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  • I kill most of your posts...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      Only thing you’ve ever killed are your Yelp ratings
      Ketchup wings will do that to you.
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Didn't AA post something about being away for a while? Travelling the world and all that..

        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • 83efd34e2f80de16.jpg


          • Mean tweets are about to make a re-appearance.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
              We should be making it easier to vote in this country, not harder. Period
              How much easier does it need to be? Right now it's difficulty level is on par with tying one's shoes or taking a piss. I will forever refuse to believe that there are masses of people in this country that cannot figure out how to cast a ballot in a 3 week time frame. Progressives would have you believe it's an entire demographic.


              • That's 100% correct. And, as you noted in kinder terms, the Progs want you to believe that black people, as an entire group, are too fucking stupid to figure it out. That's the official Prog policy.

                The soft bigotry of massively low expectations is very much alive and well amongst them elite, white Progs that run the D party.

                I mean, literally, ONLY 19 days of EARLY voting=JIM CROW ON STEROIDS. Literally.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • The Twitter execs who all got fired ought to get a nice bonus from the shareholders for holding Elon to the deal. He almost certainly overpaid.


                  • Not many details but someone broke into Pelosi's house in SF and assaulted her husband. He's been hospitalized apparently.

                    Anyone seen Wiz today?


                    • From the NRO and for the M voters astounded at Gretch's total lies:

                      I’m starting to suspect that Democrats have finally and irrevocably lost the capacity to tell the difference between what the political press will print and what the voters will actually believe. Sure, it’s important and useful to be able to “win the news cycle” or get your version of a story to trend on Twitter, but that doesn’t mean ordinary voters will believe it. They’re just skipping the essential final step, like Soviet commissars who are happy to meet their production quotas by mass-producing left shoes without regard to whether people buying shoes want one for both feet.

                      This mental error yields an approach in which the most important things are to (1) produce a party line that says what you want, (2) convince everybody inside the party to stick with it, (3) sell it to sympathetic reporters to run with it, and (4) bully the rest of the political press into going along. The problem is that none of this actually matters if the voters won’t walk around wearing only the left shoe.

                      Examples abound. Was the point of the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce inflation? No. To convince voters that it reduced inflation? They’re hardly even trying to do that, either. The point was so that Democratic politicians could say “we voted for a bill that reduces inflation” and get the national political press to print it. Then . . . profit!

                      Joe Biden isn’t the man he once was. He’ll be 80 next month, his schedule is shockingly light, he’s visibly slowed on his feet and in his once-profuse mouth, and he keeps saying things disconnected from reality. Polls show that huge proportions of the public think he’s no longer mentally up to the job. But who cares about that? The point is just to yell at anybody who would print that Biden isn’t okay. The same dynamic gets repeated with John Fetterman, who had a stroke and is very, visibly, obviously not okay. When NBC’s Dasha Burns made the mistake of reporting her own impression that Fetterman didn’t really understand all of her interview questions, she was pig-piled by her supposed colleagues across the press, as if shaming Burns into shutting up would fix the problem. Having convinced themselves that it was “ableist” to report that Fetterman was incapable of conversing or arguing, they then sent the poor fellow out to debate on live television. When this was predictably a disaster, the response yet again was to forget about what voters saw with their own eyes, and stay focused on what the press would report.

                      The latest example is maybe the most brazen lie I have ever witnessed in politics, which is saying quite a bit after witnessing the careers of Biden, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer claimed that schoolchildren in her state were only kept out of classrooms for three months.

                      Not to be outdone, Minnesota governor Tim Walz claimed that “over 80% of our students missed less than 10 days of in-class learning.”

                      You can lie to people about a lot of things in politics and get away with it. You can lie about the budget, you can lie about what’s in your diary, you can lie about voting machines, you can lie about whom you slept with, you can lie about how many people attended your rally, and you can lie about what’s in the bill you just signed. But you can’t lie to people about their own children. They were there, they remember, and that, they do not forgive. But if you don’t care anymore what they think, so long as it’s printed in the papers, you deserve everything those voters will do to you at the polls.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                        How much easier does it need to be? Right now it's difficulty level is on par with tying one's shoes or taking a piss. I will forever refuse to believe that there are masses of people in this country that cannot figure out how to cast a ballot in a 3 week time frame. Progressives would have you believe it's an entire demographic.
                        Yes, and I wouldn't care much if the implications were equivalent to those of other people having untied shoes and pissing their pants. But no, we're electing people to run our government- at the local, state and federal levels.


                        • Kind of important, eh?


                          • Yeah, a bit too important to trust to the ignorant or lazy of our society.

                            Sorry.. not sorry.

                            But if you think that's some sort of "racism". you should probably look in the mirror and ask yourself who you really think are the "lazy and ignorant".


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Not many details but someone broke into Pelosi's house in SF and assaulted her husband. He's been hospitalized apparently.

                              Anyone seen Wiz today?
                              Stop starting rumors...especially ones that can get me imprisoned.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Beaten with a hammer, expected to make a full recovery. Is this your tracker Wiz?


