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    Mom shares photos of her child in almost the same spot an hour before the gator attack

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    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • Originally posted by entropy View Post


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      Marketing execs at Frito-Lay today:


      • "Can anyone name a large scale shooting that took place in a location that allowed handguns? "

        Uh... how about the guy who shot up the military base. Think there were guns on location?


        • Originally posted by entropy View Post

          Mom shares photos of her child in almost the same spot an hour before the gator attack

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          Awful. I do love all the douches who think it's their spot to criticize the parents. Fuckin tools.


          • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
            I don't know why "Pro 2nd Amendment" people act like nd Ipeople want to take their guns. I don't see the problem is making them harder to get and don't see the need for the heavy artillery. There's a lot of room to meet in the middle and no one is willing to.
            Part of the problem is that so many people who talk against guns have never owned a gun and have not a clue what they are talking about. That doesn't stop them from blathering on about them. For instance, an AR15 continues to be called a very powerful weapon. It is not. It's a freaking varmint gun. The 5.56 or .223 does move at 2,700 to 3,000 FPS, but it is nowhere near as deadly as larger cartridges. Anti-gunners also insist on calling them automatic weapons, which they are not. Thirty round magazines do make them useful in a mass shooting, but ten round magazines can be changed quickly, too. People in a gun-free zone are going to be running and cowering when the shooting starts, and it really won't matter which magazine is used in that situation if no one confronts the shooter when he's reloading. Face it, ISIS inspired idiots are here among us. That's the real problem. Gun control isn't going to stop them. Take away "assault weapons" and they'll use a car bomb.

            We'd all love to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. But a person can purchase a gun from a licensed dealer before he commits a terrorist act and becomes a terrorist. I don't mind making it harder for bad people to get guns. I'm all for it. But bad people can always get around gun laws. The only solution would be to get rid of all guns, which is the road that some are afraid we're on. Getting rid of guns might sound like a panacea, but then you're unarmed against criminals and subject to any draconian laws passed by an unchecked authoritarian government. That's why the 2nd Amendment exists. It's not for hunting or to protect you in your home, it's to protect you against oppressive governments - foreign and domestic. As Jefferson wrote: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." You don't get rid of authoritarian government through voting.
            Last edited by Rocky Bleier; June 16, 2016, 05:16 PM.
            I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


            • I've grown up with guns and don't have a problem with them. People don't need to be able to write a thesis on a gun to know that it shouldn't be sold to just anyone. The AR-15, semantics aside, was created as a military weapon. It was banned when the assault weapons law was in effect. To me, a semi automatic, automatic or assault weapons all fall in the same boat. Those weapons don't need to be sold on the market.


              • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
                Those weapons don't need to be sold on the market.
                I agree that they shouldn't be sold to just anyone. That's why we have background checks. Which weapons do need to be sold on the market? How do you determine need? An AR15 is not used by the military. Military weapons have automatic capabilities. And the ban did not prevent violent crime while it was in effect. FBI statistics show that more people are killed with knives than rifles. So-called "assault rifles" get the most publicity because they've been used in high profile shootings. Handguns are killing hundreds every year in Obama's hometown.

                To answer your original question... Most gun owners I've talked to believe that any compromise is just the first step toward confiscation and consequent opression. Obama mentions Australia and England from time time as examples of countries who took care of their gun problems through confiscation. Many gun owners do not trust the government and believe that the 2nd Amendment protects all the other amendments. They believe that self defense by any means is a natural right which stems from the right to life and liberty.
                Last edited by Rocky Bleier; June 16, 2016, 05:40 PM.
                I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                • Originally posted by Rocky Bleier View Post
                  An AR15 is not used by the military. Military weapons have automatic capabilities. And the ban did not prevent violent crime while it was in effect.

                  To answer your original question... Most gun owners I've talked to believe that any compromise is just the first step toward confiscation and consequent opression.
                  And to that, the assault weapon ban did NOT lead to more "oppression". Banning those guns would help, not solve the problem.


                  • There are no background checks for long guns. At least in Michigan. Anyone can walk into a gun store and buy an assault rifle no questions asked. It's like that for most states. Only handguns are subject to background checks.


                    • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
                      And to that, the assault weapon ban did NOT lead to more "oppression". Banning those guns would help, not solve the problem.
                      The assault weapons "ban" was nothing of the sort. You could still purchase assault weapons, you just had to do it piecemeal and buy the upper and lower receivers separately. The barrel of the gun also couldn't have a flash suppressor and I think 30 round mags were banned also.


                      • I'm sure if they had to, some of the psychotic mass killers might go to the black market. But we don't know that for sure, most of these clowns buy the guns legally and act on it pretty quickly. If nothing changes, then we will see these type of mass killings for probably the rest of our lives.

                        And a lot of these guys get inspired by the other killers, you can bet the next mass killer will be trying to top this guy.


                        • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                 in a fire-and-brimstone kind of way? Or more like the way Wiz fantasizes about hefty women doing Zumba at the North Platte YMCA?

                          One is definitely more terrifying than the other.
                          North Platte doesn't have a YMCA...dumbass.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by hack View Post
                            Why? What's wrong with North Platte?
                            Nothing. Unless you hate Wiz.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Mike ...... as we learn more and more about Mateen there appears to have been multiple opportunities to stop the shooting before it happened. To that affect, I'm more inclined to call for better coordination between entities that have intelligence. That intel needs to be collated in such a way that when it is put together allows for a set of facts upon which an arrest warrant can be issued.

                              I'm less inclined to wade into the battle over gun control currently being waged because (a) I believe Second A rights should not be encroached upon for a number of very good reasons adequately discussed here already. Further, and related to this, a well armed citizenry stands as a buffer against not only the potential for tyrannical government but from acts committed by crazies like Mateen - IOW, I rather agree with OP and Rocky on this one ..... Mateen had to reload. If there had been just a few armed individuals in that club, and one or two of those carrying a weapon even remotely competent with it, you know when this is going to happen and you take your kill shot when it does. (b) The argument for gun control is complex, involves a myriad of options and places to control the flow of weapons and argument about it under these circumstances is pretty much fruitless.

                              Having said that, gun control is part of the solution but I doubt I see it like gun control activists shouting slogans about it today do. I lean heavily towards better coordination of intelligence by national and local authorities and better RICO Act style laws that allow prosecutors to be more proactive in pursuing arrests of persons suspected of the potential to carry out gun related criminal acts as solutions to the problem at hand.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • Interesting how quickly the first report was taken down

                                Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.

