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  • I'm just gave an example, but let's expand on it further. You couldn't wait for RINO Pete Meijer to get primaried and celebrated his loss to John Gibbs. Meijer had a good chance to be re-elected, but Gibbs was roadkill against Hilary Scholten. Well done!


    • Fetterman was a much better candidate because he actually did campaign events and traveled to every county. They successfully painted him as a everyman Pennsylvanian and Oz as an out of touch carpetbagger and it worked. Fetterman himself outraised Oz 4 to 1. When you can raise 48 million dollars for a Senate campaign, you are a pretty good candidate.


      • Oh yeah John Fetterman and all of those fundraising dinners that he hosted while he was in his basement for six months I'm sure that his savvy fundraising is why he won. 🤣

        Oz did far more campaign events over the summer and in the fall than Fetterman did.

        This isn't the 1980s and 1990s anymore, when almost all of the billionaires spent money on the Rs. George Soros by himself spent well over $100 MM on Democrats last year.
        Last edited by Hannibal; January 6, 2023, 12:49 AM.


        • Froot is posting from the top rope tonight.

          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • Fetterman raised 48 million, Oz raised 12 million. He was a far better candidate, even if you ghoulishly like to make fun of his stroke. Again he made the campaign about Oz being an out of touch carpetbagger from New Jersey and Oz helped him with some really out of touch comments. Have some crudites! One of the things you have to learn about politics is not deciding if the guy is a good candidate by your personal preference. If the guy goes out and draws 10 percent of the GOP vote, wins Indies by 30 percent and beats Biden in Biden's home county, he is a good candidate. Also, having a total clownshow in the governor's race for the GOP had to hurt Oz. There will be more Doug Mastrianos if GOP leadership stays out of primaries.
            Last edited by froot loops; January 6, 2023, 01:23 AM.


            • Hannibal made a comment about the GOP not being able to govern like the Democrats. A few things here that makes me think he fundamentally doesn't understand what's going on. When he says that, he is basically referring to them passing somewhat major legislation on a party line vote through reconciliation, like Trump was able to get through with the tax cuts. Basically these things need to be in play.

              1. You need the trifecta. House, Senate, President
              2. You need a strong speaker that can corral everyone like Pelosi was always able to do.with the same margin. That means you are convincing your extreme flanks to compromise. To take a 1/4 loaf instead of demanding the full loaf like the HFC wants to do.
              3. Anything the Democrats wanted to pass without GOP votes had to be watered down enough to pass the Manchin/Sinema barrier. Those senators are what a person in the left,.a bizarro Hannibal if you will would call DINOs.

              Your version of just govern is somehow trying to push through the wish list of a dissident 20 and that is completely different. It only works on tax cuts, nothing else.


              • The Democrats don't govern as moderates Ever. LMFAO at comparing Manchin and Sinema to RINOs like McCain Bush, and Romney. Those two phenomena aren't even remotely close.


                • Re: fundraising -- The Rs do have a massive problem with their constituents being very finicky and failing to understand that all Washington politicians now are essentially just ideological voting units. The Democrats understand this much better, which is why out of state PACs for companies like Google and Microsoft had no problems giving John Fetterman huge donations. Mehmet Oz did not receive analagous money from, say, Texas-based fossil fuel companies.. And it's not because John Fetterman was some snake charmer who was a genius at extracting money from people. He barely even showed up in public for three months. It's because the people giving him money realized how important it was for him to win. This is a problem that is going to persist for the foreseeable future. Ideological struggle is still something that terrifies most Republicans.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; January 6, 2023, 02:27 AM.


                  • I guess the R's should take a page from the D's and nominate a retard that they can hide like the fucking Hunchback of Notre Dame...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • The guy you didn't like and ghoulishly like to gloat about his stroke got 10 percent of the GOP voters and won Independents by 30. Yes you should nominate candidates that can win 10 percent of the opposition's voters and dominate the independent vote. That's called trying to win elections.


                      • "Winning with hidden retards"...that would make a great bumper sticker...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Dems celebrating January 6th by promising more indictments...up to 1000 more....meanwhile...
                          Attached Files
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                            Jim Jordan might be fine to you, but he's not likely to get 218 votes.
                            I think Jordan would get the 218 if he chose to press the issue. I think he really wants Judiciary so he can do investigations. A couple other points:

                            - Any bills the Rs pass in the House are going to be dead on arrival in the Senate. House Rs are saying this on the record. For example, say they pass a defunding of the 87,000 new IRS agents. The Senate would never allow that and if it did, Biden would veto the bill. So it will go with anything of substance. Whatever the Rs, be they RINOS or Freedom Caucus, pass, none of it will address the myriad of problems the Ds have caused. All these nomination speeches by the Rs claim they were sent to DC to change the direction of the country, and that is most assuredly NOT going to happen. The best the Rs can do in the House in the next 2 years is to block stupid spending or (beginning in Oct of 23) strip funding from illegal giveaway programs.
                            - I for one have always figured that Congress' failure to function was a good thing for the country. Why play into the Progs hands and make a big deal of this Speakership issue? Congress is not seated. Our liberties are secure.
                            - The ONLY productive thing that the Rs can do in the House may be to investigate the bureaucracy. That is where this country's basic problems originate. I view the next two years in the House as a time to tee up issues for 2024.

                            Last edited by Da Geezer; January 6, 2023, 12:59 PM.


                            • Congress is not seated. Our liberties are secure.
                              Well, at least for now with no bills being passed at all, the government is interfering less in our lives. I get your point that you have always figured that Congress' failure to function is a good thing for the country.

                              One cannot avoid the downsides of that circumstance though and there are a multitude of examples.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • Gridlock is always a good thing.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

