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  • Trump's hand in both instances.
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • Boy the Highland Park shooting sure dropped out of the headlines fast once people realized that the shooter was a cross dressing non-MAGA guy. We need a new corollary for Coulter's Law.


      • Sally Struthers could not be reached for comment.



        • Boris Johnson resigned.


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Boris Johnson resigned.
            Yet he's talking about lingering around as a "caretaker" until a new leader can be chosen, possibly not until the Fall, which many if not most in his party don't want to hear and think he'd use the time to try and sway people to change their minds. They will try and expedite the timetable and bounce him sooner rather than later.


            • Isn't the "New Liberal World Order" fantastic?
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                Boy the Highland Park shooting sure dropped out of the headlines fast once people realized that the shooter was a cross dressing non-MAGA guy. We need a new corollary for Coulter's Law.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

                  I hope you are being sarcastic. I have not advocated for any of that and resent the implication.
                  Whitley, you are so uninformed that you don't even realize you are indeed advocating for many of those things. You just post Dem talking points.

                  1) The president has very little control over a global market place like crude oil. This is the free market at work. I would suggest though that it is interesting that big oil are announcing record profits AND we are seeing record prices at the pump. I am sure it is just a coincidence.

                  This is anything but a free market. The federal government has declared that it will do away with the fossil fuel industry by 2030. No rational businessman would make a 30-year horizon investment in this environment. Expectations are a big factor in any market, and the expectation that the US will not produce oil and gas is a driving factor in the increasing price. As to profits, the O+G industry lost $ 20 billion in 2020 and made something like $ 6 billion last year.

                  2)The only reason Biden administration is having any open borders is federal judge as ruled that continuing the Trump policy (which the Biden administration continued) is not legal.

                  So a federal judge prevented Biden from keeping the Trump policies? Nonsense. Just last month, Dems tried to do away with title 42 which would have doubled illegal immigration by some estimates. A federal judge, in fact, ordered Biden to keep title 42 in place.

                  4) Let's see here. The economy continues to funnel wealth from the lower classes to the top 1%. The economy works for them. The middle class is going down the drain. Working class even worse off. The economy is not working for them.

                  True. And which party represents the very wealthy? The Dems are basically a coalition of welfare recipients and very wealthy coastal elites. And much of BBB is still being considered. What you do not understand is expectationsare a substantial factor in inflation. If you expect more out-of-control spending, then you purchase those things that go up in price with inflation (like houses and cars).

                  Oh, and CGVT liked your post.

                  I rest my case.


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    Boy the Highland Park shooting sure dropped out of the headlines fast once people realized that the shooter was a cross dressing non-MAGA guy. We need a new corollary for Coulter's Law.
                    It hasn't dropped out of the headlines. Total lie. And why are there multiple pictures of him hanging out with MAGA people? To be "ironic"?


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                      It hasn't dropped out of the headlines. Total lie.
                      Where? I'm seeing more stuff about Britney Griner and the McCabe/Comey IRS probe on the splash pages that I see this morning than the Highland Park shooting. And Boris Johnson too, although that's admittedly a big deal. In contrast, the media couldn't shut up about the white nationalism and "replacement theory" connection to the Buffalo shooting.
                      Last edited by Hannibal; July 7, 2022, 09:56 AM.


                      • I've seen pictures of him cosplaying as Trump (red tie, black suit), wearing a Trump banner like a cape, wearing a Pepe the Frog shirt, hanging out at a Blue Lives matter rally, and he posted a video on his YouTube account where he's wearing his Trump outfit and cheering Trump's motorcade with a bunch of other people as it leaves an airport.

                        I'm willing to allow that the piece of shit's politics are more about "rebellion" than anything sincere, but what does rebellion look like when you grow up in a very liberal, 40%+ Jewish community? It probably means embracing MAGA bullshit just to piss people off.

                        I haven't said shit about his politics because I thought why pick the fight but since a few of you seem hellbent on declaring him "obviously" a leftist, I'll present contradictory evidence.


                        • ...well we've all seen the pics of you parading in a pink jock strap in Frisco but we don't throw that in yer face do we?
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                            Where? I'm seeing more stuff about Britney Griner and the McCabe/Comey IRS probe on the splash pages that I see this morning than the Highland Park shooting. And Boris Johnson too, although that's admittedly a big deal.
                            I worked at home yesterday and had CNN on all day in the background. They talked about it constantly. They showed the DA's news conference live. Cut to police pressers every time they had one. Ran story after story about the victims.

                            Yeah, Boris Johnson is a pretty big deal, that might eat into coverage,and there's been no significant new development in Highland park today as far as I can tell. Other than his dad giving some interview to say he saw no warning signs and doesn't feel anyway responsible for helping him get the guns.


                            • I said that he was
                              1. “Cross dressing”
                              2. “Non MAGA”


                              Edit: I purposely didn’t label him Antifa/Democrat, etc because it looks like the guy is just a total nut case and not a politically motivated terrorist, but maybe they will find a manifesto or something that he left behind.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; July 7, 2022, 10:31 AM.


                              • I think his politics are ambiguous and like many teenage boys who never grow up, he liked doing things just to piss people off or what strikes him as against the establishment. Not included in that collage are the selfie while wearing the Trump outfit, or the Pepe the Frog tshirt, or some other stuff that paints him more "rightwing".

                                I heard he wore woman's clothes to escape the scene but that's the only evidence of "cross-dressing" I've seen. Dying his hair half pink for a time doesn't count IMO.

