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  • And a Happy Independence Day to you too, Jon!



    • Would you like to buy a Chinese made US flag, signed by Sandusky, folded by a Kardashian, ruled by the Supreme Court to be a person, all rights reserved by a tv network, for a sizable 'donation', all administered by Pizza Brains but requiring an additional fee plus postage and handling? Get a second one free for only processing and handling?

      Happy 4th to you too!
      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • Not gonna deter pedos, no. Have to deter enablers, however. Large swathes of PSU's administration should be canned.


        • I do think the enablers were negligent rather than evil in this case. The perjury will put them in a cell though for sure.
          Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


          • And the Civil litigation fines against PSU will be record breaking. Local juries will want to send a message.


            • PSU should never let this get to a jury
              Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


              • I agree Tony. They better find a way to settle this out of court, or juries are going to have a field day with this.
                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
                  Pedophilia is an incurable mental illness. There is no amount of 'deterrence' that will prevent its re-occurance. Murder, which is not usually the result of a mental illness, can not / is not deterred by extremes like capital punishment or the threat of being caged for the rest of life. So deterrence does not reasonably enter the equation. The only answer is to remove the offender from society, but it is the method that is endlessly debated.

                  Imo, pedophiles should be treated like serial killers. They should be put in a jar like a bug and studied, until some cure (chemical, surgical, etc) can be discovered. But our adherence to basic human rights prevent us from conducting such experiments. The Nazis and their fledgling eugenics programs tried to address this and we all saw where that led to. So there lies the problem - damned if you do, damned if you don't.

                  Take money out of college athletics - make it non-profit. A lot of problems go away. Those that covered up and looked the other way did so in order to protect the athletic cash cow and the power/influence that goes with it.

                  Yes we live in a capitalist society and enjoy its benefits. But what we see at PSU is a dark side of what capital can do to decision making. It makes it far easier to attempt to sweep away a problem rather than face it. The bigger problem is that this malaise is not limited to athletics.

                  Sadly, the US has become ancient Rome. We are more concerned with the pursuit of leisure and the accumulation of money than we are in bettering ourselves or society. I figure that the US as we know it will be gone in less than a 100 years. Either devolving from a democracy into a totalitarian society like Germany did in the 1930's or simply collapse from the diseases within like ancient Greece.
                  I think those who tried to cover it up or hide it and hence, allowed it to continue, are just as big of monsters. You may not be able to stop the disease, but you can certainly make those who aide in its continuation think twice
                  Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                  • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
                    Either devolving from a democracy into a totalitarian society like Germany did in the 1930's or simply collapse from the diseases within like ancient Greece.
                    Actually we appear to be headed in the direction of modern Greece. I read a statement recently that went something like this: "It used to be said that democracy always ends in tyranny. Now, democracy ends in bankruptcy".


                    • Author of Financialization and the U.S. Economy ?zg?r Orhangazi summarizes academic literature that sees financialization “as one of the indicators of the decline of the hegemonic power”: imperial Venice, Genoa, Holland, and Britain all saw their power rise on the back of productive industrial capitalism, followed by domination by the financial sector, which eventually began to cannibalize the productive sector in pursuit of financial returns—a process that ended in weakness and collapse.


                      • An example of the decline in values you guys are talking about?

                        Florida lifeguard fired after saving drowning man

                        By Lateef Mungin, CNN
                        updated 9:50 AM EDT, Thu July 5, 2012

                        STORY HIGHLIGHTS
                        • To save the man, Lopez went outside the area that is under his company's protection zone
                        • "We have liability issues ... What he did was his own decision," the company says
                        • "What was I supposed to do? Just let the guy drown?" Lopez said

                        (CNN) -- Tomas Lopez says he never thought getting fired would make him so popular.
                        Since he was terminated as a lifeguard Monday for disregarding a protected area to save a swimmer, the 21-year-old from Florida said his phone has been ringing off the hook with journalists trying to get his side of the story. He is set to make an appearance on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront" Thursday night.
                        "The reason I was fired is just ridiculous," Lopez told CNN late Wednesday night. "It is a ridiculous rule, really. What was I supposed to do? Just let the guy drown?"
                        The incident occurred Monday at Hallandale Beach in southern Florida.
                        Rookie lifeguard saves life
                        Robot lifeguards come to the east coast
                        Orlando-based Jeff Ellis and Associates, the company Lopez worked for, said lifeguards cannot go beyond the perimeter of the beach they are responsible for overseeing.
                        Lifeguard sues New York over revealing swimsuit rule
                        But that day, a beachgoer rushed to Lopez's lifeguard station to alert him to a man who was drowning.
                        The man was some 1,500 feet outside the company's protection zone in an area where signs warn visitors to swim at their own risk, a supervisor with the company told CNN affiliate WPTV.
                        Even though he knew it was outside the company protection zone, Lopez ran into the ocean toward the struggling man and pulled him ashore.
                        The man, he said, had turned blue.
                        "He was having a lot of trouble breathing," Lopez said.
                        A nurse at the beach tended to the victim until emergency medics arrived and rushed him off to a hospital.
                        It all happened so quickly that Lopez said he never got the man's name and wonders if he is all right.
                        "It is killing me. I really want to know what happened to the guy," he said.
                        WPTV reported Tuesday the man was admitted to the intensive care unit at Aventura Hospital.
                        After the near-drowning, Lopez said he was asked by his supervisor to complete an incident report.
                        15 things your lifeguard won't tell you
                        "At that point I knew I was going to be fired. I knew had broken the rule," Lopez said. "In those cases, we are supposed to call 911 and hope they get there in time."
                        Company supervisor Susan Ellis told WPTV that Lopez was let go for violating company policy.
                        "We have liability issues and can't go out of the protected area," she said. "What he did was his own decision. He knew the company rules and did what he thought he needed to do."
                        Since his firing, several other lifeguards have quit in protest, Lopez said.
                        On Wednesday, company owner Jeff Ellis told the Sun Sentinel newspaper the firm will interview managers and workers to see if safety protocols were violated.
                        "If we find our actions on the part of the leadership team were inappropriate, we will rectify it based upon the information that comes forward," he told the paper.
                        Lopez said he started the $8.25-an-hour job four months ago and had hoped to continue working there when he goes to Broward College in the fall.
                        "Now I am just wondering how I am going to get my last check," Lopez said. "I really don't want to go back there to pick it up."
                        Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                        • No good deed goes unpunished.

                          I think we should have Mr Lopez get in touch with our own beloved Stan and turn him loose on Jeff Ellis & Other Complete Jack Asses. I'd like to see the JE&A company handbook chapter on "Let Others Die Because We Claim To Be Worried About Liability, Real Or Imagined". I'm certain Mr Lopez is now suffering from mental duress and physical debilitations due to this stressful, unwarranted termination as a result of his heroic actions.

                          Perhaps Mr Ellis would think differently if he were hit by an on-coming bus (making him a quadriplegic) because someone refused to jaywalk and pull his sorry ass out of harm's way.
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • The State of Pennsylvania will continue to pay Jerry Sandusky $59,000 per year pension, as pedophilia/child sexual assault is not one of the two dozen crimes that disqualifies a pennsylvanian from receiving a state pension.
                            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                            • You cannot be serious! Wow..... I have a moral turpitude deal in mine......which basically covers everything....


                              • I wonder if company owner Jeff Ellis would have fired Mr. Lopez had Lopez saved one of Ellis's kids or his wife.
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

