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  • One of the last two counties (I think?) in CO-3 dropped and Boebert's up by almost 500 now. Dadgummit.

    There's something like 6000 votes left in Pueblo County, which has been favoring the Dem.


    • 2024 looks to be a better year for R's. Shit I hope so.


      Book it.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Looking back I should have done my patented Double-Reverse Hex-Voodoo on the Dems. It's Wizzie's fault. Stop blaming Trump, Oz, et al...

        fuckin' THE_WIZARD_
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          One of the last two counties (I think?) in CO-3 dropped and Boebert's up by almost 500 now. Dadgummit.

          There's something like 6000 votes left in Pueblo County, which has been favoring the Dem.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Blue states got bluer. Red states got redder. Swing states turned red. Although the GOP received 5 million more overall votes...there was no red wave. Why? Well lots of people fled the blue states the last two years...making those states they ended up in redder (except AZ and GA apparently). But the GOP was already winning almost all those red states anyway. This left the blue states even bluer...and there are just more congressional seats in blue country. Republicans just don't know how to win elections on a mass scale...other than Florida. Also the GOP message was not as forceful or clear...and they don't embrace early voting like the Dems do. Sure Trump, Oz and Walker should bear some of the blame...but mistakes at the RNC level (yes you MM)...are more to blame than DJT. Don't misunderstand...DJT is a tool and needs to go away...but this was much deeper than DJT...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Talent,

              This month is our 25th anniversary. November of 1997 was a long time ago.

              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                Looking back I should have done my patented Double-Reverse Hex-Voodoo on the Dems. It's Wizzie's fault. Stop blaming Trump, Oz, et al...

                fuckin' THE_WIZARD_
                At least it looks like you landed the job you were born for in Orlando - Playing Goofy at Disney.


                • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                  Blue states got bluer. Red states got redder. Swing states turned red. Although the GOP received 5 million more overall votes...there was no red wave. Why? Well lots of people fled the blue states the last two years...making those states they ended up in redder (except AZ and GA apparently). But the GOP was already winning almost all those red states anyway. This left the blue states even bluer...and there are just more congressional seats in blue country. Republicans just don't know how to win elections on a mass scale...other than Florida. Also the GOP message was not as forceful or clear...and they don't embrace early voting like the Dems do. Sure Trump, Oz and Walker should bear some of the blame...but mistakes at the RNC level (yes you MM)...are more to blame than DJT. Don't misunderstand...DJT is a tool and needs to go away...but this was much deeper than DJT...
                  That is Gary Danielson level analysis.

                  In a word: Terrible​
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • That is Gary Danielson level analysis.

                    In a word: Terrible

                    Says the loon.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • ..also, a lot of younger voters turned out. You know. The spoil, entitled ones that will find out what a real recession is like very soon..


                      • If they required an IQ test and a score over would reduce Dem voter turnout by 50%...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Maybe the voters sent a message to the GOP along the lines of "clean up your own House of Crazy before we put you in charge of policy"

                          And today's youth certainly ain't spoiled by compared to Boomers, the most entitled and smug generation this country has ever produced.


                          • You evidently have not hung out with many youth in recent years. You are absolutely fucking dead arse wrong on that.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • ....and while yer at it...GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN WHIPPERSNAPPER...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Ok Boomer

