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  • I was just about to expose the whole thing!! Then they came and stole the proof right out of my closet!! Damn them!!

    Jeff is right. It's all excused after the fact. I really don't know how much national security was at risk by having those docs at Mar-a-Lago. I'm guessing not much in the grand scheme of things. I think both sides are making everything out to be a much bigger deal than it is... as unprecedented as it may be. Trump, himself, has no precedent.


    • NPR isn't exactly without bias either.

      I don't disagree with this but I've found Front Line to be mostly apolitical in its expose's. I think this one is pretty political in that it aims to depict how strong the movement is that Flynn is behind and potentially in turn discredits him. So, to the extent it's depicting Flynn as a purveyor of the line that the 2020 election result was fraudulent is a hit piece. It's there but well concealed by disclosing the grass routes nature of this Nationalist Christan movement.

      I don't think any reasonable person is buying that line. Yet, here we are with a shit ton of voters buying it, a lot of them because of it being wrapped in Christion ideologies, and involved in movements that are intended to undermine the election process in the US. I find the successes groups like Flynn is leading seem to be having in getting officals of like mind into key positions where they can screw with votes and voter outcomes they don't like is dangerous shit.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Good lord, JB, for every person Flynn is getting into a position to screw with votes, the Dems have hundreds of like-situated officials.


        • EFZ
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • It is dangerous shit indeed.

            But so is an apparatus that keeps obsessing over them and inflating their significance. It’s not like they’re innocent of all wrongdoing. They just want to keep telling you that they are.


            • Remember those kooky Right Wingers who were frantically trying to warn everyone about the pushing of transgenderism onto children?

              Elementary school kids are now filling out gender questionnaires for their classes and telling their teachers their preferred pronouns.



              • Meanwhile, your government is hosting academic papers that describe "Whiteness" as a "malignant, parasitic-like condition".



                • Joe Biden announces a new "czar" to tackle monkeypox, the new buttsex-spread disease that for some reason is also somehow infecting the occasional child or pet. (Don't you dare call them words like "dengenerate" or "groomer" though)

                  You just can't make this shit up.



                  • Don't you dare call them "groomers"
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Hannibal; September 8, 2022, 07:39 PM.


                    • Meanwhile, Blacks on Twitter are celebrating the death of the Queen:

                      (The one on the bottom left is a Carnegie-Mellon professor BTW -- Joe Biden's debt relief plan helps ensure that the grift dollars keep flowing for people like her).

                      Last edited by Hannibal; September 8, 2022, 07:37 PM.


                      • Without kids, you can have no grooming....



                        • Continuing along:

                          "Citizens for Sanity" is an organization running ads that the Republicans are far too stupid to run.



                          • 47be4e48609a53ba.png


                            • Meanwhile, Blacks on Twitter are celebrating the death of the Queen:
                              Yes they are, and everyone else who live in countries that were colonized under Elizabeth (in general and to be fair before her), not a sober person in Ireland right now. (though that might be normal, they're just happy)


                              • I think the monarchy is a silly, useless, tradition well past its expiration date. But I don’t count her as a genocidal maniac. Maybe I missed something.

