiously) gossiping about filings exposing the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Tucker Carlson. “We’re very careful when we’re miked up,” one on-air personality tells Vanity Fair. “And we’re not texting.”


                            • TDS and TCDS...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • It would appear Tucker himself has TDS

