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  • Belarus' Foreign Minister dropped dead over the weekend. One of Lukashenko's closest allies. Rumors are swirling and if Luka was paranoid before, I'm sure he's much worse today.

    Belarus foreign minister Makei dies suddenly - Belta | Reuters


    • One of the bigger cases the Supreme Court will hear this term is happening today

      In U.S. v. Texas, broad questions over immigration enforcement and states’ ability to challenge federal policies - SCOTUSblog


      • Elon Musk has been teasing that he is going to expose what Twitter has been doing to suppress free speech, which likely includes collusion with the intelligence community to suppress information about the Hunter Biden laptop.



        • I never paid much attention to Musk before all this Twitter stuff. I'm finding that I like the guy more all the time.
          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • Meanwhile, Apple is threatening to pull Twitter off of their app store because Twitter no longer censors speech. Oh, the horror.


            • it.

              Threat to democracy. heh.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • There was someone on CNBC this morning that was extremely skeptical about Apple "threatening" to boot Twitter off the App store. Apple doesn't make such threats, they just do it. What Elon's really pissed about is that Apple's significantly cutting their ad spending on Twitter. They were Twitter's #1 client in the first quarter of this year. Part of that's related to companies not wanting their ads to play next to antisemtic horseshit, but part of that's probably due to companies in general cutting way back on advertising across the board.


                • Wow. Prog companies now having to compete. Oh the horror.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Elon also called the 30% Apple collects from App developers as a "secret tax" but anyone who paid any attention to the Apple v. Epic Games (maker of Fortnite) feud already knows all about it. As does anyone who has paid any attention to Apple in general.


                    • Apple is a fuhking nightmare to deal with at every level. To call it an inbred company would be an insult to DSL.
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                        Wow. Prog companies now having to compete. Oh the horror.
                        Also, acting like Elon is some champion of competition and the free market is a laugh. SpaceX and Tesla are what they are thanks to the enormous amount of taxpayer money they've sucked in over the years. Someone once said Tesla isn't really a car company; it's a carbon credit trading company.


                        • I don't dispute that at all. I could care less about Tesla. We are talking about Twitter and Apple. Twitter was a shittily run company hell bent on stifling open debate and free speech. He is changing that and Progs like you hate it. One of your little bastions of advantage is melting away and you don't like it!
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                            Also, acting like Elon is some champion of competition and the free market is a laugh. SpaceX and Tesla are what they are thanks to the enormous amount of taxpayer money they've sucked in over the years. Someone once said Tesla isn't really a car company; it's a carbon credit trading company.
                            Isn't this what progressives want?


                            • Correct. But only for themselves.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                                I never paid much attention to Musk before all this Twitter stuff. I'm finding that I like the guy more all the time.
                                Of course you do.

                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

