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  • It's tough to write laws that can account for the .01% likelihood exception to the rules. I assume that you can do it for rape if you have an accompanying police report. When it comes to the life of the mother -- I expect a drastic increase in abortions performed for that reason in the near future. There will probably be OB/GYNs in every state that will perform abortions and rubber stamp the "it was necessary to save her life" card.


    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

      What makes you think that it bothers me? I'm fine with our major institutions being controlled kooks who destroy those institutions by spreading their mental illness throughout. It warms my heart.

      Here's a totally unrelated article about how recruitment has fallen off so severely that the Army is now dropping the requirement for a high school diploma. Recruitment is currently at about 40% of the goal.
      It has nothing to do with being "woke" and everything to do with the availability of civilian jobs and pay.

      Recruitment and retention always fall when unemployment is low. Usually the services over correct (I watched it for 30 years of active duty) Retention is high? Reduction in force. Establish rules or follow more closely those that are already in place for discharge. Weight standards enforcement was a favorite tool as was High Year Tenure (HYT=Hey! Your through!) etc etc.

      "Oh fuck, we don't have enough people!" Better do something to increase recruiting and give bonuses for re-enlistment.

      I likened it a new helmsman, always oversteering and correcting so that a zig-zag course was the result.

      Your pearl clutching is misguided.
      Last edited by CGVT; July 13, 2022, 03:01 PM.
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
        We're beyond talk of federal constitutional rights at this point. That debate is effectively dead for good.

        The debate has moved on to whether nearly all abortion should be illegal, should be restricted, or "anything goes. I can go either way on second or third trimester abortion but I firmly believe it should be legal for most of the first trimester, no excuses needed. Lots of people do.

        I think a law that forces rape victims, of any age, to carry to full term their rapist's child is unfair and unjust. That's what new laws in Oklahoma and a few other places do. In Ohio you'd better decide fast because after 6 weeks you're out of luck. I will speak out against those laws. If that makes me "twisted", fine.
        Some people are anti-abortion absolutists, even in this event, because they believe that the life of the embryo/fetus/child is not less valuable or less sacred because it was conceived under horrific conditions. It's an extreme position, but the nature of the issue pushes one to extremes.


        • The funny thing is that, while abortion does push SOME people to extremes, most people end up going on some sort of "eye test" or "gut feeling." That's probably why the sort of Worldwide view on abortion is first trimester access is ok; after that, not so much.

          Personally, I'm all for reasonable access during the first trimester. I'm somewhat ambivalent about the second trimester, but when you get near the end I'm less so. And I'm firmly against third trimester. And I'll actually vote on these issue statewide, whether it's for the General Assembly or for a Constitutional Amendment.

          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
            It's tough to write laws that can account for the .01% likelihood exception to the rules. I assume that you can do it for rape if you have an accompanying police report. When it comes to the life of the mother -- I expect a drastic increase in abortions performed for that reason in the near future. There will probably be OB/GYNs in every state that will perform abortions and rubber stamp the "it was necessary to save her life" card.
            Oh of course there will be. And like I said, the authorities in certain places will be watching doctors like a hawk. It's genuinely possible that every miscarriage is a potential criminal investigation in some states. Questions will at least need to be asked, a form filled out, or something. And miscarriages are way more common than people think they are.

            And we'll be entering a whole new realm of stupid legal cases. I assume people have heard about the woman in Texas ticketed for driving in the HOV lane? Claimed she had two people in the car because Texas defines a fetus as a person now. I'm sure someone's preparing to claim a fetus as a dependent on their Texas state taxes and go to court over it.

            Oh and FWIW, here in Ohio the Republicans are already pushing to eliminate the 6-week window and just ban all abortion entirely. No exceptions for rape or incest. I don't know if they have the numbers to get it passed but the bill has already been introduced.


            • Republicans will get punished by the electorate if they overstep their mandate.

              A shame that the party will be spending its precious political capital to cater to 25% of the electorate after caving for decades on so many other issues.
              Last edited by Hannibal; July 13, 2022, 03:31 PM.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                The funny thing is that, while abortion does push SOME people to extremes, most people end up going on some sort of "eye test" or "gut feeling." That's probably why the sort of Worldwide view on abortion is first trimester access is ok; after that, not so much.

                Personally, I'm all for reasonable access during the first trimester. I'm somewhat ambivalent about the second trimester, but when you get near the end I'm less so. And I'm firmly against third trimester. And I'll actually vote on these issue statewide, whether it's for the General Assembly or for a Constitutional Amendment.
                I was permanently moved out of the 3rd trimester camp after going through the process of my co-habitating birthing person’s pregnancies (hint: it was my wife). Intensely tracking the fetus’ progress over 9 months is an eye-opening experience. Frankly, IMO, if someone has watched an ultrasound of a baby after 4 or 5 months and still favors on-demand for any reason abortion after viability, they are a sick demented fuck.

                First trimester? Enjoy your abortion. But it goes downhill quickly for me after that. And exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother should be no-brainers. People who advocate for no exceptions aren’t much better than those who want to change their mind at 35 weeks as far as I’m concerned.
                Last edited by Mike; July 13, 2022, 03:33 PM.


                • Life of the mother has to be legit, not some sort of amorphous standard that acts as an universal exception. Otherwise, correct. Walk through a neonatal icu and talk to me about third trimester shit.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • If anyone’s seen the Uvalde security video, worth noting this. One of the cops getting ripped apart for checking his phone is the husband of one of the murdered teachers. He was checking his phone after getting a text from her that she was shot and dying.

                    After that he apparently tried to charge into the room but the other cops stopped him, took him outside, and took away his gun.

                    The video makes the cops look terrible but people are focusing on this poor guy and totally misinterpreting the situation


                    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

                      It has nothing to do with being "woke" and everything to do with the availability of civilian jobs and pay.

                      Recruitment and retention always fall when unemployment is low. Usually the services over correct (I watched it for 30 years of active duty) Retention is high? Reduction in force. Establish rules or follow more closely those that are already in place for discharge. Weight standards enforcement was a favorite tool as was High Year Tenure (HYT=Hey! Your through!) etc etc.

                      "Oh fuck, we don't have enough people!" Better do something to increase recruiting and give bonuses for re-enlistment.

                      I likened it a new helmsman, always oversteering and correcting so that a zig-zag course was the result.

                      Your pearl clutching is misguided.
                      Inflation is at. 41 year high. College is more expensive and degrees are less valuable than they have ever been. Job/career prospects for the military’s traditional demographic (i.e. the dreaded evil white male) have never been worse. The country’s HR departments have never been more hostile. It’s nigh impossible to think of a peacetime era in the past 100 years (other than maybe the Great Depression) where it has been easier to attract 18 year old white men to an institution where they are guaranteed employment, insulated from inflation, and perhaps subject to sanity and meritocracy. Had the military a semblance of the latter, there would be lines around the corner at every recruiting office in the country full of young men looking to find a sanctuary from the insanity of Woke. Instead, the military is just another institution focused on Leftist ideology, social justice, and diversity. Having a commander in chief who isn’t a drooling potato wouldn’t hurt.

                      At any rate, I am not “pearl clutching”. I don’t care about the efficacy of the military anymore. At all. It will never again be deployed legitimately on behalf of America’s interests again. At least not in our lifetime. We’re more likely to see our country’s heroic lesbians and pink haired trannies shooting at American civilians than China’s army, the Taliban, or some foreign invader. If someone wants to go die for the Rainbow Flag than they can be my guest.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                        If anyone’s seen the Uvalde security video, worth noting this. One of the cops getting ripped apart for checking his phone is the husband of one of the murdered teachers. He was checking his phone after getting a text from her that she was shot and dying.

                        After that he apparently tried to charge into the room but the other cops stopped him, took him outside, and took away his gun.

                        The video makes the cops look terrible but people are focusing on this poor guy and totally misinterpreting the situation

                        Why does anyone need a gun? If you are in trouble the cops will save you.

                        Only the cops should have guns.


                        • Bullshit. There are many many jobs that are attractive to the people who traditionally enlist in the military. Getting a fucking job and getting paid is what is important to those people (I was one of those people in the early 80s, btw). They don't have to do that now.

                          Contrary to what you "patriots" may think, there are very few enlisted people that join for the good ol' red white and blue. They join out of necessity. Apart from a few times in this countrys history, that is the way it has always been.

                          Your woke bogeyman makes very little difference, but it plays well with the wing nuts
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Has there been a POTUS more out of touch since 1950 than The Chairman? I mean Bush41 was to some degree...but holy shitfuck this is unreal.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • So...the rapist of the 10 year old girl (she was 9 at the time of the rape...Jesus H)...was a 27 year old illegal immigrant.

                              This story will lose its legs quickly now.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Some wokester will bail him out, and he'll disappear. Until he rapes again.
                                I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, its usually my ankle

