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  • Originally posted by Mike View Post

    You mean this ad that I saw every goddamn commercial break during the UNL-NW game?

    How to lose an election in two words: No exceptions.
    The Democrats know how to win elections. That's a simple and effective ad. The Republicans are too stupid to run ads like that that focus on unpopular Democrat policies.


    • For all the static about poor candidates on the R side...this is what the D's call a good candidate in Pennsylvania? LOL.

      If Oz wasn't such a ridiculous caricature...a corpse could beat Fetterman by double digits...what a fucking loon. I think Crazy Bernie is slightly to the right of this guy...
      Attached Files
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Pennsylvania Senate elections since 1990. Republicans are in bold.

        1992: Arlen Specter 48.90%, Lynn Yeakel 46.55%
        1994: Rick Santorum 49.40%, Harris Wofford 46.92%
        1998: Arlen Specter 61.34%, Bill Lloyd 34.79%
        2000: Rick Santorum 52.4%, Ron Klink 45.55%
        2004: Arlen Specter 52.62%, Joe Hoeffel 41.99%
        2006: Bob Casey Jr 58.64%, Rick Santorum 41.28%
        2010: Pat Toomey 51.01%, Joe Sestak 48.99%
        2012: Bob Casey Jr 53.87%, Tom Smith 44.6%
        2016: Pat Toomey 48.77%, Katie McGinty 47.34%
        2018: Bob Casey Jr 55.7%, Lou Barletta 42.6%
        2022: ?

        I was curious about why Arlen Specter's win in 1998 was so lop-sided compared with the others and I guess Bill Lloyd was very much a sacrificial lamb candidate that year. The PA Dem Party was broke and going through a major scandal at that time. Supposedly Lloyd didn't even have the money to run commercials until the final two weeks of the campaign.

        EDIT: Also, Bob Casey is the ONLY Democrat in PA to be elected to a full term in the Senate since 1962
        Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; August 31, 2022, 01:17 PM.


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

          The Democrats know how to win elections. That's a simple and effective ad. The Republicans are too stupid to run ads like that that focus on unpopular Democrat policies.

          When they actually arm, aim and shoot effectively at their opponent, they often win. Unfortunately, Trump in 2016 was the only one that's done that- and Hillary was such an easy target.


          • Dems win elections because they control the media and are able to lie their arses off and know they have coverage...because the media lies for them as well.
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • That's true as well.


              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                Dems win elections because they control the media and are able to lie their arses off and know they have coverage...because the media lies for them as well.
                There's truth to this, but on occasion when Republicans support an unpopular position such as a "zero exceptions" approach to abortion, The Dems pounce on it and exploit it. It's good strategy. The Republicans are much too stupid to run ads cataloging all of the Dems' unpopular and nutso positions.


                • pull a page from younkin and run on education

                  and really need to educate this country on the pitflls of electric transportation. tucker carslson has had a few good opening segments on what the green deal is gonna do over next 10 years. kinda scary shit overtaxing an energy grid thats already getting stressed costing the middle class out the ass


                  • "Ok guys, we're going to change from gas lights to electric, but we're going to do it with the existing gas lines..."

                    That's not how shit happens.

                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • are dumb.
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        ….The Republicans are much too stupid to run ads cataloging all of the Dems' unpopular and nutso positions…..
                        They don’t have to. Dems do that all the time. Dems tell the truth where Republicans do not. When running for office, a Dem will straight out tell you, “If elected, I will take your money and do stupid shit with it that you do not want and I will pander to a small group of people we want to vote for us.” And that is exactly what they do. Repubs, OTOH, say “If elected, we won’t take your money and do stupid shit with it.” Yet that’s exactly what they do. So why waste campaign funds on the obvious?

                        PJ O’Rourke said it best: “The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.”

                        I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                        • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                          ….. kinda scary shit overtaxing an energy grid thats already getting stressed costing the middle class out the ass….
                          First off, save your brain and turn off Carlson.

                          Second, our power grid is aging itself into collapse, even without electric vehicles. The average grid has a lifespan of 40 years. Not many new grids built since 1980, only expansions due to costs and customer resistance to paying for them. Power companies are only maintaining the grids, they aren’t replacing or upgrading them. Some companies are to some extent, Duke Energy comes to mind, but most are not. Within ten years when things come crumbling down, electric bills will double. Electric vehicles may hasten that by a year or maybe two, depending on population density.

                          Population shifts, population increases, and climate are the biggest contributors to the degration of the aging grids. Focus on short term profits and the acceptance of increasing frequent failures rather than long term profits and grid stability is going to be a bigger culprit in power pain than electric cars. EV will severely aggravate the problem, not be the cause of it.

                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                            pull a page from younkin and run on education

                            and really need to educate this country on the pitflls of electric transportation. tucker carslson has had a few good opening segments on what the green deal is gonna do over next 10 years. kinda scary shit overtaxing an energy grid thats already getting stressed costing the middle class out the ass
                            Tucker is outstanding at exposing the idiocy of D policies. And there’s almost nothing more idiotic than the GND and, more generally, their climate policies. It’s shooting fish in a barrel, but he does it well.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • It’s also worth noting that Ds routinely show how government fails. But only one party thinks government is there to solve all problem whether they actually exist or not (JIM CROW ON STEROIDS!!!). Especially when it comes to the Federal government. And it’s obvious the Ds don’t care a lick about the Constitution and rule of law when it comes to “solving” whatever “problem” they conjure up.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Looks to me like Dixon has already surrendered anyway.

                                Gretch is a treasure chest of reasons why NOT to re-elect her. Just a routine review of her behavior during the pandemic should be enough to kick her out the door, and with ease. But, she's successfully made the election about one issue. Terminating inconvenient babies. She's for it. Dixon is not, and is opposed in all cases. Dixon's problem is, many of us conservatives feel that abortion to save the mother should not be illegal. Terminating a life due to incest or rape should be done regretfully, but not made illegal. Bill Clinton had similar feelings when he said, "Abortion should be safe, legal and rare". That "rare" word got him in trouble witn NARAL.

                                And for the "rape and incest" thing, lets be sure that the other part is being taken care of. Rapists and those who commit incest belong in jail. We don't need to shut down prisons when there are people out there who think those things are fine.
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

