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  • Did Jon actually say that Democrats tell the truth???

    That might just be the most be the most ridiculous thing ever posted on this forum.


    • Well, he’s a D, and that’s what you’d expect a partisan to say.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Whitmer's seized on that issue, sure. Why wouldn't she if Dixon is going to open the door for her?

        A decade ago a guy named Todd Akin ran for Senate in Missouri and looked like he might beat Democrat Claire McCaskill. But then he made a comment late in the campaign, addressing abortion, that when a woman is "really" raped, she almost never gets pregnant and went on to suggest that a woman's body's has a will of its own to resist pregnancy when it's unwanted. So he was simultaneously saying that abortion even in cases of rape should still be illegal AND was suggesting that the vast majority of pregnant women who claimed to have been raped were lying because their bodies would've resisted the sperm if they didn't secretly want it.

        McCaskill obviously pounced on that shit, as well she should, and Akin won less than 40% of the vote IN MISSOURI. Some things are just automatically disqualifying for me and a lot of other people.

        btw, Todd Akin died last year. Had no idea. Only found out while looking up how to spell his name.


        • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
          Did Jon actually say that Democrats tell the truth???

          That might just be the most be the most ridiculous thing ever posted on this forum.

          Read the example, tell me how it was inaccurate. Give you something a little more specific….”All you people that went to college, worked your ass off, honored your loan contract, paid off your debt. We’re giving your tax dollars to those that haven’t/won’t … we’ll pay their debt if they vote for us.”

          Even someone as stupid as Talent who thinks I’m a D should be able to understand that.
          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


          • Whitmer's about as ruthless as they come- but it's a stretch to say that she "seized" that issue. It's been getting set up for decades. The clowns running the republican party in Michigan just never noticed it.


            • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post

              Read the example, tell me how it was inaccurate.
              The part where you say that Democrats "tell the truth". That's just batshit crazy and all credibility is lost after that.


              • If telling the truth on one issue means “Ds tell the truth” then ok, I guess. Rs tell the truth on abortion. So they tell the truth.

                I admit I don’t know how Jon votes. I do know that, based on his posts, it’d be hard for someone to be a bigger mouthpiece for the Left up to and including not wanting The Chairman to run again.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Another long Andy McCarthy NR article. He now thinks Trump will be indicted for obstruction based on the filing DOJ made yesterday. This is well worth reading from someone who is a Republican but tries to call balls and strikes fairly.

                  An important thing that McCarthy notes multiple times: Trump and his lawyers never claimed any of the documents at Mar a Lago had been declassified until AFTER the August 8th raid. When the National Archives removed 15 boxes in January and when the FBI served the subpoena in June, he never made ANY claim that the documents they were taking had been declassified.

                  Former president Trump is likely to be charged with obstruction of justice and causing false statements to be made to investigators.

                  Trump's team has a deadline of 8 PM tonight to respond if they haven't already. Tomorrow there's supposed to be a hearing in front of the judge considering a special master.


                  • I would like to say a word about Trump and his struggles to retain competent legal help.

                    Some have suggested this is because lawyers are mostly libs and are denying this great man the defenders he deserves out of partisanship. And it's true, a lot more lawyers are Dems than Republicans.

                    But this fundamentally misunderstands the nature of attorneys. The typical lawyer is a soulless, amoral hack who would sue their grandmother into penury if there was a dime and a corned beef sandwich to be made out of it. No, instead it's something else that drives them away from Trump.

                    Attorneys are eccentric by nature in that they insist upon being paid for their services. And that the client will actually listen to their advice. And that the client won't go on social media and undermine their critical defenses because he thinks he's smarter than his lawyers.


                    • Pastrami works, too.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                        Pastrami works, too.
                        An honest barrister if there ever was one!

                        And his business card turns into a sponge in water!


                        • Democrat Mary Peltola has won the special election to be Alaska's Rep. for a few months. She won Round 1 outright but because Palin and Nick Begich split the Republican vote, it was unclear how many second-choice votes she would get. But nearly HALF of Begich's voters went to her instead of Palin in the second-choice round. I believe her and Palin will go at it again in November. and if those second-place people stick with her, she's got an actual shot at winning again.
                          Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; August 31, 2022, 07:20 PM.


                          • Palin loses


                            • Trump's team filed their response to DOJ a little bit ago and once again they fail to make any claim that Trump declassified these documents.

                              Trump can keep saying that on Truth Social all he wants but it's a huge red flag to be total bullshit when his lawyers won't claim it happened under oath despite multiple opportunities to do so.


                              • My bad, misunderstood the results of the second-choice voting. Palin, not Peltola, got 50% of Begich's voters. But that wasn't good enough to overtake Peltola's lead after Round 1. Here's who those votes went towards in the second choice round.

                                50.31% Palin
                                28.73% Peltola
                                21% No one (left the ballot blank)

                                Final margin was 51.5% Peltola, 48.5% Palin. But if that 20% who left their votes blank come home to Palin, she's got the edge in November.

                                Candidates still matter

