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  • Maybe states should deal with this issue realistically, rather than by stunt. There's a problem, fix it, leave your effin politics out of it. I'm really surprised NY et al hasn't started emptying prisons, bussed to Texas, as response.

    Remain in Mexico (where ever) till adjudicated is a fine policy. So are others. Others again need to be overhauled. Just stop with the bullshit. My grandparents came over on the boat and played by the rules, you can too.
    I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


    • Wait! What?

      Abbot and DeSatan pulling political stunts?

      No fucking way!
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Remain in Mexico (where ever) till adjudicated is a fine policy.
        The Chairman ended that a month ago. It's now back to "turn them loose in the US" and hope they show up to the hearing. As it happens, that means border states bear the brunt of The Chairman's absolute irresponsibility on this issue. And maybe, just maybe, immigration is a Federal issue not a State issue. Maybe.

        And The Chairm has STILL blacked out media images at the Border. And limited access. Thank god the Ds and The Chairman don't play politics. KIDS IN CAGES!!!! was definitely real unless the Ds do the same thing.
        Last edited by iam416; September 15, 2022, 09:05 AM.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
          Maybe states should deal with this issue realistically, rather than by stunt. There's a problem, fix it, leave your effin politics out of it. I'm really surprised NY et al hasn't started emptying prisons, bussed to Texas, as response.

          Remain in Mexico (where ever) till adjudicated is a fine policy. So are others. Others again need to be overhauled. Just stop with the bullshit. My grandparents came over on the boat and played by the rules, you can too.
          How do you leave politics out of a problem that has been largely created by one party (Ds) and it affects R states the most, Texas, Florida, and Arizona. You do realize that the Biden Administration previously sent 70 planes full of illegals into Florida in the middle of the night. How can you say remain in Mexico is good policy but then be upset with the state governors who are dealing with MASSIVE amounts of illegal immigration on a daily basis? The progressives in NYC, DC, Chicago, etc. continually express their virtue by being "sanctuary cities" meaning they will NOT ENFORCE federal law. So who is pulling stunts? Abbot and Desantis are making sure the people that are making the disastrous policies see first hand what they have wrought. I think it's very smart on their part. It's easy to turn a blind eye to the problem with you don't live on the border. These guys are bringing the border to them.


          • The NRO erronesously (and, IMO, preposterously) endorsed a Federal ban on abortions after X weeks (15, I guess, in this case). Thankfully, Andy McCarthy wrote the an absolutely crush dissent (published, of course, by NRO) and Charles Cooke also co-signed.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • How do you leave politics out of a problem that has been largely created by one party (Ds) and it affects R states the most, Texas, Florida, and Arizona. You do realize that the Biden Administration previously sent 70 planes full of illegals into Florida in the middle of the night. How can you say remain in Mexico is good policy but then be upset with the state governors who are dealing with MASSIVE amounts of illegal immigration on a daily basis? The progressives in NYC, DC, Chicago, etc. continually express their virtue by being "sanctuary cities" meaning they will NOT ENFORCE federal law. So who is pulling stunts? Abbot and Desantis are making sure the people that are making the disastrous policies see first hand what they have wrought. I think it's very smart on their part. It's easy to turn a blind eye to the problem with you don't live on the border. These guys are bringing the border to them.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                Wait! What?

                Abbot and DeSatan pulling political stunts?

                No fucking way!
                What about it is a stunt? Those cities and their leaders claim to love illegal immigrants and claim there is no problem at the southern border. You may have heard our VP say the border is secure just this week. What's wrong with showing them the folly of their policies? They seem to not like it very much. Well, try doing it on a daily basis with 10s of thousands of people.


                • The party of science



                  • LMMFAO, Hanni
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Don't point out the hypocrisy. That's just a stunt.


                      • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                        What about it is a stunt? Those cities and their leaders claim to love illegal immigrants and claim there is no problem at the southern border. You may have heard our VP say the border is secure just this week. What's wrong with showing them the folly of their policies? They seem to not like it very much. Well, try doing it on a daily basis with 10s of thousands of people.
                        Yeah, in particular, when you understand that the FEDS have been busing illegals all over the country for awhile now. I can't imagine States not being able to do the same thing AND I can't imagine a better place for illegals to go than to states that won't act to deport them or do anything to harm them in any way. Certainly better than busing them to, say, Nebraska. THAT would be cruel. This just makes sense AND follows what the Feds have done already.

                        If you just get your "immigration" news from The Media you may not know this or, for that matter, that The Chairman has ended Remain in Mexico.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Thanks to THE CHAIRMAN solving both the rail crisis AND the container ship crisis, deplorables like DeSantis and Abbott have their options on how to smuggle these people into liberal states.


                          • Over the last three days or so, Russian cruise missiles have targeted some important infrastructure in Karkiv and symbolically a large dam in Kryvyi Rih, Zelenskis's home town, causing moderate local flooding that, this morning is reportedly contained. Of course, this is a means for Russian retaliation. Equally predictable is how the Kremlin propagandists will highlight these attacks as indicative of the power of Russia to inflict damage on Ukraine in pursuit of Putin's strategic goals, now looking less and less attainable. Expect these kinds of attacks to continue.

                            The attack on the dam in Kryvyi Rih is beleived to have had military signficance. The Ukrainians have driven Russian forces back across the Inulets river in the Kherson province and destroyed key bridges across that river to prevent the Russians from supplying defensive positions taken up in and around the city of Kherson. The Ukrainians have recently built pontoon bridges for thier use in fording the river as they puruse the retreting Russians. Damage to the damn could have casued forceful flooding tht would have swept the pontoons away. Reportedly, they didn't.

                            A story in the NYTs appeared this morning describing the paranoia among the local citizens of Belgorad - a big Russian city just 50km from Kiev. Locals are frightened that Ukrainin forces will enter the city that is the temporary residence of thousands of Ukrainians. This diaspora was and is now largely sympathetic to Putin's war aims. They have in the past and more recently in large numbers, fled the territory previouly occupied by Russian troops, now under Ukrainian control. They fear being punished as colaborators. As the Russian Duma has passed laws designed to punish critics of the Putin or the Russian Army, Ukraine's legislators have done likewise for those living in Ukraine who are identified as collaborators with Russin occupiers. In one interview form this group, the iinterviewee stated that I needed a job so, I went to work in a Russian hospital. There are others, she said, that likewise became teachers or administrators in Russin run schools and the public service sector. We're not collaborators, she said, we needed to work.

                            I don't doubt that western intel sources know exactly where these cruise missiles that have recently begun targeting critical Ukrainian infrastructure are being fired from. It has also become common knowledge that western intel sources have been passing locations of Russian artillery units to the Ukrainians for the purpose of counter-battery fires. It is likely that this kind of targeting information has had a major impact on the level of destruction and degredation of combat power Ukrainian forces have inflicted on Russian forces. Stopping these missile attacks along with some of the longer range artillery fires originating inside Russia could involve western greenlighting of Ukrainan missions to strike these targets that are inside Russia. You'll recall that with the provision of HIMARs, the US did not provide the longer range projectiles the system is capable of firing, at least that we know about. This ostensibly done to prevent Ukraine from firing into Russian territory and signaling a western desire to escalate the confrontation with Russia.

                            This is a tread carefully situation. On one hand, given western arms, the Ukrainians could do some signficant damage to military targets inside Russia and mitigate artillery and cruise missiles targeting Ukrainian infrastructure. I think these are legitimate targets that if they were successfully attacked and lessened Russia's capability to fire this stuff from the safety inside Russian boarders would deal another blow to Putin. OTH, Putin would predicatabley escalate. His conventional forces have been considerably degraded. They are in retreat and not of much use to mount offensive operations at any meaningful scale again. He could choose to use tactical nukes to change the current course of his war. The two links below deal with this question if you're interested. Most sources asked to comment for these articles say the risk is low but nevertheless present as Putin gets held accountable inside Russia and cornered over his miscalculation in invading Ukraine:

                            The second link may or may not be paywalled but it desribes how Russia could use tactical nukes that have low radiation yields but can do a lot of damage. One use of these could include a demonstration firing in SIberia for example, another could be nulear electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMPs) that could knock out large swaths of a Ukrainian electic grid, water distribution systems or financial and banking networks.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Straight from the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol website today. Notice the category on the far left: SINGLE ADULTS approaching 1,500,000 this year and this data is only through July. It's tracking to over 2 MILLION SINGLE ADULTS. Hey, why are 2019 and 2020 so much less??

                              SBO Encounters 7665.png
                              Last edited by Mike; September 15, 2022, 09:36 AM.


                              • Well I can't help the second LA Times headline but as to the first one...

                                Know who else passed a law that no longer makes it an automatic felony to knowingly spread HIV?

                                Iowa. Under a Republican Governor back in 2014, years before California did it. According to the piece the law passed unanimously in the legislature.

                                Stupid coastal elitist Iowans.

                                Iowa Modernizes HIV Criminalization Law |

