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  • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
    Chairman Poopypants in Buffalo today...

    "White supremacy is a poison in America"

    So a mentally deranged loon shoots up a grocery store and suddenly White Supremacy is a poison. This coming from a man who lauded Robert Byrd.

    Then he equates the Buffalo shooting to January 6. JFC.

    What a fucking piece of shit.
    It's the standard playbook. Building up the White Supremacy boogeyman is how they justify everything from social media censorship to FBI surveillance and Conservatives being put on the "no fly" list.

    A BLM activist getting revenge on whitey by plowing an SUV through a parade route is totally fine though.


    • Looking like Idaho Governor Brad Little (R) will easily defeat Trump-endorsed sack of shit Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin.


      • 281685411_322729863345004_4649361248932443647_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-6&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=q-aXz9gDdvAAX8W5bhO&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT_-Y2BryaaLJM7ZMYu83n85QzjhRIfigZvr--xaz1l7mw&oe=628A3C2C.jpg
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Well as of this morning with 94% of the vote in Oz leads by just 2500 votes. There's reportedly tens of thousands of uncounted mail-in ballots left and those have been, up till now, leaning McCormick pretty strongly.


          • When I first saw this meme I thought it was Joe Bauserman's passing chart versus UNL circa 2011...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Russian colonel opens up on Russian "60 Minutes". I suspect he's on a train to Siberia now.

              Mikhail Khodarenok gives a rare insight saying the military operation in Ukraine can only get worse.

              I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


              • I wish you were on that train...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Ukraine: After the Russian Bridge Crossing attempt catastrophe, Russian information space (not including state controlled media - just about every source available to citizens living in Russia) was filled with complaints and negative takes from milbloggers, and social media platforms that can be reached by VPN. Targets of these complaints were the Russian military's incompetence, slowness of progress to achieve objectives Moscow set out to obtain and questions over the Kremlin's strategic goals.

                  Yesterday and today, messaging from the Kremlin is trying to reverse that. Video, being widely circulated by Russian controlled media shows the Azov Battalion soldiers being "marched out" of the Avostol Steel Works in Mariupol. It was here where somewhere over 1000 of them have been holed up for a month. That was preventing the Russian Army from claiming victory there. Strangely, media watchers allege that the reaction of Russian supporters of Putin's war is a negative one reelecting anger that the surrender of these forces (the Nazi's) was negotiated with Ukraine. Politicians in the Duma are clamoring for laws preventing a planned prisoner exchange moving to label the Azov Battalion as a terrorist organization. Putin does not seem to be getting what he wants out of planting the Russian Federation flag on the pile of ruble that is Mariupol...... a shift in the downward trend of support for his war that emerged over the last week.

                  There are many reports of partisan resistance in both Mariupol and Kherson, key areas the Russians must control if Putin's goal of creating a continuous region of Ukraine under Russian control from the Donbas to Crimea. The Russians can claim all the victories they might want to claim publicly but, like the US in Iraq, there is evidence that planning for a post war occupation and control of this region has been poor. There are not nearly enough Russian soldiers left to enforce an occupation over this huge area boarding the Azov and Black Seas. Doctrine states occupiers need a 3:1 advantage of solders to civilian residents. Without a Putin declaration of war and mobilization inside Russia there is no way this area of Ukraine can be controlled by Russia - even with it, there is growing residence to such a move by young Russian men.

                  Elsewhere on the ground, there's been little change, There has been a noticeable increase in bombardments N. of Kharkiv. Recall that the Russians have withdrawn from Kharkiv over the last two weeks with Ukrainian forcers retaking most of the Kharkiv's surrounding suburbs pushing Russian troops back E and into Russia. Yesterday, a video and still photos was widely circulated of Ukrainian Defense forces planting a boarder stake painted in the blue and yellow collars of Ukraine at the Russian boarder due E of Kharkiv. The increased bombardment being undertaken by Russian long range artillery, cruise missiles and limited attack helos in this area is assumed to be defensive in nature and intended to keep Ukrainian forces from moving further SE and threatening Russian supply lines from Belgorad or Belgorod itself which has come under long range artillery attack several times of late. That's pretty good evidence that the Howitzers the US and Germany promised to Zelenski are in the field and operating.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                  • So Madison Cawthorn gets primaried. Not because he is a conspiracy theorist, racist, insurrectionist, Trump supporting Big Lie believing dumb mother fucker, but because the Republicans thought he might be GAY. (Oh, the humanity!)

                    Meanwhile CTE brain damage ex-football player and admitted wife abuser Herschel Walker says, "At least I ain't no Faggot"

                    And the Republicans rejoice.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • a942f1e198dcb617.jpg


                      • It appears the Disinformation Board is going to go on hold and that Nina Jankawitz will resign from DHS. You progs have my sympathy.


                        • The video is harmless and pretty tame. But since it uses examples of GOP hero Rudi G. and also co-vid deniers, Nina must therefore be a left wing, radical, commie, anti-American, socialist. Same old drivel from the MAGA GOP, shoot the messenger and ignore the message. Disinformation is okay so long as it serves OUR purpose.

                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • I just noticed the market is down a thousand points. Did Wiz get elected to public office or something?
                            I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                            • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                              It appears the Disinformation Board is going to go on hold and that Nina Jankawitz will resign from DHS. You progs have my sympathy.
                              They fired the Soviet Mary Poppins?
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Dow down 1100. Gas prices at an all time high.

                                "Everything that should be down...everything that's down...should be up"

                                Algore circa 1992

                                Who knew he was a visionary looking 30 years into the future...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

