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  • Oof, Erick and I are on the same wavelength over the past 24 hours. Maybe I need to reeevaluate my positions. Heh

    McDaniel has overseen three straight mediocre-to-terrible elections for the Republicans (remember: Priebus, not her, ran the RNC in 2016). She’s also Trump’s creature. If DeSantis is to get a fair shake she needs to be gone.


    • You need to be gone.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Think everybody knew that Pelosi would be stepping down as leader but ancient Steny Hoyer is resigning from leadership too. Seems like the way has been paved for Hakeem Jeffries


        • Hakeem? One of the best Centers in NBA
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • I would investigate Fauci before I would Hunter. Deal with Hunter later but what Fauci did to this country is far more lethal....I would also reinstate any Federal employee who was fired for refusing the shot and reimburse backpay and issue a sincere apology.
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • So did we get suckered into WW3 yet?



              • Now THAT is real Russian disinformation...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • How much money can we throw at it to go away


                  • I saw the maricopa meeting clip--about 2 hours of bitching not just that dude

                    I think after 3 years of impeachment and 1 year of 1/6 hearings going after the big guy today--well it was pretty sweet seeing the tables turned. Difference is Jim Jordan etc has something. Will love seeing bobulinski called forward in the near future and all those emails and contacts of the bidens with various russion and chinese business contacts

                    Far as our esteemed state treasurer who dominated her opponent by 275 thousand votes--they quit putting INC behind the name of the candidate a long time ago. I'd be surprised if anybody on this board knows who their state treasurer is. But got to blame it on trump--his lack of endorsement pushed Ms Ye over the top to win by 275 K while the rest of the repubs fell by the wayside because they supported trump. this wasnt about election deniers--weve had deniers since their were elections. Hopefully this issue will continue to fester especially at the local level and not go the way of Migel almaguer never to be seen again.

                    But its just nice to see the house opening to shed some light on the other side --stop the 87K irs agents from being hired--shut down spending and lets talk about 1/6 and the 8 IRS agents in the building and what they were doing to stoke the fires on 1/6
                    Last edited by crashcourse; November 17, 2022, 03:02 PM.


                    • HR 1 is going to be doing away with the funding for the 87,000 IRS agents.

                      Rs need to pick out a few of the hundreds of ways Ds waste money and do away with them too. Begin with the Dept of Ed.


                      • Correct.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • So did we get suckered into WW3 yet?
                          No, and "we" won't. We're not going to agree, nor are people with similar questions about the value of doling out billions to UKraine. I've made my position abundantly clear here.

                          The Ukrainian Air Defense forces are using soviet era 70s SAM technology, namely the S-300 a piece of shit that there are a lot of them laying around. NSAMS - a joint US (Raytheon) and Norwegian (Kongesberg) advanced air defense system - are in the hands of the Ukrainians (there are 4 versions - we don't know which versions the Ukrainins have) and the word is they are effective against the Ayatollahs shitty drones and everything the Russians have thrown at Ukrainian power grids, water and sewer treatment systems except the Russian Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile altered for ground target attack.

                          They Zircons have been fired (unmistakable signature detectable with overhead systems) for that purpose in Ukraine but nobody is talking about the exceedingly few the Russians have actually fielded. I don't know but analysts with security clearances do if the NSAMS can engage the Zircon. BTW, the Russians have depleted most of their precision weapons and are having trouble building, restocking and getting more into the battle space. Meanwhile we help to pay for Ukraine to restore power, heat and water to it's citizens - can't think of an effort better at supporting Ukrainian resilience and sending a big fuck you to Putin.

                          The missile that landed in Poland was most likely an S-300 round fired from some point near Kiev in a westward direction on an intercept course with a Russian air to ground, ground to ground or ship to ground missile - I've heard that two RUssian missile types are in use (involved parties know exactly what happened and which missiles, on both sides, were involved). I just looked this up at the link and was surprised at how many anti-ship and ground attack missiles the Russians have developed. TBH, I don't think many of them are in the field or aboard ships.

                          As the heir to the substantial Soviet missile arsenal, Russia boasts the widest inventory of ballistic and cruise missiles in the world. Russia remains a major power in the development of missiles of all kinds, and Russian strategic rocket forces constitute a significant element of Moscow’s military strategy. Russian missiles perform a wide variety of missions, from anti-access/area denial in local conflicts to delivery of strategic nuclear weapons across continents. A significant modernization program continues in Russia, producing new variants of both ballistic and cruise missiles with significant new capabilities. Russia is also making major advancements in the field of precision guided cruise missiles.

                          The S 300 missile missed it's target and, unguided as it probably flew out of range, proceeded on a course into Poland, ran out of fuel and hit the ground unfortunately killing two Polish farmers. Sucks but if the Russians weren't involved in terrorizing Ukrainians with these kinds of strategic bombardments, the Ukrainians wouldn't have to shoot back creating collateral damage like this. A ukrainian mistake? A deliberate provocation? Nope. Neither. It was an "unfortunate incident" NATO's official terminology.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • For those seeking a negotiated settlement between Russian and Ukraine, this is a good read:

                            tl;dr key points version:

                            DON'T NEGOTIATE. A negotiated settlement involving freezing current front lines where they are at the time of signing will not bring peace in that part of the world
                            • As long as Putinism (Putin's ideology itself or should he be replaced by extreme nationalists like Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin) is alive in the Kremlin, Russia will pursue it's expansionist aims in Ukraine until it is obvious that objective is unobtainable.
                            • Ukraine has momentum. Russia is on it's back foot, militarily and politiclly. The thing to do now is to help Ukraine to make it abundantly clear to Putin or his successor should he be replaced that the battlefield facts demand he can no longer afford to pursue the goal of the complete absorption and Russification of what is now the Ukrainian state. Now, or at any time going forward.
                            • The goal is to make it so costly for Putin to continue to wage war both politically and economically that he stops. This may require heretofore seemingly unattainable battlefield successes - Ukraine opening a new eastern front. Russian lines in Luhansk collapse, with Ukraine recapturing Severodonetsk and then quickly moving farther east to press the Russian boarder. Ukrainian forces then surround Melipitol, cut of supplies and force the Russians to retreat. Ukraine simultaneously clears eastern Kherson of beleaguered, ill equipped Russian soldiers that don't want to fight bringing their artillery and HIMARS in range of Crimea threatening to liberate it
                            If you read in between the lines here, the outcome anti-negotiatioists are seeking will likely produce an ultimatum from Putin involving the threat that he will use Nuclear weapons to thwart the Ukrainian advances. At this point, I've got no further comment on that. The risk of equipping Ukraine to do what is now actually possible, however, is on my mind.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Reporter says all Twitter employees just got an email saying they are closing the offices until Monday and disabling badge access for everyone until then. Today was the ultimatum day Elon gave them all to either get on board 100% and work very long hours or resign. Sounds like a whole lot resigned.

                              Twitter really might gone by the end of the year...dunno...


                              • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                                No, and "we" won't. We're not going to agree, nor are people with similar questions about the value of doling out billions to UKraine. I've made my position abundantly clear here.

                                The Ukrainian Air Defense forces are using soviet era 70s SAM technology, namely the S-300 a piece of shit that there are a lot of them laying around. NSAMS - a joint US (Raytheon) and Norwegian (Kongesberg) advanced air defense system - are in the hands of the Ukrainians (there are 4 versions - we don't know which versions the Ukrainins have) and the word is they are effective against the Ayatollahs shitty drones and everything the Russians have thrown at Ukrainian power grids, water and sewer treatment systems except the Russian Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile altered for ground target attack.

                                They Zircons have been fired (unmistakable signature detectable with overhead systems) for that purpose in Ukraine but nobody is talking about the exceedingly few the Russians have actually fielded. I don't know but analysts with security clearances do if the NSAMS can engage the Zircon. BTW, the Russians have depleted most of their precision weapons and are having trouble building, restocking and getting more into the battle space. Meanwhile we help to pay for Ukraine to restore power, heat and water to it's citizens - can't think of an effort better at supporting Ukrainian resilience and sending a big fuck you to Putin.

                                The missile that landed in Poland was most likely an S-300 round fired from some point near Kiev in a westward direction on an intercept course with a Russian air to ground, ground to ground or ship to ground missile - I've heard that two RUssian missile types are in use (involved 🎊 know exactly what happened and which missiles, on both sides, were involved). I just looked this up at the link and was surprised at how many anti-ship and ground attack missiles the Russians have developed. TBH, I don't think many of them are in the field or aboard ships.

                                As the heir to the substantial Soviet missile arsenal, Russia boasts the widest inventory of ballistic and cruise missiles in the world. Russia remains a major power in the development of missiles of all kinds, and Russian strategic rocket forces constitute a significant element of Moscow’s military strategy. Russian missiles perform a wide variety of missions, from anti-access/area denial in local conflicts to delivery of strategic nuclear weapons across continents. A significant modernization program continues in Russia, producing new variants of both ballistic and cruise missiles with significant new capabilities. Russia is also making major advancements in the field of precision guided cruise missiles.

                                The S 300 missile missed it's target and, unguided as it probably flew out of range, proceeded on a course into Poland, ran out of fuel and hit the ground unfortunately killing two Polish farmers. Sucks but if the Russians weren't involved in terrorizing Ukrainians with these kinds of strategic bombardments, the Ukrainians wouldn't have to shoot back creating collateral damage like this. A ukrainian mistake? A deliberate provocation? Nope. Neither. It was an "unfortunate incident" NATO's official terminology.
                                Yet despite this being a Ukraine “accident” President Zelensky was hollering for us to start WW3 before the bodies were cold.

                                Edit — we’ve sent them 50 billion dollars and they can’t lay their hands on something that won’t veer off target and land 250 miles away?
                                Last edited by Hannibal; November 17, 2022, 07:24 PM.

