CNN just had the Congressman from that district on. He said word from local LEOs is that Mateen has sworn some type of allegiance/solidarity to ISIS.
No announcement yet.
Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects
Originally posted by Prime2 View Post...this incessant, 24/7 media circus in the US that gives the terrorists exactly what they want, unprecedented worldwide coverage, non-stop, sensationalism.“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
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I am having a hard time understanding why it took 3 hours to get in there. I know from talking with local law enforcement officers, both SWAT and uniformed, that the big emphasis these days is to get in fast during an active shooter scenario.
CNN anchor running down the details on who died where from the local police chief. Indoors, outdoors, at the hospital. Hoping that maybe we can get a spreadsheet on that later. Also made note of the new "record" set today, surpassing Virginia Tech. Good to know.
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Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View PostEverything is "terrorism" today. If someone gets scared its "terrorism". Its a term now used by gov't, police forces, and agenda driven special interest groups to cow people into blanket acceptance of whatever law/policy the authorities want to enact. "We can bring in the feds (read: bring in money) if its terrorism." The legal term terrorism needs to be much more closely defined. Right now its used by US and state authorities simply to scare people more than the terrorist act itself.
Suppose this whack case did what he did because his religion (if he's moslem) is intolerant to homosexuality? Because he also reads jihadist websites, does that make the event a 'terrorist' attack? IMO, no. He's a whack case who hates homsexuals. If a good evangelical Baptist Trump supporter does the same thing for the same reason, is it Christian terrorism?
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Originally posted by Cody_Russell View Post
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Originally posted by hack View PostSo, basically domestic terrorism is the same as international terrorism save for it happens in the US. In the stories today the police have said it may be either one and that they'd have to investigate. Um...AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill
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Andy Carvin:RE: the Orlando shooting, CNN just described something I've never thought of - as investigators are inside the nightclub, where many of the bodies are still where they fell, they have to tune out the nightmarish sound of all of the deceased phones' ringing constantly as loved ones try to reach them. #shudder
Powerful image.
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I'll probably get some major blow back on this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
This was an act of Islamic Terrorism, just like the act in Tel Aviv was a few days ago. There are many adherents of Islam, who believe its their God-given right to eliminate infidels and/or Jews. They are taught these things from the time they learn to speak.
I'm not sure how the sane world is going to overcome this. People of so many different beliefs, are scattered so far around the world, there is no way to surround and disarm them. At least in WWII, the Allies and Russia were able to surround Germany, and crush them. There's no way to do that today.
I'm sure Hillary and her people will have all the right answers to this when she's inaugurated, but for me, I'm not so sure."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Well it hasn't stopped you before...
I do agree that there are no easy answer to Islamic terrorism. The clear thing to do would be to at least end our role in abetting it. Cut the Saudis loose as an ally, demand an end to their funding of Wahhabi hatred, and start bombing them if they don't. That's possibly too little too late, and and we all know that's not gonna happen anyways.
One thing I do know is that there are plenty of people with different beliefs, and the vast majority of them don't inspire people to spray bullets around crowded places. And even in those cases, such as the violence we see in the US and Islamic terrorism, it's still just people on the fringes. But even Islam hasn't been like this forever. Afghanistan in the 60s was the endpoint of the Hippie trail. This goes back to Saudi Arabia, the pact the House of Saud has with the Wahhabis, and the funding those two have used to spread a particularly disgusting reading of Islam worldwide. Again, it's too little too late, but in a post-oil economy we could bomb those fucks in Saudi back to the stone age their minds are stuck in.Last edited by hack; June 12, 2016, 12:32 PM.
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I am having a hard time understanding why it took 3 hours to get in there. I know from talking with local law enforcement officers, both SWAT and uniformed, that the big emphasis these days is to get in fast during an active shooter scenario.Last edited by Da Geezer; June 12, 2016, 12:51 PM.
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Hack, do you know if the House of Saud is Wahhabi? I understand the financing of madrassas as a propaganda tool, but does the King adhere to the belief system?
BTW, thanks for engaging in a debate on "net tax payers". Maybe we can get back to it, but there are far bigger issues to talk about after last night.
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Obviously I firmly believe voting should not be tied to being a net taker or giver, but, well, if corporations are people too, and since they have their own type of voice in Washington, then what's good for the goose...
The House of Saud is not Wahhab, or at least doesn't act like it. They are people with money and spend it on debauchery. But when the Arabian Peninsula was basically a bunch of warring tribes, the House of Saud needed Wahhabi soldiers to unite it, and that's the origin of the bargain. Here's a link:
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Originally posted by lineygoblue View PostI'll probably get some major blow back on this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
This was an act of Islamic Terrorism, just like the act in Tel Aviv was a few days ago. There are many adherents of Islam, who believe its their God-given right to eliminate infidels and/or Jews. They are taught these things from the time they learn to speak.
I'm not sure how the sane world is going to overcome this. People of so many different beliefs, are scattered so far around the world, there is no way to surround and disarm them. At least in WWII, the Allies and Russia were able to surround Germany, and crush them. There's no way to do that today.
I'm sure Hillary and her people will have all the right answers to this when she's inaugurated, but for me, I'm not so sure.
What's really sad is that Israelis are more critical of their own government than American politicians are. Breathe a word even slightly critical of Netanyahu and you will be labelled anti-Semitic by mainstream politicians of EIETHER party.
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Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View PostFWIW the mayor of Tel Aviv itself partially blamed the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank for the attack there
What's really sad is that Israelis are more critical of their own government than American politicians are. Breathe a word even slightly critical of Netanyahu and you will be labelled anti-Semitic by mainstream politicians of EIETHER party.
Say what you will about Israel today, but in some ways it is the most evolved of all democracies. This was a traumatized population, uprooted and surrounded by enemies, and somehow a vibrant and principled civil society emerged. Sad that the birthrate in Israel is shrinking that element of the country into irrelevance, but utterly remarkable that it exists at all.
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