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  • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

    It's their fucking game and they are good at it because the rubes buy into it.

    They're going to take our Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuunsssssss!
    They Stole the Election!!!!
    The Meeeeeeeeedaiaaaaaaa!
    Woke Grooming of Children!!!!!
    De Nile ain't just a river in France...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • I still think the final USSC vote will be 5-4, with Roberts voting with the libs.

      Socialism has failed everywhere its been tried.
      Pedophiles exist, and moreso than what is generally accepted or known. The business of pedophilia is a billion dollar business. Children all over the world are exploited by pedophiles, including here in America.
      They do want to take our guns. Ask Corey Booker and Beeto O'Rourke.
      While I don't believe the election was stolen, I do believe that fraud is widespread, and Progs like it that way. Its underplayed by the media because the fraud favors progs.
      The media is not on the side of the average American citizen. In fact, they revile the average American. They hate flyover America.
      The woke grooming of children is very real. Only the state of Florida has had the balls to do something about it.
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • Yep. The rubes eat it up.

        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

          Ouch. Follow that up with a combo of "Children in cages" and "Putin's Price Hike" and I'll be out like a light on the canvas.
          I wasn't going for the knockout. But if you say so. The Ds generally don't have to give as much thought to their outlandish talking points as the Media just swallows it all up. The Rs gotsta test.

          Of course, what works best for Rs is just quoting Ds and using Ds own words which, as I've learned, is grossly unfair propaganda. Can't be quoting folks!
          Last edited by iam416; May 3, 2022, 06:07 AM.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Stories go that Scalia used to threaten new clerks that he would personally see to it that they would be unemployable as a lawyer if he found out they had leaked something to the press. That’s a pretty fair punishment if one of them leaked this draft.
            They'll be a Prog hero/heroine.

            That said, there are no half measures on this. The oral arguments were unequivocal. The "pro-choice" side gave Roberts exactly zero ground; zero olive branches. Nothing.

            And, of course, the Party that so worried about "democracy dying" will be outraged -- and I mean OUTRAGED -- that the Supreme Court has returned an issue to, well, Democracy.
            Last edited by iam416; May 3, 2022, 06:10 AM.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Finally, I want to put everyone at ease -- Jen Psaki has promised that The Chairman's new Ministry of Disinformation will operate in a non-partisan, apolitical way. So, nothing to worry about here.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I'll be shoocked if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and if it is, I want to re-emphasize that no less than half of the country lives in states where abortion will remain legal. Probably more like 2/3.


                • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                  I still think the final USSC vote will be 5-4, with Roberts voting with the libs.

                  Socialism has failed everywhere its been tried.
                  Pedophiles exist, and moreso than what is generally accepted or known. The business of pedophilia is a billion dollar business. Children all over the world are exploited by pedophiles, including here in America.
                  They do want to take our guns. Ask Corey Booker and Beeto O'Rourke.
                  While I don't believe the election was stolen, I do believe that fraud is widespread, and Progs like it that way. Its underplayed by the media because the fraud favors progs.
                  The media is not on the side of the average American citizen. In fact, they revile the average American. They hate flyover America.
                  The woke grooming of children is very real. Only the state of Florida has had the balls to do something about it.
                  • Correct. Hybrid forms, I guess, have at least not failed.
                  • Pedophilia isn't high on my list of concerns, though the guilty should be buried under the prison. My position would change if I was presented ith facts showing much bigger numbers than I think.
                  • *They absolutley want to take at least some of your guns. Again, they've said so. Whether they want to take all your guns? There's a split in the Ds on that w/ that position probably being a minority position.
                  • As with the ludicrous claims by Stacey Abrams re voter suppression, there has to be evidence of voter fraud. It's an easy claim to make. Proving it is hard, as it turns out -- waaay harder than one would expect if it were "widespread." And, for that matter, on my soapbox -- the twin/competting concepts of voter fraud/Jim Crow ON STEROIDS serve to intentionally undermine the faith in elections. It's problematic if we can't recognize the legitimacy of the other side's win.
                  • Correct re what I refer to as the "Primary" Media (or "Legacy" Media). The Secondary Media (the initial reactionaries -- MSNBC, Fox, Talk Radio, Wash Times, etc) are openly partisan and the Tertiary Media (blogs, Substack, podcasts) are all over the place. But, the Primary Media? -- 100%
                  • I assume that "grooming" is "real" but, back to pedophilia -- the numbers matter, and I can't, for the life of me, get to a place where I think the numbers are significant enough to matter (as a comparative point -- the US has racists; I don't think the US is a racist country). I also think the "grooming" label is grossly unfair. I think the Prog motivation for teaching kindgergartners about this shit is the standard, garden-variety indoctrination motivation that goes along with most of their other teachings. It's the unifying desire that drive what they want to do in schools. An ancillary benefit is that maybe you speak into existence more trans kids and thus a larger cohort of the victimized.

                  And Roberts will not vote with the the 3 Prog justices. He will write is own dissent because he would likely uphold the Mississippi law. He will have no "half measure" to sign on to, so he'll have to write his own -- that's my guess.
                  Last edited by iam416; May 3, 2022, 06:36 AM.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    I'll be shoocked if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and if it is, I want to re-emphasize that no less than half of the country lives in states where abortion will remain legal. Probably more like 2/3.
                    Again, the Party of Democracy only really loves Democracy when Democracy leads to their desired outcomes.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Someone also "leaked" to CNN last night that Roberts planned to dissent. Uphold Mississippi's 15-week ban, reject the majority opinion.

                      If it was a staffer or a clerk they should be fired/disbarred. Should be impeachment proceedings if a Justice was involved.

                      If it was a liberal clerk I wouldn't be surprised if they self-identify in the near future. Because, yeah, they'll be treated like a hero and have a bunch of career opportunities as a activist tossed at them. They'll be throwing away their legal career. I don't understand the strategy though. If this is the actual Dobbs opinion and not just a draft, how does it help anything to release it a few weeks early? The draft is dated in February so it's been around a while.

                      Some have speculated that this could be an attempt to publicly pressure Kav or Barrett to flip their vote. Would that actually work?

                      If you want to go more tin-foil, if I'm a conservative, it's in my interest that the media spend as much time covering a leak and solving the mystery of the leaker as they do covering the substance and ramifications of the decision.

                      Roberts has to make some sort of statement today even if they aren't ready to release the opinion itself.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        I'll be shocked if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and if it is, I want to re-emphasize that no less than half of the country lives in states where abortion will remain legal. Probably more like 2/3.
                        I'd have to go back and check but there "might" be a few states you wouldn't expect where abortion is illegal under state law. When Roe was decided in 1973 abortion was completely illegal in 25-26 states. Some of them never actually took their laws off the books and there could be a few surprises in that group.


                        • I think the most obvious explanation is that it's a liberal clerk or, even worse, justice. And I think it's obviously designed to foment outrage and pressure. From a conservative perspective, the opinion won't go away. It's not like there's just going to be 2 weeks of hyperventilating Handsmaid Tale outrage from the Left. It's going to last through the election and on and on and on. So, the lead time does them zero good.

                          Finally, as we agree -- the only person who actually benefits from this is a Prog.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Hanni- I checked and heh, abortion will be almost completely illegal in both Wisconsin and Michigan the moment Roe gets overturned. Neither one ever officially repealed state laws after Roe. Republicans control the Wisconsin legislature so I don't see that changing.

                            Even if allowing some abortion is a 70-30 issue in most places, I think the number of single-issue voters on the pro-life side is waaaay more. For a lot of pro-choice people, abortion isn't the same make-or-break issue. You might be generally pro-choice (with limits) but no one's going to win your vote solely on this issue.


                            • Abortion is never going to be outlawed nationwide. I don't think the USSC has any intention of doing so. Of course Progs everywhere will claim that is what's happening, but its a lie, as usual.

                              If this actually gets overturned, its going to divide the country worse than any time since the Civil War. Prog companies and organizations are going to go wild with their bans and boycotts. States with 'restrictive' abortion laws will become pariahs, and not allowed to have big sports events, conventions, etc. Very typical Prog reactions will ensue.

                              Eventually, some states that are teetering on the edge of pro-life or pro-abortion will be forced into very liberal abortion laws, because the penalties to remain pro-life will be restrictive. Other states that are pro-life will dig in their heels, and take whatever economic impact comes their way. I mean, how are you going to make Mississippi 'poorer' than they are now?

                              In Michigan there's no danger of the state becoming firmly pro-life. There are enough progs and Milliken/Collins republicans who will not allow Michigan to become a firm pro-life state. And as long as Michigan voters continue to vote for idiots like Whitmer, Nessel, Stupidnow and Peters, the progs will continue to have their way here. Detroit sways most elections, and they are firmly prog, and pro-abortion.

                              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                              • For a lot of pro-choice people, abortion isn't the same make-or-break issue. You might be generally pro-choice (with limits) but no one's going to win your vote solely on this issue.
                                Well, as you're obviously aware, it wasn't an issue of concern for the past 49 years. There was a floor that was satisfactory. That will change. As will the importance of the issue. You know, when it's returned to Democracy!
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

