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  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
    I’m not sure how anyone can look at the sum of Biden’s outcomes - from the border, to Covid, to the economy, to diplomacy in Europe and the East - and do the gymnastics to come up with any phrase other than ‘abject failure’. He hasn’t done a lot of stuff to hang your hat on in his 15 months in the Oval Office. And the more distant the prior administration gets in the rear view, the harder it will be for a reasonable person to offer, “But Trump….”

    Bah. Enough of that. On to serious matters: Texas Pete is a bad hot sauce. If you like hot sauces that are a bit milder, go with Crystal.
    Correct. And, of course, the US isn't a shithole. So, DSL is correct in that. The US remains the greatest country on Earth despite the continual efforts of folks like DSL to say that it's, well, a White Supremacist, Racist Shithole. So, you know, ironic and shit...
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • ...
      Attached Files
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

        Correct. And, of course, the US isn't a shithole. So, DSL is correct in that. The US remains the greatest country on Earth despite the continual efforts of folks like DSL to say that it's, well, a White Supremacist, Racist Shithole. So, you know, ironic and shit...
        Clusterfuck is a more accurate term.
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
          So AA...and other Biden do you feel about the NYT admitting that the Hunter laptop story was real all along...and that Big Tech and the MSM were complicit in turning an election?

          Any thoughts on "The Big Guy" using his influence to make millions from foreign countries through that pos he called "the most intelligent person he knows"?

          Bueller? Bueller?
          Hunter Biden wouldn't change my vote at all. There's almost no question in my mind that he's a total grifter sleazebag, but, whatever.

          As to the obvious -- of course the Legacy Media or MSM was in the tank, big time, for The Chairman. That was obvious then, obvious when he took office, obvious now. It qualifies as "NFS".
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

            Clusterfuck is a more accurate term.
            As long as we're clustering up The Chairman's efforts to, e.g., "solve" inflation by spending $3T then I'm ok with it.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.




              SHAKE AND BAKE!!!
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                As long as we're clustering up The Chairman's efforts to, e.g., "solve" inflation by spending $3T then I'm ok with it.
                Correct. But only part of the clusterfuck.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Clusterfuck:

                  The three most powerful positions in the US now belong to a senile 79 year old corrupt as fuck fucktard...a certified moron...and an 81 year old corrupt hag.

                  Clusterfuck. Yes.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Comment

                    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                      Oh, and how about naming an accomplishment of the Biden administration. Any accomplishment at all.
                      It's coming up on 24 hours and the best (and practically ONLY) response is that "he's not Trump".

                      Considering that we could ALL make that claim, that's not good.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                        If you want to talk about this seriously, I already laid out my thoughts which I think are reasonable. Putin believed he and Trump had common interests. An end to NATO, break up the EU, push Ukraine away from the West to Russia. Given Trump's loud oratory on the three subjects it was definitely not an unreasonable view on Putin's part. If you ask me straight up if that's more realistic than "Putin was scared of Trump", I would say yes. Why take by force what Trump's going to voluntarily give you?

                        You may strongly disagree. That's fine.
                        You Progs seem to be coalescing behind a meme that Trump wanted to break up NATO. That is objectively untrue, no matter what your Facebook feed says. Trump did push hard for the countries in NATO to meet their treaty obligations of 2% of GDP being spent on defense. NATO, in its own press release, thanked Trump for improving the alliance by inducing at least $ 100 billion in new defense spending:

                        What the progs here cannot understand is that Trump, the businessman, was offended that Europe (mostly Western Europe) would not meet their treaty obligations. Rather, they built their economies under the blanket of American protection. Obviously, by its own statements and not by something found on Twitter, NATO felt Trump was making NATO stronger.

                        I await any factual proof that Trump was trying to give away Ukraine. Trump was the one who sent lethal aid to Ukraine. The Dems sent blankets. Again, these are facts.

                        DSL, the reason you partisans are generally unable to name any accomplishment of this administration is that there have been none.

                        We moderates stand ready to itemize the failures of the last 14 months, or, in the alternative, to name the accomplishments of Trump's first 14 months.


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          You believe Trump was pro-NATO, pro-EU, and favored Ukraine over Putin?

                          In all honesty, MIke, I do not understand how you can believe that. Maybe, MAYBE I can be convinced that Trump was just practicing tough love with NATO members to get them to increase defense spending. But he bashed them constantly out loud while almost never saying the slightest criticism of Russia. How should foreign nations interpret that? And again, they could be lying but both John Bolton and Mark Esper are on the record that Trump was going to at least attempt to withdraw from NATO in his second term.

                          But breaking up the EU is obviously something Trump wanted. Hell, that's a common viewpoint in conservative circles. At least until the past month. Every Con here praised the UK for leaving the EU. because it weakens an economic competitor of the United States. It's an economic competitor of Russia too!

                          If Trump could choose good relations with Russia or Ukraine, I have no doubt he'd choose Russia and he would offer them up

                          It's undeniable, UNDENIABLE that Trump is the most isolationist President we've had since before FDR. Yes, he wasn't predictable, and there's a danger he'd lob a missile on a whim, but ultimately if I'm Putin, I would absolutely prefer an American President who bashed our traditional alliances and gave every indication that he wanted to remove American troops from all over the world.
                          Dicta. You are trying to tell us what you believe Trump thought. Trump did speak out about China having most-favored-nation status, so I guess that is isolationist to you. Trump was very clear that we should stop China from taking our manufacturing jobs. That is not being isolationist, that is simply common sense to working Americans.

                          What about Trump's (mostly ineffective) opening to N. Korea. Most businessmen think that meeting and talking with an adversary is better than following past precedent. What about moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem? What about wiping out ISIS? What about his firm response to Syria's gassing of its citizens? Trump was not an isolationist at all.


                          • Name a President since Hoover who was more isolationist than Trump. Make your argument as to why.


                            • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

                              It's coming up on 24 hours and the best (and practically ONLY) response is that "he's not Trump".

                              Considering that we could ALL make that claim, that's not good.
                              No mean tweets.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                                You Progs seem to be coalescing behind a meme that Trump wanted to break up NATO. That is objectively untrue, no matter what your Facebook feed says. Trump did push hard for the countries in NATO to meet their treaty obligations of 2% of GDP being spent on defense. NATO, in its own press release, thanked Trump for improving the alliance by inducing at least $ 100 billion in new defense spending:

                                What the progs here cannot understand is that Trump, the businessman, was offended that Europe (mostly Western Europe) would not meet their treaty obligations. Rather, they built their economies under the blanket of American protection. Obviously, by its own statements and not by something found on Twitter, NATO felt Trump was making NATO stronger.

                                I await any factual proof that Trump was trying to give away Ukraine. Trump was the one who sent lethal aid to Ukraine. The Dems sent blankets. Again, these are facts.

                                DSL, the reason you partisans are generally unable to name any accomplishment of this administration is that there have been none.

                                We moderates stand ready to itemize the failures of the last 14 months, or, in the alternative, to name the accomplishments of Trump's first 14 months.
                                Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming to give aid to Ukraine. Trump then held up the aid in order to extort political favors from Zelensky.

                                You're just repeating standard hack boilerplate from moron partisans trying to rewrite history to present Trump as a flawless, unconditional friend of Ukraine.

                                Republicans are defending him in the impeachment inquiry by saying he gave more military aid than his predecessor, but it came only after the reluctant…

                                Geezer- Have you ever heard of John Bolton? How about former Def Secretary Mark Esper? Both them have said Trump intended to leave NATO. Do you think they're both lying? No one here has been willing to address that.

                                Here's John Bolton himself on how Putin liked the direction Trump was taking the country. I guess by Geezer's definition, John Bolton is a "prog" now.

                                Oh and just for added fun, here's Zelensky's Chief of Staff saying Biden's done more for Ukraine than any POTUS ever. Ouch, better take a shot at him, Donnie

                                Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, was impeached in 2019 for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine for political reasons.

