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  • At the absolute minimum, it's stunning incompetence. Regardless of your take on it, it reinforces why Kari Lake was the favorite to begin with.

    Arizona still sitting on about 80% of the votes counted, and apparently most of them are election day votes? WTF.


    • I'm sure when Kari Lake is elected to governor she will put a stop to any and all ballot shortages.


      • According to this article the county's elections director only started the job in March of this year and the County has burned through three different Directors in two years. He was supposed to have a staff of five people and only has one.

        From the sounds of it it's getting harder and harder to find people willing to run the elections. Can't imagine why...

        Pinal County ballot debacle could foreshadow errors in other counties (


        • Did Democrats really spend money to help Gibbs? That was dumb. The Dems had an easy win over Meijer in the general. Even if that wasn’t true, they had a de facto Democrat holding that seat. Gibbs has a pretty good shot n the general and will win easily if it’s a wave election, which admittedly looks a little less likely than it did a month ago.


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
            I don't agree with probably much with Liz Cheney, but she is doing a great job on something that needs to be done. When you lose a race, you should concede and quit with the bullshit stolen election nonsense. If you fellas don't think a president gathering his supporters to march on the capitol to fight like hell then you may be too far gone with Trump. Those members were in real danger because of Trump and he refused to send in the national guard.
            Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
            Democrats clearly made the decision a long time ago that ethics don't matter. Republicans need to embrace the same strategy. Froot keeps on criticizing me for my stances on these concepts as if it hasn't been the Democrat approach to politics his entire lifetime. That is because like most Democrats, he lacks self-awareness, as well as an appreciation for how much the other side has been fighting with one hand tied behind their back.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              According to this article the county's elections director only started the job in March of this year and the County has burned through three different Directors in two years. He was supposed to have a staff of five people and only has one.

              From the sounds of it it's getting harder and harder to find people willing to run the elections. Can't imagine why...

              Pinal County ballot debacle could foreshadow errors in other counties (
              It's why this Stop the Steal nonsense is poison. In the best of times getting a properly funded elections department is hard. People complain around election time and the complaints are easily forgot to give any new funds later on. The whole system is dependant on an army of elderly volunteers. Nobody's dream job is running to be a director of elections of any county. What's the ultimate goal? Be the secretary of state for a state.

              When people are threatening your life because of some dumb conspiracy theory, it makes keeping the system running even harder.


              • You haven't been fighting with one hand behind your back. You're just a lot less competent than we are.

                Joe Biden Reaction GIF


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                  You haven't been fighting with one hand behind your back. You're just a lot less competent than we are.

                  Joe Biden Reaction GIF
                  Harsh but fair.


                  • Assembling a mob to march on the Capitol to fight like hell and beat the living shit out of the police because you lost an election fair and square is untying the one hand behind your back? You are too far gone. Things are better when the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and the Michigan Militia are dispatched to the wilderness. You probably have a good life, like those rich folks who chartered their flights to go and kick some capitol police ass had comfortable lives. He lost fair and square, he should have conceded and moved on.


                    • BIDEN BOOM!!!!
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Trump lost to the mummy of Ramses II. A disgrace like that puts a man in an insurrectionist mood.


                        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                          She didn't have really much to do with it at all. He fired Comey for investigating. Flynn was fired for lying to Sally Yates. Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller . Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are all longtime Republicans. It certainly wasn't Hillary Clinton. Whitewater was investigated for 8 years and you probably couldn't explain what the case was about.

                          Flynn shouldn't have lied, Trump shouldn't have fired Comey and he shouldn't been in bed with the Russians.
                          Well, she was the person who commissioned the Steele dossier and promulgated it through the media. That is a pretty big part of Russiagate.


                          • Most of the time when you lose an election for president, you are sent to the wilderness rarely to be heard from again. His bond has gotten stronger, it's crazy. There's no cult of Biden, nobody is falling to their knees and crying like they do with Daddy Trump. I'm embarrassed for them.


                            • The big news out of the Alex Jones trial today has been that Jones's lawyer "accidentally" sent all of Alex's texts and emails (at least three years worth) to the Plaintiff's attorney. I don't know if this is some misguided attempt at an appeal or mistrial or what, but it's apparently real.

                              Jones' lawyer and the Plaintiffs' lawyer share a DropBox online to exchange documents for the trial

                              About 2 weeks ago the Plaintiff notices that the entire contents of Alex's phone appear to have been put in the DropBox (Jones had been withholding that from discovery for years)

                              Believing it was put in the folder by mistake, Plaintiff notified Alex's lawyer and asked if he intended to put it in the DropBox. 10 days went by with no response. By law, it's fair use after that.


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