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  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
    ..... when they started the Russian Hoax...
    LMMFAO. No legal entity accused Trump of collusion. The FBI (et al) investigated what had the appearance of collusion and found NOTHING. But to the GOP zealots, investigation equals accused guilt and Fox was more than happy to repeat that fiction. If you got your 'facts' outside of the right wing echo chamber, you'd know that. Even I, a stout detractor of the disgraced, twice impeached, election losing pathological liar, knows this.

    Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
    ....The top leadership of the FBI was trying to get rid of Trump once he took the presidency. Again, that is a fact....
    BUWAHAHAHAHA. A 'fact' like the earth is the center of the universe, the world is flat, and the moon landing was faked.

    Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
    .....Now, do you find the Jan 6 Committee's work product to be honest? How can a House committee not allow the minority party to pick its own members on that committee? Remember, Pelosi would only accept two anti-Trump Rs (Cheney and Kinsinger). Once again, evil-party and stupid-party....
    To quote Snopes, that is only partially true. The Dems rejected two of the five nominated Repubs, both Trumpian deepthroaters. McCarthy had a hissy fit and pulled the accepted three. Grandstanding was clearly more important to McCarthy than actually balancing the committee composition when given the chance.
    I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


    • To quote Snopes


      • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post

        To quote Snopes, that is only partially true. The Dems rejected two of the five nominated Repubs, both Trumpian deepthroaters. McCarthy had a hissy fit and pulled the accepted three. Grandstanding was clearly more important to McCarthy than actually balancing the committee composition when given the chance.
        Thank you, Jon. I overlooked that. Indeed, Pelosi didn't refuse to seat pro-Trump Representatives. She rejected Jim Jordan (one of biggest Trump deep throaters in America who was actually communicating with the White House during the riot) and Jim Banks because both of them had signed on to the frivolous and egregious Texas v. Pennsylvania lawsuit. The crux of that suit was that Texas has the right to nullify the electoral votes of any state that has voting laws Texas doesn't like. 7 out of 9 justices at the Supreme Court refused to even hear the case. Alito released a brief statement saying he and Thomas would've heard the case but have denied anything else.

        The other three people chosen by McCarthy were Rodney Davis (IL), Troy Nehls (TX), and Kelly Armstrong (ND). Pelosi was going to allow all 3 but McCarthy threw a hissy fit over not being allowed Jordan so he refused to participate in any shape and form. Pelosi then chose to add Cheney and Kinzinger herself.

        In retrospect it was a dumb move by McCarthy. Yeah, they can claim the Committee is a partisan witch hunt, but now they have no one on the inside to feed the caucus information and no one to disrupt and obstruct proceedings (essentially what Jim Jordan's role is on ANY committee).

        There's lots of rhetoric about how it's an illegitimate Committee without "real" Republicans ("real" Republicans being defined as ones that have taken an oath of loyalty to Trump personally) but under House rules the Speaker can form a Select Committee pretty much any way they want. They are required to consult with the minority leader, but they aren't required to take his advice. With normal Committees they have no choice.


        • To clarify because I was a little quick and sloppy, Alito and Thomas believe the Supreme Court is required to hear any case where one state sues another. Alito explicitly made clear his decision was not because he thought Texas (a proxy for Trump) was putting forward a sound argument.


          • Constitutionally, I think Alito and Thomas are right. The Supreme Court is the court of original jurisdiction for disputes between the cases and the court of exclusive jurisdiction. Now, this particular case was nonsense and perhaps it was dismissed on justifiability or something else. But, as to the foundational issue, the Constitution says “shall” hear — not “may” — even though it has been interpreted as such.

            The merits are nonsense. That particularly issue is debatable. I know that’s not your point. Just edumucating your Masters in Bellhoppery ass!
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • OSU's current DC graduated from my same program so get down on your ambulance chasing knees, you fucking glorified paralegal, and beg pardon of an esteemed program!!!!!


              • Two op-eds from godawful pundits in the NYC media getting attention tonight

                1) Thomas Friedman in the NYT saying Biden should run with Cheney in 2024. Might win 29% of the vote, good call, Tom

                2) Washed-up hack Doug Schoen in the WSJ saying Hillary should run in 2024. I had to look up to see if this slug was still employed by Fox and no, he's moved on to NewsMax.


                • To quote Snopes is like Sean Hannity quoting Hillary Clinton.
                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • STFU
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • listening to Chairman Poopypants...if you oppose his radical Voting Rights legislation I'm more in tune with George Wallace and Jefferson Davis...than Abraham Lincoln and MLK...well Joey...I guess thats better than eulogizing Robert Byrd...

                      ...or is it...Mr. Poopypants?
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Snopes disproves something that I takes as gospel? It's FAKE NEWS!!!!!!

                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • While The Chairman is actively undermining faith in elections with his Big Lie on voting rights, inflation hits a 40-year high. I'm sorry, "transitory" inflation hits a 40-year high.

                          No need to worry folks, The Chairman has go this shit on lockdown!
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • And oh yes, .. if you disagree with him, you are a traitor. The only solution is to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate, pack the USSC, change voting rules to favor Democrats in all 50 states, and allow unlimited, unvaxed immigration. But those who oppose him will lose their jobs if you remain unvaxed!

                            Do not violate the rules of The Party.
                            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                            • It's hard to imagine that being against the massive federalization of state elections makes you an "autocrat" -- but, then again, I didn't think that supporting 19 days of early voting and drop boxes made you a supporter of Jim Crow ON STEROIDS! But, here we are.

                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • ...even Sracy Abrams doesn't like him...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

