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  • Seems Michigan is the yin to Florida's yang. Sucks.


    • California, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan are full of fucktards...and AZ is catching up...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Illinois, too.


        • Correct.

          All those fuckers get what they deserve.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • It doesn't really matter what state you live in. They are all still governed by the US Government and state governments have had very minor roles since the 1960s. And what happens in California eventually gets federalized.

            The country that you thought you lived in is gone and probably has been for a long time. That's another factor that people need to recognize in these past few election cycles -- the window for Republican success is already incredibly tight. The margin of error, extremely small.
            Last edited by Hannibal; November 9, 2022, 12:24 PM.


            • Don't forget the Omaha CD. A great blue oasis!

              Anyone thinking of moving to Indiana that isn't Indianapolis or the Chicago suburbs hasn't spent much time there. My dad got the hell out of rural Indiana and if he were alive he would be a true blue Trumper. We used to go visit my grandma for a week in the summer and it felt like a month.

              Ohio is much better if you are going to move. Great nightlife in Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton. I've never been to Cleveland but I hear it's great.
              Last edited by froot loops; November 9, 2022, 12:31 PM.


              • A lot of truth in that...but Governors do matter. We saw that the last 2 years...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                  Don't forget the Omaha CD. A great blue oasis!

                  Anyone thinking of moving to Indiana that isn't Indianapolis or the Chicago suburbs hasn't spent much time there. My dad got the hell out of rural Indiana and if he were alive he would be a true blue Trumper. We used to go visit my grandma for a week in the summer and it felt like a month.

                  Ohio is much better if you are going to move. Great nightlife in Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton. I've never been to Cleveland but I here it's great.
                  Fuck Omaha. Bunche Prog fucksticks there. Practically Iowa.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • I was surprised that Cornell's finest Elissa Slotkin pulled out her race so early. I thought she may have been a goner but the students of Michigan State pulled her across the finish line once again.


                    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                      California, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan are full of fucktards...and AZ is catching up...
                      My sister lives in AZ and it's like one two counties that run the state. All the Phoenix area pretty much controls everything. And it wasn't like that until recently when a lot of Cali retreated to tax friendly haven and brought their left politics with them.


                      • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                        Seems Michigan is the yin to Florida's yang. Sucks.
                        Yep .... so suck it, I live in FL and am "FREE."

                        I don't need to recount how RD handled the pandemic giving the big middle finger to the administrative law making of HHS - fuck them; they will never be held accountable but, it's pretty clear to me that, at least, over the course of the last two years, maybe well before that, the American public has envied Floridians. FLoridians returned RD's favor to them in a slam-dunk victory over idiocy on the left.

                        Now, RD has done some stupid shit down here I think it was a bit of pandering to Trumpistas and there are a lot of them in rural FL - it looks like it paid off as those county's on the margins pushed what was already a remarkable reversal of D presence in Miami Dade into a rout. The Disney thing and "Don't say Gay" were broadly an unpopular move in FL and nationally ​​When people talk here about RD not having a national presence, I think that he did before yesterday voting and certainly after it.

                        wrt abortion law in FL, as has been pointed out, he got it close to right with abortions not permitted after 15w. Progs ran the not quite as a total lie line that he "banned abortions," leaving out the sensible part after 15w. I think he missed the boat with the no exceptions part of FL lae and Crist ran with that. Didn't fool people who paid attention and voted. Anyway, abortion law is in a very fluid state right now and gets complicated. TBC, though, voters want that right ending somewhere between 13-21 weeks with exceptions. Somebody mentions that the R's ought to stick with that and put that issue to bed as the courts have fundamentally ruled the states should decide. Desantis should run for the presidency on the position that its a states issue and its not the role of Feds to get involved. He can make money with keeping citizens free and the feds out of our lives meme.

                        Like others here feel, I think Desantis can beat Trump, replace him as the R banner carrier if you will. The RNC has about 12 months, maybe less to marginalize DJT. He'll complain. He'll fight it but yesterday's election should tell decision makers among the Rs - the one's who aren't Trump boot lickers - it's time for him to step aside. Get to it.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • DeSantis MUST beat Trump. Period. 2024 could be a fucking incredible election for the R's...if Trump is not on the ticket...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by klondike View Post

                            My sister lives in AZ and it's like one two counties that run the state. All the Phoenix area pretty much controls everything. And it wasn't like that until recently when a lot of Cali retreated to tax friendly haven and brought their left politics with them.
                            That's where the people live.


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                              • What happened


