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  • Haha, yep. I don't think the Saudis are sending barrels of sunshine around the world to "meet demand to support economic growth and lower prices for consumers ".


    • Biden's not a true believer in the Green stuff. He's been coddling the Prog wing for votes. Much like how Republicans coddle their religious wingnuts rather than ever tell them no.

      But not to worry, the Republicans will control Congress soon, and it'll be refreshing to have the Adults back in power. Sweet fancy Moses are these problems ever gonna get solved.

      Just kidding. They'll launch impeachment hearings of Mayorkas in January, the opening salvo of two years of bread & circus to keep the troglodyte base entertained as they await the return of the Messiah. Mike and Talent, blinking back tears, write-in "Mitch Daniels" on their 2024 ballots


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

        I mean...heh....I mean...jfc...

        If by "energy supply" you mean not fossil fuels, then, yeah...The Chairman is clear on that...JFC
        I have said it repeatedly — the Democrats win when they successfully hide who they are and what their agenda is. Utter destruction of the fossil fuel business and, along with it, the domestic economy is a priority goal for the Democrat Party. If the average American truly inderstood the goals of the Democrats they wouldn’t break 40% of the vote nationally. Walter Mondale was the last guy who ran an honest and straightforward campaign as a Democrat. Suffice it to say, the Democrats learned their lessons since then.


        • Biden's not a true believer in the Green stuff. He's been coddling the Prog wing for votes. Much like how Republicans coddle their religious wingnuts rather than ever tell them no.

          But not to worry, the Republicans will control Congress soon, and it'll be refreshing to have the Adults back in power. Sweet fancy Moses are these problems ever gonna get solved.

          Just kidding. They'll launch impeachment hearings of Mayorkas in January, the opening salvo of two years of bread & circus to keep the troglodyte base entertained as they await the return of the Messiah. Mike and Talent, blinking back tears, write-in "Mitch Daniels" on their 2024 ballots

          The Rs won't control Congress soon.

          And there's no doubt the R House will engage in performative bullshit. It'll just be different performative bullshit from the D House.

          But, most importantly, whether The Chairman is a true believer or not -- and, for that matter, whether the Rs are true believers in "zero abortion" or whatever -- the measure is in the actions. I'm a little old school, but I generally judge a person on their actions.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

            I have said it repeatedly — the Democrats win when they successfully hide who they are and what their agenda is. Utter destruction of the fossil fuel business and, along with it, the domestic economy is a priority goal for the Democrat Party. If the average American truly inderstood the goals of the Democrats they wouldn’t break 40% of the vote nationally. Walter Mondale was the last guy who ran an honest and straightforward campaign as a Democrat. Suffice it to say, the Democrats learned their lessons since then.
            It's the one good thing the Progs do...they are forcing on a number of issues. The are forcing on climate change. They are forcing on defund the police and race. The are forcing on helicopter money.

            It's harder for folks like The Chairman to hide behind fake words when those fake words aren't brooked by the Progs.

            Now, granted, they still do a lot of hiding -- but the Progs peel back the hiding some.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

              If the average American truly understood the goals of the Democrats they wouldn’t break 40% of the vote nationally.
              I put 100% of the blame on the R's messaging. It seems to me that they aren't even trying to win. It's like getting a turnover inside your opponents' 5 yard line and playing for the FG. I honestly don't know WTF they are doing.


              • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                I put 100% of the blame on the R's messaging. It seems to me that they aren't even trying to win. It's like getting a turnover inside your opponents' 5 yard line and playing for the FG. I honestly don't know WTF they are doing.
                It's almost like the conservative movement has an awful lot of losers, morons, and degenerates in it.



                • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                  The Rs won't control Congress soon.

                  And there's no doubt the R House will engage in performative bullshit. It'll just be different performative bullshit from the D House.

                  But, most importantly, whether The Chairman is a true believer or not -- and, for that matter, whether the Rs are true believers in "zero abortion" or whatever -- the measure is in the actions. I'm a little old school, but I generally judge a person on their actions.
                  The Rs have a 50/50 shot at the Senate. Nevada is going to flip. They need to pull off one relatively minor upset in Arizona or Georgia to overcome the PA loss. Walker has led in more than a few polls (e.g. Trafalgar) that have been highly accurate the last few cycles.


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                    It's almost like the conservative movement has an awful lot of losers, morons, and degenerates in it.

                    It's not the Conservative movement. It's the Republican leadership, most of whom are still baby boomers that first gained power in the 1990s.


                    • And as far as politicians hiding their real intentions, ol Rick Scott really pissed off Cocaine Mitch by telling people the truth about what Republicans will do if they ever have enough power.

                      Goodbye social security. Goodbye Medicaire. Big tax cuts for the rich, tax hikes for anyone making less than six figures. Utopia is on the horizon!


                      • Today's edition of "rules for thee but not for me":

                        DOJ Charges Eleven Pro-Life Activists for Blocking Abortion Clinic


                        A livestream of the stand-in shows activists chanting and singing prayer up the stairs to and along the hallway outside the abortion clinic, located in an office complex. Police officers eventually appeared in the video urging them to take their protest outside to the sidewalk.

                        “This is not allowed guys. Asking you to leave the property or I will call the police,” a security guard can be heard saying. The indictment alleges that the group prevented a patient and an employee from entering the facility. After they refused to leave the premises, the activists were reportedly escorted away to jail by police on misdemeanor trespassing charges. One pro-life activist wrote on March 6, 2021, on Facebook the claim that one “rescuer” was held on $1,000 bail, six, including Gallagher, on $1,500 bail, and two on $2,500 bail.

                        But now the Feds have decided the FBI needed to raid their houses and charge them under the FACE Act which carries up to 11 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

                        Trespassing: Bad. Trespassing against the wrong people: Your life ruined.

                        Fortunately, the FACE Act also extends to pro-life pregnancy centers which have come under attack since the Dobbs decision was leaked.


                        An abortion rights extremist group that calls itself "Jane’s Revenge" has taken credit for at least 18 incidents of vandalism, arson, and property destruction at anti-abortion pregnancy centers, according to a Fox News count.

                        The Family Research Council, a conservative group, puts the number of attacks on anti-abortion centers much higher — citing 58 incidents, according to its most recent count — but Jane’s Revenge has not claimed credit for all of them.

                        No arrests were made or publicized in any of the 18 attacks for which Jane’s Revenge has claimed credit.

                        Rev. James Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services, said the FBI has effectively stonewalled his organization since Jane’s Revenge claimed credit for firebombing the group’s Buffalo, New York, center in June.

                        “Generally speaking, law enforcement is being uncooperative and incommunicative,” Harden told the Washington Examiner. “The FBI seems to have deprioritized any investigation with respect to pro-life pregnancy centers.”

                        Harden said FBI agents told him in mid-September that they planned to come to the Buffalo center on Friday to assess the height of security cameras, on which the suspects can be seen smashing windows and setting fire to the facility.

                        But days before the scheduled visit last week, Harden said, the FBI canceled; he said agents told him they had “other priorities.”
                        Last edited by Mike; October 6, 2022, 08:29 AM.


                        • Progs Playbook out in full force...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                            The Rs have a 50/50 shot at the Senate. Nevada is going to flip. They need to pull off one relatively minor upset in Arizona or Georgia to overcome the PA loss. Walker has led in more than a few polls (e.g. Trafalgar) that have been highly accurate the last few cycles.
                            Oz is a better bet, IMO, than Walker.

                            And I like Trafalgar, but sometimes...I mean, Trafalgar has the NY Gov race at 2 points. LOL.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Woman who claims Herschel paid for her abortion sort of reveals her identity (or narrows it down). She says she's also the mother of one of his kids he's already admitted fathering.

                              Newt Gingrich (an exceptional character witness) says Herschel's had a lot of concussions over the years and that's why he'll be a great Senator.

                              CNN and MSNBC are both prefacing their coverage of the DB article by saying they have been unable to "independently verify" the story.


                              • Walker is toast. There is no Walker.

