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  • The Chairman speaks on the possibility of a recession:

    "Well, I'm not concerned about recession. I mean, you're always concerned about recession, but the GDP, you know, fell to 1.4%."
    Everyone just stay calm. The Chairman has this shit under control! Doubt me? Please recall that just 10 short months ago The Chairman was assuring us that no serious economist was concerned about inflation.

    So, you know, shit's all good here.

    (*I am, again, guilty of using The Chairman's exact words)
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • 279357634_352347713593917_2294759338571970962_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=3YF8T46CBYwAX-s1zqw&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9Sekcb93T2NpnxCacShZPXHtSUhTux0CHN3_bX_mql7Q&oe=62716C5E.jpg

      Two IDF soldiers, one Jewish and the other Muslim, spending time in prayer.

      They can't get along?
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        The Chairman speaks on the possibility of a recession:

        Everyone just stay calm. The Chairman has this shit under control! Doubt me? Please recall that just 10 short months ago The Chairman was assuring us that no serious economist was concerned about inflation.

        So, you know, shit's all good here.

        (*I am, again, guilty of using The Chairman's exact words)
        Well it's Putin's inflation...soon to be Putin's recession...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Putin continues to reap substantial income form energy sources inside Russia bought by other countries. Some of it is coming from clever sanction work-arounds that are legal but nonetheless .....

          Last week Janet Yellen floated the idea that rather than increasing sanctions that can be foiled, Russian energy products should be slapped with Tariffs. It's not an easy to understand approach and failed to gain traction in Europe. The Economist argues that an embargo would do the same thing as tariffs and do a number on the flow of dollars and euros into Russia that is sustaining Russia's Army. An embargo of Russian oil or gas has been a non-starter for the EU ..... up until now.

          This is a hybrid war involving both hot engagements on the ground and economic measures (up until now - sanctions) targeted against Russia. Everyone watching this shit-show should understand there are huge strategic implications associated with the war's outcome. Sanctions work but there's blow-back impact that global players thought they could withstand for a short period until the war in Ukraine came to a negotiated settlement. That's unlikely to happen in the short term and a lot of that has to do with the unexpected strength of the Russian economy and the Rubel. The combo of that realization coupled with the horrifying atrocities and genocide conducted by Putin's Army in Ukraine is starting to move the action needed needle of the west.

          Despite my advocacy for NATO forces entering Ukraine and pushing the Russian army and it's proxy soldiers in Donbas out that's my impatience and need for revenge at work. An oil embargo then? First, there's recognition that Putin is not going to back down. He'll resort to the one thing that makes him an equal of China, the US and NATO: raw destructive power and waging a terror campaign against Ukrainian civilians backed up by the threat of his "special military operation" becoming a chemical and/or nuclear conflict. He's been humiliated once, will not have it again and has something to prove. That is why he is so dangerous and the best option for the west to find a soft landing for Russia and Putin is to squeeze the petro-state he derives billions per day from and sustains his barbaric military ...... slowly but surely.

          Accordingly, it's being reported that the EU member states have fundamentally agreed on an oil embargo that will be phased in over 2-4 months. It will be announced by mid-next week. It is first a recognition that this is hot war, albeit being waged by Ukranians, but nonetheless a version of WWIII that is a hybrid of what might be a typical engagement between NATO and Russian forces. Driving Russian forces and their DNL LNR proxies back to mother Russia's pre-2014 boarders, isn't an easy task if the goal is to contain the hot battlefield to Ukraine and keep it from spreading. It is likely to be a long war though - one that Russia will ultimately be forced to negotiate an outcome on terms vastly less than what Putin imagined in February.

          I believe the west has enough conventional leverage over Putin to force his hand - his greatest fear, made more painfully obvious by the staggering failure of his vaunted military forces fighting against outnumbered Ukrainians, is a hot engagement with NATO. He'll saber rattle, to include the threats of unleashing nuclear or chemical weapons, but he cannot win either a conventional or unconventional war. His army sucks and so does his economy without petro-dollars. Putin is not a suicidal nuclear maniac and he knows the outcome if NATO enters the fray conventionally. It may take months, possibly years, under an oil embargo but Russia will, once again, collapse.
          Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 29, 2022, 01:46 PM.
          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


          • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

            I hope so. He's a fucking idiot
            Cawthorn made the grave mistake of commiting a Kinsley Gaffe talking about the elderly GOP coke orgies.


            • 279527104_5034066246710179_6329221029335596851_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=J1ojHiUEvrcAX9ioZaS&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT-3yo52kqsdXKZS_n6fgoHoftlcV-CP8kxByNJAkx5kTA&oe=62725A5C.jpg
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Heh.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Heh to the Heh.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Jeff- Seeing a lot of chatter that Putin may make an actual war declaration during the May 9th victory parade. Could include a total closing of the borders. Begin the compulsory drafting of all able bodied men.


                    • Vladimir Putin, in order to get on the good side of voters, goes to visit a school in Moscow to have a chat with the kids. He talks to them about how Russia is a powerful nation and how he wants the best for the people. At the end of the talk there is a session for questions.

                      Little Sasha puts her hand up and says, "I have two questions. Why did the Russians take Crimea and why are we sending troops to Ukraine?"

                      Putin says, "Good questions". But just as he is about to answer, the bell goes off and the kids go to lunch. When they come back, they sit down and there is still time for some more questions.

                      Another girl, Misha, puts her hand up and says "I have four questions. Why did the Russians invade Crimea? Why are we sending troops to Ukraine? Why did the bell go 20 minutes early?...... and where the hell is Sasha?"
                      I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                      • Isn’t it great that Democrats care more about defending Ukraine’s borders than ours?

                        Arent’t the Russians just “Undocumented migrants?”


                        • Heartbreaking footage of the damage done by Putin in Kiev.


                          • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
                            Vladimir Putin, in order to get on the good side of voters, goes to visit a school in Moscow to have a chat with the kids. He talks to them about how Russia is a powerful nation and how he wants the best for the people. At the end of the talk there is a session for questions.

                            Little Sasha puts her hand up and says, "I have two questions. Why did the Russians take Crimea and why are we sending troops to Ukraine?"

                            Putin says, "Good questions". But just as he is about to answer, the bell goes off and the kids go to lunch. When they come back, they sit down and there is still time for some more questions.

                            Another girl, Misha, puts her hand up and says "I have four questions. Why did the Russians invade Crimea? Why are we sending troops to Ukraine? Why did the bell go 20 minutes early?...... and where the hell is Sasha?"
                            Sounds like a great blueprint for a Silicon Valley social media company.


                            • LMAO. — Amazon posted a loss in Q1. Turns out banning books and kicking “hate speech” off of your servers doesn’t make money.

                              I wonder how much of that loss can be chalked up to money spent on the Woke Lord of the Rings that absolutely nobody is going to watch.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; April 30, 2022, 06:10 PM.


                              • The Chairman, showing his incredible political acumen, is focused on canceling college debt. In fact, if you believe the WaPo -- and as unofficial organ of the D party, you probably should on this -- it sounds like it's going to happen. A couple points.

                                (1) He almost certainly doesn't have the authority to cancel student debt. I mean, he doesn't, but the "almost" is in there because he only lacks the authority if a Court faithfully applies the law, so there's a small chance. For this proposition I merely cite -- prepare yourselves -- Nancy Pelosi -- "The President can't do it. That's not even a discussion." (

                                (2) Despite his total lack of authority to do so, The Chairman seems intent on ignoring the law and trying to, by executive fiat, give D Voters money. College-educated folks are, of course, strongly pro-technocrat. And, of course, college-educated folks only make up something like 36% of the population. So, The Chairman is targeting a debt forgiveness for his voters. I mean, why not? Can he really go any lower in polling?

                                (3) The cost of this will depend on whatever limits he opts to place on the cancellation, but it will probably be around $500B or something. Maybe more. That's free money. Injected into the economy whilst the number one issue on voters' minds is, well, inflation.

                                There are, of course, many other points to be made. But, I think this nicely sums up The Chairman and D party -- doing something they know is illegal (or they can't do) for the benefit of their own voters whilst exacerbating the one issue voters really care about.

                                Hey, you know....BIDEN BOOM!

                                (*My apologies for citing a CNBC article and quoting Pelosi directly. I know that's just propaganda and lies).
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

