Originally posted by lineygoblue
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Statistically, Cop Killers rarely survive the encounter, ultimately saving the taxpayer millions of wasted dollars in a court of law and appeal procedures before he facing lethal injection in Texas or the Hangman's noose.
As more of the facts come in, it doesn't look good for the for either criminal in the Louisiana or Minnesota shootings.
Apparently, there was a "Be on the Lookout" for a robbery suspect that matched Castile's description. Second, he never followed protocol when carrying a concealed weapon while being pulled over by police. When asked by officers, produce legal ID as well as your CCW permit. Next, the officer will ask you where the weapon is, the Police will remove it from your body or vehicle and immediately remove all ammunition, neutralizing the weapon. Never, ever move for any reason unless instructed to do so by lawful authority.
Once your ID's are run and it's established you are clean, you get your pistol and ammo back. Routine procedure, done 100's of times a day across the US.
Second, the Louisiana assclown is cut and dry. The police were not driving around looking to shoot blacks but rather doing their job.
Police responded to a 911 call by a homeless man that had been threatened with a gun by a man that matched Sterling's description in front of the store.
Suspect the gun was illegal and probably stolen as well which helps explain the Sterling's ridiculous behavior.