If had to bet, I'd say The Chairman carefully read all relevant treaties, knows them inside and out and very shrewdly signaling the future for Putin. It's either that, or the doddering fool misspoke and that just doesn't seem possible.
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Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects
So I'm sitting here catching up on email and other matters and my wife tunes in "Good Morning America". The 2nd story behind the subway shootings in NYC was Oklahoma's new abortion law. The reactions of the ABC/Disney snowflakes that run that show are just pitiful. The "right" to terminate the life of an inconvenient, pre-born child seems to be the most important "right" in the world to them. Well, that and the "right" to talk about sex and transgenderism to K-3rd grade kids. Lord help us."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Originally posted by lineygoblue View PostSo I'm sitting here catching up on email and other matters and my wife tunes in "Good Morning America". The 2nd story behind the subway shootings in NYC was Oklahoma's new abortion law. The reactions of the ABC/Disney snowflakes that run that show are just pitiful. The "right" to terminate the life of an inconvenient, pre-born child seems to be the most important "right" in the world to them. Well, that and the "right" to talk about sex and transgenderism to K-3rd grade kids. Lord help us.
I doubt it's enough on its own to change deeply red states like Oklahoma or North Dakota but in purple states that Republicans hope to win back, being aggressively anti-abortion and promising to make it illegal, no different than murder, and punishable by double digit prison terms in NOT a winning issue.
At a minimum the Supreme Court is going to weaken Roe. Whether it overturns it completely remains to be seen. I know Roberts will not want to do that. I tend to doubt Kavanaugh wants to. Dunno about Barrett.
If Roe really gets fully reversed then all bets are off on what would come next. Obergefell (gay marriage) and Griswold (right to privacy/govt can't ban birth control) are the most obvious targets.
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I doubt that the USSC will completely throw out Roe. I think its more likely that the "conservative" justices will rule that states will have more authority to implement their own abortion laws, and take that authority away from the feds. As a result, some states will have very restrictive abortion laws, (Oklahoma) and some will allow the inconvenient baby to be aborted at full term. (New York). For either side to get what they fully want on a national basis, it will require a constitutional amendment that defines when life begins, which will fail, because they're not going to be able to get 33 states to agree on a definition.
On issues like this, Roberts is more comfortable voting with the libs, so at best, conservatives are looking at a 5-4 decision in their favor. If Kav also balks, then the liberals win. Inconvenient babies die nationwide.
I think 'gay rights' (special rights?) are safe, because in reality, gays are protected under the Constitution like everyone else is. No special rights laws are necessary. Laws banning birth control are a non-starter because even evangelicals are in favor of birth control that stops conception. After conception is where you lose evangelicals. Even most Catholics have no problem with pre-conception birth control, although the Pope "officially" opposes such.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
Whether you like it or not, acceptance of first trimester abortion is the mainstream view in America. It's not even a close issue. Like a 70-30 one.
I doubt it's enough on its own to change deeply red states like Oklahoma or North Dakota but in purple states that Republicans hope to win back, being aggressively anti-abortion and promising to make it illegal, no different than murder, and punishable by double digit prison terms in NOT a winning issue.
At a minimum the Supreme Court is going to weaken Roe. Whether it overturns it completely remains to be seen. I know Roberts will not want to do that. I tend to doubt Kavanaugh wants to. Dunno about Barrett.
If Roe really gets fully reversed then all bets are off on what would come next. Obergefell (gay marriage) and Griswold (right to privacy/govt can't ban birth control) are the most obvious targets.
Obergefell and Griswold are both badly reasoned cases, IMO. Again, they're outcomes I agree with if they were actual policy/political questions. IMO, those cases are quintessential "ends justifying the means" vs. "process matters" cases. Lots of arguments on either side.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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They *really* don't want to ban abortion. It is the only thing that is keeping most of the country from going blue.
If you say Democrat in red states the first comment to come from a right winger is "Baby Killer!"
For someone that believes that abortion is murder, there is nothing that anyone can do to change that opinion.
If abortion is no longer an issue, the only thing to run on is SOCIALISM!!! and THEY'RE GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!
And we all know both of those issues are bullshit and they don't even come close to moving the needle like abortion.I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on
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Originally posted by Hannibal View PostOverturning Roe v. Wade would, at most, allow maybe half of the states in the country to ban abortion. At least half would keep it legal.
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Rs can also run on the perception that Ds are batshit fucking crazy. Or, you know, that dudes can't give birth. Or that US isn't a giant pit of suck. They have issues to run on thanks, in no small part, to the absolute idiocy that has somehow captured the D party.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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Originally posted by CGVT View Post
If abortion is no longer an issue, the only thing to run on is SOCIALISM!!! and THEY'RE GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!
And we all know both of those issues are bullshit and they don't even come close to moving the needle like abortion.
And while I don’t worry about the government taking people’s guns, the official position of the D party is that they sure would LIKE to. Neither of those issues are contrived boogeymen. That seems to be a theme for every legitimate attack on the left these days.
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How are they bullshit? There are very prominent and influential leaders in the D party who are avowed Socialists and many more who simply support socialist policies.
And while I don’t worry about the government taking people’s guns, the official position of the D party is that they sure would LIKE to. Neither of those issues are contrived boogeymen. That seems to be a theme for every legitimate attack on the left these days.
And it's also worth noting that an avowed Socialist has finished 2nd in the D primary in 2016 and 2020 -- and might have even won in 2020 if the Progs weren't beaten back by the party's desperate desire to get rid of DJT.
It's hard to have it both ways. There's no doubt that DJT currently commands at least a plurality of the R party -- a devout pluarlity -- and maybe a majority. When he speaks, his nonsense can't just be disregarded. They may the rantings of a crazy man, but the man is the most significant man in the R Party. The Chairman may be borderline senile, but he's the fucking President. Bernie Sanders is the first runner-up two primaries and counting. AOC is a Media-loved covergirl. Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. Stacey Abrams if a f'n left-wing heroine. The shit they say is very relevant to the ACCURATE perception of the D party.
And the accurate perception of the D party is, e.g., very much so that Men can get pregnant, that white people are racist, that preaching equal opportunity is racists, that saying you're colorblind is racist, that inflation is transitory, that, ooops, it's not and that the way to fix inflation is to spend $3T on "Build Back Better", that 18 days of early voting is WORSE that 1950s Jim Crow, and so on and on and on and on and on....
Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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