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  • And these are the real questions for Hannibal:

    (1) Do you think Prog governance is bad?
    (2) Do you think doing nothing is preferable to enacting Prog policies?

    I mean, we're at the precipice of disastrous government. We're probably, in truth, over the line. But, it can and will get worse. I will never, ever understand the "burn it all down" and let it get worse people (i.e., NeverTrumpers). You fix what you can fix. You win what you can win. You try to do your best from stopping the nutjob left from completely remaking America or at least slow them down.
    There's a lot to unpack here.

    I have been watching since the beginning of the Bush era as the Republicans have acted as little more than speed bumps on the road to Hell, with the bus being driven by the Left. If they had their way, 40 milllion illegals would have gotten amnesty 15 years ago and you'd be speaking Spanish now. The people in charge of the Republican Party hate people like you and me who demand results.

    Overthrowing this hierarchy of lethargic, corrupt pussies was absolutely necessary. As it turns out, Trump was the guy that we needed to do it. He began the process, but he did not have the competence or the neurological makeup to complete it and solidify his gains. But it still must happen. And that means that people like Mitch McConnell should be held accountable for pulling money out of a winnable Arizona race to fund Republican infighting in Alaska. And other idiotic strategic moves. Yesterday's debacle can only partially be placed at the feet of Donald Trump. Maybe not even more than a little.

    Have you ever asked yourself why nobody thought to govern how Ron DeSantis has governed until Ron DeSantis became a governor? He's not a gifted orator by any means, and he's not governing from the center or practicing any form of appeasement. He didn't join in on the Trump bashing. He's not an apology machine. Yet he just won Florida by 20 points and flipped a bunch of long time blue counties red. In other words, he won doing exactly what people like myself have been screaming for the Republicans to do for 20 years. He's not some magic unicorn that only comes along once in a generation. The reason why there is only one Ron DeSantis is because the Republican Party has had no interest in finding and nurturing his type. They are professional losers -- wimps at best, controlled opposition at worst.


    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

      Maybe you should have ditched Trump after he legitimately lost in 2020 instead of election denying.
      I don't know. I still can't believe it. Our country was running at top speed under the orangman. The evil meanie had everything hummin' until Covid. You tell me. Unless you like high inflation and second rate energy status. I mean could you ever imagine Trump having to go on bended knee to the Saudis and Venezuelans to beg for oil. I personally like fossil fuels and what they give our country.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        I'm cool with talking more about how Queen Gretch became a Michigan legend last night.
        Ok. How is Line - 5 doing. The pipeline that supplies fuel across Michigan into Canada and the one Grethin wants to shut down. How important is this issue


        • Gretch has to be in the top 3 in pecking order for the VP spot of whomever the D's put up in 2024. Joe will have to be 'encouraged to retire for his health', and it wouldn't surprise me to see them put up an all female ticket with maybe Klobuchar or even Michelle Obama at the top. I doubt the dems would be so stoopid as to put Hillary up again, but then again you never know. Its obvious she still feels entitled to the presidency.

          Trump needs to go away, but he won't. I'm wondering if maybe he actually wants the Republican party to be destroyed so he can begin a replacement party. If (when) he runs again, its certainly not going to unify the R's. If anything, the RINOS and independents will actually RUN to the D's.

          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • Originally posted by klondike View Post

            Ok. How is Line - 5 doing. The pipeline that supplies fuel across Michigan into Canada and the one Grethin wants to shut down. How important is this issue
            She still wants it shut down, but its being handled by Federal courts now, because it would involve invalidating a treaty between Canada and the US. It was so nice of her to demand closure of Line 5, right after the Canadians stepped up and agreed to foot the entire bill for the Gordie Howe Bridge. Real neighborly of her. But, she has to pander to her base, so she can't back off now. If it gets shut down, diesel, home heating oil and propane will skyrocket in price. That line supplies those products to much of Michigan, northern Ohio and parts of Indiana, along with Ontario.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              I'm cool with talking more about how Queen Gretch became a Michigan legend last night.
              Didn't you know? All they had to do was put a good candidate against Big Gretch and she would have lost by 10! She is currently up 11.5.

              Right now I'm looking outside at a brand new road in front of my house. Legend indeed.


              • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                If it gets shut down, diesel, home heating oil and propane will skyrocket in price.
                That's already going to happen. Anyways, good for Michigan if it does. Let people suffer the consequences of their vote. It's the price of making everything about consequence-free orgasms.


                • It's amazing that the State of Michigan survived as long as it did before Gretchen Whitmer came along and became the first governor to build roads.


                  • Originally posted by klondike View Post

                    I don't know. I still can't believe it. Our country was running at top speed under the orangman. The evil meanie had everything hummin' until Covid. You tell me. Unless you like high inflation and second rate energy status. I mean could you ever imagine Trump having to go on bended knee to the Saudis and Venezuelans to beg for oil. I personally like fossil fuels and what they give our country.
                    It's very simple, he lost, he didn't get enough votes and all the caterwauling about a stolen election were to placate his ego. People who know better went along with the grift. That's it. You and everyone should be pissed this election denying nonsense continues to this day. No evidence means no fraud.


                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                      Didn't you know? All they had to do was put a good candidate against Big Gretch and she would have lost by 10! She is currently up 11.5.

                      Right now I'm looking outside at a brand new road in front of my house. Legend indeed.
                      You must live in a big city. I drive pass one all the time and she put up an expensive new highway. All from the bloated covid relief and infrastructure funds. Funny she chose Democrat areas to spend all that road money.


                      • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                        Gretch has to be in the top 3 in pecking order for the VP spot of whomever the D's put up in 2024. Joe will have to be 'encouraged to retire for his health', and it wouldn't surprise me to see them put up an all female ticket with maybe Klobuchar or even Michelle Obama
                        It’s boring to say this, but a Biden vs Trump rematch is probably the most likely matchup in 2024.

                        If DeSantis can defeat Trump in the Rs primary, then I think the Ds would try to move onto a different candidate.

                        Hypothetical… Ds Gavin Newsom and VP Gretchen Whitmer vs Rs Ron DeDantis and VP Tim Scott. 🤔

                        Nah, it’s boringly going to be Trump vs Biden again isn’t it…
                        AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                          It's amazing that the State of Michigan survived as long as it did before Gretchen Whitmer came along and became the first governor to build roads.
                          And a good chunk of them were authorized by her predecessor. She conveniently waited until a few months before the election to start doing something. It's been pure chaos since then, but hey "Look busy, there's an election coming..." seemed to fool enough people.


                          • It isn't just big cities where Big Gretch is upgrading the roads, all over the great state of Michigan the roads are being fixed.


                            • I wonder how Michiganders ever got to where they needed to go without the previous governors ever fixing or building roads.


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