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  • Read an article from a Radio Free Europe website titled, "Where are the Blue Helmets." Of course, that asks, where are UN peace keepers? The article explained why they aren't in Ukraine. My take, among many other UN member state's reps takes, is what is the UN for if it can't step in to face an aggressor committing obvious war crimes? Good question.

    The reason that stepping in with a joint force, like the UN did in the Balkans when Serbia was committing Genocide in Kosovo, in Ukraine is that the discussion of doing so didn't involve an aggressor state that was a voting member of of the UNSC. It does in this case and Russia can veto such a resolution and would surely do that. Right now, that circumstance is a hot topic of debate at the UN. Can't you just expel Russia for their current atrocities? The short answer is no.

    Apparently, the question of doing something about Russian aggression came up during their involvement in Syria, their support of Russian separatists in Donbas and Luhansk and the land grab of Crimea. UN member state's reps have been particularly outspoken about Russia using the UN to spread disinformation and the bull-shit they've tried to spread about biological weapons sites in Ukraine (as the Russians laugh out loud about Colin Powel, Iraq and Yellow cake).

    My position on the UN is that it serves little purpose in keeping the peace, especially in this case, but it is better than nothing. One UN rep said attempts to oust Russia as a UN member/voting member of the UNSC may produce unwanted blow back from Russia. He recalls what happened after Japan, Germany and Italy were roundly condemned for their aggression and promptly stormed out of the League of Nations and then accelerated it ..... and this was before nuclear weapons. There is no telling what Putin might do if such an attempt to kick Russia out of the UN were made.

    We're in uncharted territory here but it sure seems like a good idea might be to call Putin's nuclear bluff in the UN, nullify a Russian veto of a joint UN peace keeping force, pass a resolution to activate it and, not involving NATO administratively at all, create a global call for Russia to stop it's military operations and withdraw from Ukraine. This call would be on the basis, much like the basis that a UN authorized joint peace keeping force intervened in the Balkans, asserting that Russia's current military operation in Ukraine is a crime against humanity.

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • I don't think there even is a mechanism for expelling a country from the UN, let alone a Security Council member.


      • I'd like to expel you.
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
          To the victor go the spoils...that is why elections matter. Hopefully the American voters recognize this in November.
          Since when did you become a Democrat, Wiz?

          The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it. - P.J. O'Rourke
          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


          • :::kills Jon:::
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              I don't think there even is a mechanism for expelling a country from the UN, let alone a Security Council member.
              There is but it's a catch 22 when the member you want to expel sits on the UNSC, They can veto the expulsion and Russia would do that laughing all the way. It's a recognized problem that as I mentioned in my post, that problem came up dealing with Russian Aggression n Syria, previously in Ukraine, in Crimea and obviously its a huge problem now.

              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                I will say that in terms of the "lived black experience" -- Clarence Thomas is the real deal. His life. His background. That's some real "growing up in Jim Crow" bullshit (and now he has to live through Jim Eagle!). Jackson, if she were white, would look pretty much just like, say, Kav. Two working white collar parents. She went to very good high school. Went to Harvard. Went to Yale. Did well everywhere. I mean, she's very run-of-the-mill in terms of background. So, it does amuse me to watch folks racial essentialist asshats hate on Justice Thomas while extolling soon-to-be Justice Jackson. It lays bare what has been laid bare countless times before -- the Left only cares about advancing black folks who agree with them.
                Jackson refuses to condemn court-packing in her testimony. That puts her to the left of Breyer and Ginsberg.

                On a positive note, Jackson comes from a family of policemen and lawyers. Middle class. Her confirmation is a no-brainer.

                The Rs, being the stupid party, haven't really questioned her much on CRT. Evidently, she is on a school board and supports CRT. IMO, CRT is an animating issue in the midterms, and the Rs should be hammering it.


                • ...but they won't...
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Waiting for the Republicans to show some balls is like leaving the back porch light on for Jimmy Hoffa. They are total pussies.

                    BTW wouldn’t it be nice if the Rs would nominate reliable judges who are miles from the center in the same manner that the Dems do? Jackson will side with the Left 100% of the time, regardless of Constitutionality. She is a guaranteed vote for their side.


                    • Trigger subjects for chumps addicted to cable news and bottom-of-the-barrel culture warriors probably don't belong in a Supreme Court hearing. But have faith. I think Marsha Blackburn has yet to speak. She's always reliable for lowering the IQ of any room. Hopefully she'll leave time for a series of questions about Lia Thomas.


                      • Oh pardon me. Harvard alum and Princess Bride fanboy Cancun Ted beat her to it.


                        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                          Waiting for the Republicans to show some balls is like leaving the back porch light on for Jimmy Hoffa. They are total pussies.

                          BTW wouldn’t it be nice if the Rs would nominate reliable judges who are miles from the center in the same manner that the Dems do? Jackson will side with the Left 100% of the time, regardless of Constitutionality. She is a guaranteed vote for their side.
                          EFZ to the EFZ to the EFZ
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                            Trigger subjects for chumps addicted to cable news and bottom-of-the-barrel culture warriors probably don't belong in a Supreme Court hearing. But have faith. I think Marsha Blackburn has yet to speak. She's always reliable for lowering the IQ of any room. Hopefully she'll leave time for a series of questions about Lia Thomas.
                            Sorry, man, the CRT issue is legit. Racial essentialism as an issue is legit.Those are very real issues. I certainly understand the Progs desire to make-believe they aren't actual issues whilst, of course, defending their right to indoctrinate. Heh. Now, I'm a local control guy, so if schools in NYC want to break third-graders up by race and label groups "oppressors" and "oppressed" then knock yourself out. If Loudon County wants to create a partial lottery system for Thomas Jefferson HS because there are too many goddamn Asians and not enough PsOC -- well REAL POC, then knock yourself out. However, those are real issues.

                            Lia Thomas and trans stuff is definitely outlier stuff, however it serves as a lithmus test for an Orwellian code. Are you willing to disown the obvious, swear by the delusional and thus bend your knee to the almighty gods of intersectionalism and gender identity as well as the Woke Overlords? I mean, sure, if my daughter gets her beat out of an NCAA title by a dude I'd be pissed. But the bigger concern is if I'm somehow forced to pretend that Lia Thomas is just another "woman" swimming.

                            These things are actually happening. How much significance you ascribe to them is up to you. If you think it's trivial, then so be it. But, they are real.

                            Now, if you want to talk fantasyland, let me introduce you to JIM CROW ON STEROIDS.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • well another bombshell goes thud as stormy daniels goes down in smoke and is ordered to pay 300,000 dollars in legal fees to trump for her defamation suit against trump

                              she should have just took the STFU money from cohen and just STFU


                              • Did I mention I watched Mississippi Burning recently and thought, yeah, man, those black folks had it EASY. Imagine if they only had ONE ballot dropbox in their neighborhood! That's some real grand dragon shit right there.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

