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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

    I don't really care one way or the other, but he does seem remarkably shady. I mean, like flat out dirty.
    Oh I would never say he's a good guy. He's an untalented dirtbag who cashed in on his dad's name and influence. I mean the guy was shamelessly selling "artwork" for Picasso prices as recently as this year, wasn't he? His activity is sleazy but depending on the circumstances we both know it's one, not uncommon and two, might not be criminal per se. If any Republican got wind of something really really bad like Joe passing secrets to Hunter to sell overseas, if there was even a hint of anything credible, I find it hard to believe there were zero hearings about it between 2010 and 2018.

    Hunter's been under investigation (I believe) since 2018 because of these potential gun charges. Bill Barr had two years to bring charges and didn't. Is it because anything beyond some gun and tax charges would be a weak case? I don't know what to think. But based on this leak, I think he's more likely to get charged than not with something after the midterms.


    • We could also compare the costs of physical damage done during the riots of 1/6/17 and 1/6/21.


      • That's a good point, Mike.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
          If the Ds criticism of the Rs on "election denial" is only limited to the events of January 6, then DSL makes a very good good point.

          If, on the other hand, the Ds criticism of the Rs on "election denial" is that the failure of Rs to recognize The Chairman as duly and fairly elected does great damage to our Constitutional Republic, then DSL makes an absolutely specious point.
          My point is simply that trying to equivocate Donald Trump's behavior post-election with any sore-loser Dem from the past 30 years is aggressively dishonest and non-credible. A point you yourself openly stated not that many days ago. Trump went well beyond any sore loser before him. And I would say what makes it even worse is that he was the sitting President with an immense amount of power to abuse.

          If Jim Jordan still wants to cast doubt on the election and say there's very good reason to believe massive fraud happened everywhere? Fire away. It's an asinine argument, easily refuted, but he's got a right to be a jackass. Bennie Thompson had a right to be a jackass back in 2004. Trump's actions are what mainly concern me, not his spineless jackass apologists in Congress or the media.


          • One can rightfully argue Trump is the worst of the lot when it comes to accepting electoral defeat. He chose an idiotic way to deal with the 2020 results while the Ds played the long game after 2016.

            But like I've been saying for a while: Everyone hates to lost a close one, whether it's sports or politics. When things are heated, the loser's supporters immediately look for any and every reason why their side lost that doesn't include their own performance. In that regard both parties are the same. Although, prior to Trump, I don't remember the Rs making a huge stink like we've seen this century from the Ds.
            Last edited by Mike; October 6, 2022, 02:44 PM.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              My point is simply that trying to equivocate Donald Trump's behavior post-election with any sore-loser Dem from the past 30 years is aggressively dishonest and non-credible. A point you yourself openly stated not that many days ago. Trump went well beyond any sore loser before him. And I would say what makes it even worse is that he was the sitting President with an immense amount of power to abuse.

              If Jim Jordan still wants to cast doubt on the election and say there's very good reason to believe massive fraud happened everywhere? Fire away. It's an asinine argument, easily refuted, but he's got a right to be a jackass. Bennie Thompson had a right to be a jackass back in 2004. Trump's actions are what mainly concern me, not his spineless jackass apologists in Congress or the media.
              I can't speak for the Ds, but it seems to me that they're pretty well-concerned with any "election denier."

              And while I wouldn't equivocate DJT w/ HRC in terms of election denial, my point was, is, and will continue to be that folks who deny the validity of elections harm the republic. Full stop. Now, they may do it do different degrees, but just because DJT "went well beyond any sore loser" before him doesn't mean the sore loser before him wasn't acting reprehensibly. Indeed, we had to sit through day after day of hot fucking garbage posts on this thread about how Russia stole the election.

              The difference between you and me, DSL, is that you believe the Russia shit. You sympathize with the Ds who called election "hacked" and said DJT wasn't the legitimate President. And you remain a total partisan D so you're never gonna throw your boys under the bus. Ever.

              As someone who is more voting against Ds than voting for Rs and who was, once, a partisan D, I don't have much problem acknowleging bad acting Rs. That's pretty easy for me to do. I don't have much problem acknowledging nonsense on the R side. I'm not completely invested in that party. I just happen to think their flaws are way less likely to damage the country than the Ds flaws.

              So, man, whatever. If election denying Rs ain't a problem for you, then fair enough. I think they are a problem for reasons I've stated. It makes it harder for me, in some cases, to figure out who will do less damage.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I am a liberal because I find the Republican stance on most social issues repugnant (so should most libertarians), and I actually believe there is a role for government to play in solving problems. I now generally prefer to try soft power in foreign policy before resorting to the stick.

                I am the opposite of you because in my high school and college years I was a firm believer in the Republican party. More socially liberal than most of them but whatever. Then Iraq happened, which I was fully on board with initially, but by mid 2004 I flipped, and I ain't going back. Even though today's GOP is virtually unrecognizable other than a few dickheads like Newt Gingrich.


                • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

                  Actually just found a buyer for my restaurant. Just waiting for the Chairman to come confiscate my capital gains now...
                  How's your health Wiz?


                  • And I made mistakes believing too much media hype in that first Trump year of 2017. I can admit that.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      I am a liberal because I find the Republican stance on most social issues repugnant (so should most libertarians), and I actually believe there is a role for government to play in solving problems. I now generally prefer to try soft power in foreign policy before resorting to the stick.

                      I am the opposite of you because in my high school and college years I was a firm believer in the Republican party. More socially liberal than most of them but whatever. Then Iraq happened, which I was fully on board with initially, but by mid 2004 I flipped, and I ain't going back. Even though today's GOP is virtually unrecognizable other than a few dickheads like Newt Gingrich.
                      Right, so that still doesn’t mean you can’t call out bad behavior or asshattery. The Ds are guilty of loads of bad behavior on election integrity.

                      I’m going to vote for Vance. I think he’s an asshat. But Ryan will absolutely vote to eliminate the filibuster and absolutely vote with Schumer all the time. And that, IMO, is way more dangerous than electing an asshat.

                      In state elections I’ll vote for Ds for General Assembly because I’d prefer the Rs not have such a death grip on government and because of the nonsense heartbeat bill.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by DaGeezer View Post

                        How's your health Wiz?
                        Kidneys not bouncing back like the docs hoped. Probably looking at dialysis.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                          One can rightfully argue Trump is the worst of the lot when it comes to accepting electoral defeat. He chose an idiotic way to deal with the 2020 results while the Ds played the long game after 2016.

                          But like I've been saying for a while: Everyone hates to lost a close one, whether it's sports or politics. When things are heated, the loser's supporters immediately look for any and every reason why their side lost that doesn't include their own performance. In that regard both parties are the same. Although, prior to Trump, I don't remember the Rs making a huge stink like we've seen this century from the Ds.
                          The Democrats don’t possess any particular savvy when it comes to conresting elections. What they do possess are a deep state apparatus and a highly sympathetic media, bioth of whom will faithfully create and then perpetuate whatever false narrative the Democrats come up with

                          It’s easy to look like a gracious loser when you know that you have a corrupt FBI fabricating a completely fake “Russian Collusion” case against the winner and mass media willing to spread the ridiculous lie far and wide.


                          • I would prefer filibuster reform as compared to abolition but you can tell from my posts that that's certainly not a make-or-break issue for me. I will not mourn it and will congratulate the R's if they kill it first.

                            You value it because it causes gridlock and I don't like it for the same reason.


                            • Hey hanni - Glenn Beck thought they were getting a Groyper but it turns out he's just a GROPER! Hyuck hyuck

                              Conservative Pundit Elijah Schaffer Fired From The Blaze After Sexual Assault Accusation (


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                I watched a good bit of the Tony Bobulinski interview from a couple nights ago and he mentioned that you could go to, search his name, and nothing will come up. Surely, that wouldn't be the case AFTER his second primetime interview. Welp... from 10 minutes ago:

                                Screenshot 2022-10-06 132621.png

