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  • DSL mentioned hole-in-the-wall Mexican joints -- that's the other thing I miss -- those 3am burritos that were outstanding any time of the day, but fucking Michelin star good at 3am on a Sunday morning.

    It's a good city. Well, hallf of it.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • At this point, it seems pretty clear to me, at least, that minds are made up on January 6. No one is going to watch this theatre wondering exactly how they should feel about it -- absent some sort of massive bombshell. But, if there were a massive bombshell out there we would have heard about it. And the sort of problem here, and I really do think it's a problem, is that you have the basic narrative of a treasonous coup or whatever, but almost zero likelihood of indicting the putatitve King. So, it's like -- yeah, the whole thing was gross, unseemly and disgusting and worth spending a fair amount of time on, but here we are, 18 months later, and we're still taking about it. Anyway, that aside...minds made up.

      Meanwhile, inflation is up again. And likely to go higher in June. The Chairman has gone from "transitory" to "inflation has peaked" or some such nonesense. I reckon that sooner or later he'll be right, but then again.

      The NRO had a very good article on why Ds -- and especially Prog Ds -- are remarkably ill-suited to take the steps necessary to fight inflation. Without going into too much detail, basically every choice is virtual anethema to them. The only possible exception is a massive tax raise to pull money out of circulation, but that would have to come w/ no additional, LOL.

      Also, as noted by some here, The Chairman was Jimmy Kimmel...if I were a D I'd really, really hope that no one was watching.

      Finally, Prog protestors from the "Ruth Sent Us" group are now targeting the schools that ACB's children attend. This coming AFTER the arrest of a nutjob lurking outside Kav's house with a Glock. All this happening at the same time Ds are taking an expansive view of "incitement" (though, their expansive view is, sadly for them, limited by the actual law).
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Yeah, I've been just catching up on "the theater." It's like fine, I get it, what now?

        Meanwhile, there's important shit needing to be dealt with and this theater is massively distracting. There are better ways to keep Trump from running again. That's for the Ds in position to act to take action that resonates with the voters, you know, addresses the shit facing us. Inflation, crime and the state of public education, among a shit-load of other important issues
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • sounds like abc/cbs/nbc got between 2-4 million viewers for their televised shi%show
          and their star of the show is watching her republican opponent triple her lead out in wyoming

          meanwhile inflation up 8.6%
          stockmarket down 2.5 %

          keep it up dems

          handing the house/senate and presidency to you worse nightmare on a silver platter


          • Let's not forget the joys of paying > $5/gallon for gas!


            • Almost every food item/staple is up a bunch:

              Yet, according to Progs and The Chairman, "Big Meat" (or whatever) was working behind to scenes to jack up prices as part of their GREEDFLATION!!!! scheme. This is Elizabeth Warren to a fucking tee.

              Now that it appears every fucking food item is going up a bunch, perhaps it'd be time to either (a) label all food producers greedy conglomerates without even the slightest regard to actual facts "BIG FOOD!"; or (b) acknowledge that this shit ain't fucking "greedflation" -- just good ol' fashioned inflation, which tends to happen when massively increase the supply of money in your country.

              As I said earlier, the Progs are remarkably, I mean REMARKABLY ill-suited to deal with inflation because it almost necessarily requires them to admit that at least some of their favorite policies are to blame. There's really no getting around that. So, instead of forcefully dealing with the issue we're going to get more excuses and more assurances that this is nothing or that we're past the worst of it. And come November there's gonna be a hellaprice to pay.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • The initial or early RCP "House Race" map ought to terrify Ds:

                Now, it seems a little R-optimistic to me, but if you're starting at 223-180 w/ 32 toss-ups in what is likely to be a bloodbath year, then you're actually looking at a wave.

                The Senate offers lots of consolation. That's going to 50-50 or 51-49.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                  Yeah, I've been just catching up on "the theater." It's like fine, I get it, what now?

                  Meanwhile, there's important shit needing to be dealt with and this theater is massively distracting. There are better ways to keep Trump from running again. That's for the Ds in position to act to take action that resonates with the voters, you know, addresses the shit facing us. Inflation, crime and the state of public education, among a shit-load of other important issues
                  The best way to keep Trump out of office is for so-called conservatives to just not vote for him again.


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    The initial or early RCP "House Race" map ought to terrify Ds:

                    Now, it seems a little R-optimistic to me, but if you're starting at 223-180 w/ 32 toss-ups in what is likely to be a bloodbath year, then you're actually looking at a wave.

                    The Senate offers lots of consolation. That's going to 50-50 or 51-49.
                    It's a relatively good map for Senate Dems but the R's are also helping them out with shaky candidates like Oz, Herschel, and probably whoever wins in Arizona. Even though I think Vance will win, if Ohio R's had picked a Rob Portman clone he would've cleaned Ryan's clock. Instead it's kind of an actual race.


                    • 100% agreed. If the Rs don't win the Senate it's entirely self-inflicted.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                        The best way to keep Trump out of office is for so-called conservatives to just not vote for him again.
                        And some of us have voted against DJT 3 times. And some of us are watching The Chairman and the Progs operate and are terrified...terrified that we're Manchin-Sinema away from this shitshow being an off the rails abomination. As it is, we're still in pretty treacherous territory. Bad enough that some us, who knew we were gonna have buyer's remorse, are shocked at how much we have.

                        And here's the thing (IMO)...the worst of DJT dies with DJT. And he will die sooner rather than later. The R party may be remade into a populist "Trumpy" type party, but there is only one dude who demagogue like him and only one dude so absolutely insistent on fealty and only one dude so...well, I mean, Trumpian. When he's gone, the Rs will be re-made but they can move back to being more normal politicians.

                        The Progs, however, aren't going anywhere. That IS the future of the D party. It may be that they are the tail wagging the dog for now, but no one in that party really pushes back against the absolute nonsense coming from them. And, to reiterate, they ain't one person. They are a movement that won't go away.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                          And some of us have voted against DJT 3 times. And some of us are watching The Chairman and the Progs operate and are terrified...terrified that we're Manchin-Sinema away from this shitshow being an off the rails abomination. As it is, we're still in pretty treacherous territory. Bad enough that some us, who knew we were gonna have buyer's remorse, are shocked at how much we have.

                          And here's the thing (IMO)...the worst of DJT dies with DJT. And he will die sooner rather than later. The R party may be remade into a populist "Trumpy" type party, but there is only one dude who demagogue like him and only one dude so absolutely insistent on fealty and only one dude so...well, I mean, Trumpian. When he's gone, the Rs will be re-made but they can move back to being more normal politicians.

                          The Progs, however, aren't going anywhere. That IS the future of the D party. It may be that they are the tail wagging the dog for now, but no one in that party really pushes back against the absolute nonsense coming from them. And, to reiterate, they ain't one person. They are a movement that won't go away.
                          I sort of agree with a lot of this but I think there is more disagreement and in-fighting on the Dem side behind closed doors than is generally known. Traditionally I think they have been better at hiding that from the public than the Republicans. But everyone can sense a bad election is coming and there's a lot more bad feelings coming out in the open now and Pelosi is too old and probably checked out to really stop it.

                          Anyways, if San Fran can dump a prog DA by over 60% their control of the party isn't inevitable.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                            The Progs, however, aren't going anywhere. That IS the future of the D party. It may be that they are the tail wagging the dog for now, but no one in that party really pushes back against the absolute nonsense coming from them. And, to reiterate, they ain't one person. They are a movement that won't go away.
                            I'm not so pessimistic about that one. They've been full throttle jerking around with their antics for 6 years now. Yet, they're going to be the last ones to recognize what a clown show they've become. By then, it will be too late.


                            • I hope you’re both right.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • It's impossible to imagine there will be anyone like Trump again until another one appears. It was impossible to believe Trump was the guy to dominate the GOP before he did. Republican voters demand they get those type of candidates. A guy like Herschel Walker is a plus candidate for the GOP, the violence, the craziness and the name recognition are positive attributes. What you fellas think might be a better candidate is based on old thinking, Walker is best candidate for the base by far.

