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  • i imagine trump and desantis will eventually team up

    I just came off covid july 4th. had went to kansas there for about 48 hrs and started with what i thought was allergy symptoms which included one night of chills. isolated myself for 1 day but tpoo late--gave to all 5 of my grandkids including 6 mos old twins--gave it to my wife, sone and DIL..

    the grandkids were febrile for 24 hours and recovered in 3 days adults just a tad bit longer. really never got "sick" but did feel lethargic for few days

    anybody under 60 especially with no significant comorbidities would be nuts to get the shot

    especially after that study I posted from the NEJM

    wiz you should get shot soon and repeatedly


    • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
      The US Army is facing severe recruiting problems. Now offering $50k bonuses for a 6 year enlistment. Have removed the requirement for a HS diploma or GED. The Army has found that the targeted recruiting population (17-24 year olds) only 23% meet the physical and mental requirements for enlistment. Yikes.

      In 1981, the Air Force changed its recruiting standards to fill manpower shortages and take advantage of the growing unemployment rate. Prior to '78, to become an aircraft electrician (my AFSC), you had to score a 90% AND a 90% or better in the electrical and mechanical sections of the entrance exam to be admitted to the training program. In '81, those standards were lowered to 50% OR 50% for admission. The AFSC went from an elite job to a welfare job placement. The work load was shifted to the old hands as new people couldn't handle anything more technical than the battery shop. It was one of the reasons I left the AF.

      Maybe Mike can weigh in on this. The Army article focuses on the infantry.
      It's a problem with many contributing factors, some that are included in the article. There's always been an ebb and flow to recruiting based on economic conditions and the level of global strife. What I'm afraid is unique to the current situation is a serious case of cultural rot. I thought this point was worth highlighting:
      • On Wednesday, Army officials issued a memo on its recruiting problems, noting that not enough Americans understand the Army, can't envision life as a soldier and are losing trust and confidence in American institutions including the military.
      The percentage of Americans who have served in the military has dropped from 18% in 1980 to 7% in 2018 and it's continuing to plummet.

      Today, there are more than 18 million living veterans in the United States, representing about 6% of the country’s adult population.

      The share of the U.S. population with military experience is declining. In 2018, about 7% of U.S. adults were veterans, down from 18% in 1980, according to the Census Bureau. This drop coincides with decreases in active-duty personnel. Over the past half-century, the number of people on active duty has dropped significantly, from 3.5 million in 1968, during the military draft era, to about 1.4 million (or less than 1% of all U.S. adults) in today’s all-volunteer force. The draft ended in 1973.

      VA projections suggest the number of living veterans will continue to decline over the next 25 years. By 2046, the department estimates there will be around 12.5 million veterans, a decrease of about 35% from current numbers. By that time, Gulf War-era veterans are projected to make up a majority of those who served, and most veterans who served in the Vietnam era or earlier will have died.

      I'm a Gen Xer, so it was very common for people in my circle of family and friends to have dads/uncles who were drafted or subject to it. The Army (or military in general) was a very real possibility for most and a way of life for some. Since then, there has been a steadily increasing disconnect between the American public and the military. I got out in 2006 and the saying "America doesn't go to war, the Army does" was floating around even then. When I was growing up it seemed everyone had a close relative who served in some capacity. Grandpa in WWII, dad in Nam, etc. The public isn't engaged like they were during Vietnam because, frankly, most people don't know anyone who is in harms way in some far-flung shithole anymore.

      Another factor, IMO, not mentioned in the article is that our technological advances have led to an increased standard of living but also made us lazy to a certain extent. I'd like to know the physical/mental readiness level of the 17-24 age cohort over the last 50 years or so. The 23% number is staggering and I think it's just because as a nation we've gotten soft. Add to it that over the past few years there's been a steady drumbeat of how awful and racist the United States is. Not exactly good recruiting material when trying convince young people to serve their country.


      • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
        i imagine trump and desantis will eventually team up

        I just came off covid july 4th. had went to kansas there for about 48 hrs and started with what i thought was allergy symptoms which included one night of chills. isolated myself for 1 day but tpoo late--gave to all 5 of my grandkids including 6 mos old twins--gave it to my wife, sone and DIL..

        the grandkids were febrile for 24 hours and recovered in 3 days adults just a tad bit longer. really never got "sick" but did feel lethargic for few days

        anybody under 60 especially with no significant comorbidities would be nuts to get the shot

        especially after that study I posted from the NEJM

        wiz you should get shot soon and repeatedly
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Why would anyone want to serve in the military under this POS regime?
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Chairman Joe as Frank Drebin...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
              Why would anyone want to serve in the military under this POS regime?

              Because people who serve(d) in the military serve America, we just happen(ed) to take orders from whoever is/was currently Commander in Chief. Its country first in the strongest sense, political partisanship is irrelevant. The general public should follow that example.
              I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


              • Firing people for not getting the Covid shot...and the wussifying of the military are two big reasons people are not enlisting...both policies are the work of the aforementioned POS regime...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • The only branch that appears to be having a serious problem recruiting is the Army. The Marines, the Air Force, and (heh) Space Force all exceeded their recruitment goals according to that article. The Navy was a little behind but nowhere near as bad as the Army.


                  • I remember back when Jon, a member of the general public, was so very nonpartisan when DJT was President.

                    It was an inspiring example to follow. We should all strive to be so fair and nonpartisan.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                      Firing people for not getting the Covid shot...and the wussifying of the military are two big reasons people are not enlisting...both policies are the work of the aforementioned POS regime...

                      They are not enlisting because the job market is good. Period.

                      Let's see... I can join the Army, have to take orders, risk being sent to some middle east sandbox to be shot, be away from my family for months at a time for 30k a year or I can work at a warehouse make the same money and be home every night.

                      Tough decision.

                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Wusses don't understand that you take orders in the military, you don't get a choice. If your orders are to get a shot, you get them. No discussion. No one wants to be in harm's way with some fucking pansy who won't obey orders, one who is supposedly watching your back. You signed up to do as you're told, you don't, you should be thrown out. You think the military is wussified, and don't want to serve, fine. That's your choice. The military doesn't want cowards who think that way anyway.
                        I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                        • Alright DSL. I’m watching the hearing tonight out of morbid curiosity. I also like behind the scenes footage. The first 6 minutes is pretty stupid so far, tho.


                          • Originally posted by CGVT View Post


                            They are not enlisting because the job market is good. Period.

                            Let's see... I can join the Army, have to take orders, risk being sent to some middle east sandbox to be shot, be away from my family for months at a time for 30k a year or I can work at a warehouse make the same money and be home every night.

                            Tough decision.

                            You are a certified moron. It's making a huge difference. You cannot be this ignorant...wait...of course you are...
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                              Alright DSL. I’m watching the hearing tonight out of morbid curiosity. I also like behind the scenes footage. The first 6 minutes is pretty stupid so far, tho.
                              Can you live post commentary? Please tag Wiz with each update. TIA.

                              Yer pal, The Talent
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

                                You are a certified moron. It's making a huge difference. You cannot be this ignorant...wait...of course you are...
                                How much time did you spend in the military?

                                That's what I thought.

                                You are talking about shit that you know absolutely nothing about so...

                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

