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  • What's it's like every time a new Wal-Mart opens in Nebraska


    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
      Rhetorical question here...but will the MSM ever like...just do their job?...
      You mean FOX, the largest and most widely watched network? Nah, they won't report news. Their job is the GOP propaganda arm - incite viewers, don't tell the truth. So, no, the MSM will never do their job so long as they're beholden to the GOP. They're no better than MSNBC, beholden to the Dems.

      It was only right wing ninnies that screeched "Russia Collusion!!" Great for fund raising and pandering to paranoia. Russia's meddling in the 2016 election is an established FACT. To investigate IF there was collusion is not an accusation. Even rabid anti-Trumpers like myself never accused DJT of collusion. Despite lacking the ethics and moral integrity required to criminally collude, DJT and his minions lacked the intellectual firepower to commit that crime. But as FOX screamed nightly that Dems were accusing the DJT of collusion, yeah, the intellectually stunted came to believe it. Sure there were a few lefties poking the bear, mostly for the entertaining reactions.

      There was no accuser, there was an investigator who got slammed for sloppy work. And the incident you write of had no influence on the investigation going forward. It would have proceeded regardless.

      I have never seen "JIM CROW ON STEROIDS" anywhere except this board.

      And Hunter Biden? Yeah he's a grifter, but small potatoes compared to your hero that sullied the Oval Office (and his offspring).


      I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


      • The "Big guy" wants to give you a hug and a sniff.


        • Something going on right now is troublesome market volatility. It's impact on us is made seemingly more grave because the press loves disasters so, we get besieged by reports of them regarding our personal finances. The roughly 16% drop in most of the indexes is bad exacerbated in our perceptions of it on our lifestyles by the media's hysteria over this.

          I've been a Vanguard Investor for 40 years starting with them in my 30s. Vanguard's founder, John Bogle, invented the "buy and hold" investment strategy and it fundamentally tells you to hold on to your stocks and bonds "forever" - and that is the same answer when people like Warren Buffet are asked, how long should you hold a stock or bond?" Vanguard investors don't make a killing but their investments grow over time in portfolios that spread risks over many asset classes. It might blunt returns over time but investors won't get destroyed in down markets like this one.

          To bring some rationality to market and global economic analysis I'll share with you some of Vanguard's Market Perspectives in their monthly analysis just released this month:
          • Projected market returns for the remainder of 2022, across both equity and income asset classes, range from a low of 1.8% to a highs of 7.7%. Sounds fair and a far cry from the end of times scenarios for your 401Ks you may be reading about.
          • US GDP growth will be around 3.5% annualized for 2022
          • Unemployment will fall below 3.5% as labor markets remain tight. The quit rate, recently fairly high, will moderate. Wage growth won't keep pace with inflation.
          • Vanguard expects the Fed will raise interest rates 6-8x in the remainder of the year and the federal funds rate will top out at about 3 to 3.5%.
          • The Fed balance sheet will be significantly reduced by selling up to $95b per month of securities the Fed has sold or advanced as credit to financial institutions. Removing that level of stimulus to the economy will tend to dampen inflationary pressures - they hope.
          • Core inflation will be driven by energy, food and housing costs and will remain elevated throughout the year, moderating some as Vanguard thinks it has peaked. Where inflation will go will have a big impact on what the Fed does with interest rates and asset sales.
          There are some great investment opportunities out there going forward according to VG. Also according to their investment philosophy, you can't market time That holds true in my experience, But, staying invested, even investing cash in what appears to be a bad time to do that, while it has risks, there are also opportunities. That's assuming you have a decent time horizon and the stomach for market volatility. Even me and the Geezer have both! If you don't, it's also not a bad time to save and to sit on some cash reserves (IMO).

          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


          • It takes almost unimaginable chutzpah to blame FOX for convincing Americans that the DJT was colluding with Russians. And almost unimagineable dishonesty. I mean, it's fucking staggering.

            And I guess if you don't give a fuck or care what the President of the United States says, you would have missed his repeated Jim Crow comments as he was actively campaigning to removed the All-Star Game from Atlanta. I mean, if you don't pay attention I guess you could miss it.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Politifact on the BIG LIE Jim Crow bullshit:

              The Chairman backs pulling ASG from Atlanta b/c of "Jim Crow on steroids" laws:

              The Chairman calls Georgia laws "Jim Crow in the 21st century"

              The Chairman: do you want to be on the side of MLK or George Wallace? John Lewis or Bull Conner? Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?

              The Chairman -- "This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle!"

              I mean, I could go on and on and on and on and I'd have to woefully igornant of politics not to know what The Chairman was calling Georgia's voting laws...
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • LOL at Talent trying to paint this as The Big Lie when everyone knows that The Big Lie refers to Trump's false claims.

                You are like the dumbass that tries to give himself a nickname.

                Talent: "Everyone calls me (insert stupid nickname here")
                The crowd: "Nobody calls him that"

                What a fucking clown.
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  In this case, it seems like it's not something that SHOULD be cared about.

                  In other places I have concerns. The new vote-by-mail restrictions in Texas caused the rejected mail ballot rate to grow from under 1% in 2020 to over 12% in 2022. And the rate of rejection was almost the same between Democrat voters and Republican voters.

                  Yeah, you noted the Texas ambiguities/lack of clarity previously. But, as you noted it’s across the board, not partisan. It’s probably (a) a bad provision; (b) a poorly drafted provision or (c) both.

                  What it is not is the Big Lie of Jim Eagle or Jim Crow on Steroids.

                  I think we’re probably in agreement on most of this.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • It really is a truly amazing that Ds in general and on this board blame FOX for the “collusion” story and somehow believe only 19 days of early voting is worse than Jim Crow. I guess I thought they might have some shame.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • The Texas provision is probably just a poorly thought out law. The cynical part of me might say state Republicans figured their voters are too smart and sophisticated to let this trip them up, heh, but it didn’t work out that way.

                      Whatever the motivation the only reason the provision exists it to pander to election fraud fantasists. And the result is 28,000 people had their votes thrown in the trash. And because it’s extremely difficult for anyone under 65 to vote by mail in Texas anymore they were almost all seniors.


                      • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                        LOL at Talent trying to paint this as The Big Lie when everyone knows that The Big Lie refers to Trump's false claims.

                        You are like the dumbass that tries to give himself a nickname.

                        Talent: "Everyone calls me (insert stupid nickname here")
                        The crowd: "Nobody calls him that"

                        What a fucking clown.
                        Nice to see the poop lollipop showed up...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • JIM
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • HUNTER
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • RUSSIAN
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • I know Talent gave you permission to post earlier. How long does his OK to post last?

                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

