Well, Wiz got a vote for BPOY or best post of the year for his rant(ting). The one above is better.
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Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
I was thinking about it again because he got absolutely humiliated on Tucker tonight. I mean he was groveling, simpering, and pleading for forgiveness from Tucker & his audience for having the audacity to call the Jan. 6 protesters "terrorists". Tucker called him a liar to his face and he just sat there, sweating and chuckling and looking miserable.
I am really looking forward to the day when Tucker falls from grace, btw. One of the great grifters of our age to convince a brainless audience of millions that Tucker Swenson Carlson, who was born into great wealth, attended naught but private schools, has lived in the Beltway most of his adult life, and who wore a bowtie every day until he turned 45, is actually a populist, lunch bucket, man of the people.
I thought the exposure of his texts thanking HUNTER FUCKING BIDEN for writing a recommendation for his useless spawn might chisel away at his false persona of a man who does not consort with liberals....but apparently not.
it’s good to see Tucker take Ted Cruz to task. Cruz means well but he’s a total pussy.Last edited by Hannibal; January 7, 2022, 08:26 AM.
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Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
This is all I'm after,.
Yeah Dems came up with a bunch of bullshit about Diebold voting machines in Ohio back in 2004. One state. A handful of Congressmen objected to Bush's releection. In 2016 they spread a bunch of bullshit about Trump and Russia. Maxine Waters and I think maybe a dozen House Dems tried to object to Trump's victory. Not a single Dem Senator would play ball. Biden effectively told Maxine Waters to STFU and sit down.
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I was on the road yesterday and caught up with the discussion here over the crapfest that is the D's announcement that January 6th is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor. Here's the quote from FDR's speech he made shortly after the Japanese raid ......
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941— a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
Substitute a few words and you can see the absurdity of the effort by D's to shape the public image of what occurred on January 6th to their political advantage. It is shamefully disrespectful - for frustration levels of the absurdity of it, read Wiz's most excellent posts.
In other news, Putin, a classic Russian Imperialist and Czarist, is pushing the west to war. Right now, the probability for a miscalculation that leads to a hot exchange between NATO and Russian military forces is as high as it has been since Khrushchev - a Czarist - pounded his shoe on the desk in front of him at the UN to set off the Cuban missile crisis. Avoiding war in Eastern Europe will be a challenge to western diplomacy unlike any in recent memory.
I'm sure this is on the mind of Joe Biden right now but you'd never know that based on the shit show over January 6th by the party he leads and the MSM enabling it with their sychophantic fawning over the illiberal narrative being advanced. Enough!
Finally in COVID news, a panel of public health heavy weights, formed to advise Joe Biden during his transition to the presidency, disbanded shortly thereafter, has kept in touch with each other and just recently issued a very public and pointed yet polite criticism of the president's COVID policies. Their recommendations contain a lot of stuff that echoes what we've been talking about in hear since July and in some cases earlier than that. In a typically illliberal fashion though, they endorsed vaccine passports (uniform digital records of vaccination) and then, in the same breadth argued that vaccine mandates don't work and that the focus on them should be abandoned - they likely will be after SCOTUS hears the cases against them today. So much for those. Good!......
...... also, While Desantis can be a bit too Trumpian for me, he is championing fundamental aspects of the American Republic that I support: Freedom of choice, government mandates are unconstitutional, get off my lawn. And now, back to the COVID policy report .......
The report did stress, however, that a well defined and articulated shift to polices aimed at recognizing the virus is not going to be "defeated" (Joe's words) but rather that it will be with us permanently in varying forms and managed accordingly. Unfortunately, a cornerstone in their report of managing the virus includes masking. Meh. That approach does have a scientific basis but it pales in its effectiveness compared to, say, making sure that the Pfizer meds, just recently approved by the FDA to be administered within a couple of days of testing positive for the virus, are readily available at scale and to be offered at the testing sites - also made readily available and at scale - where a person tests positive. That will do more to prevent COVID hospitalizations, serious illness and deaths than fucking masks. Ever hear arguments about why preventative health measures usually fail? The argument that wearing masks will "prevent" the spread of diseases in this specific case would most certainly also fail to be of much benefit while being a pain in the ass with identifiable social costs.
The report also criticizes two administrations during which the pandemic has flourished for doing more reacting and not enough proactive planning - acting at the point of crisis instead of preventing that from occurring in the first place. There's a veiled criticism of the current PHE, a need to get passed it, avoid declaring these and start planning for the next certain virus that will threaten the public health. The best way to do that is to do two things: (1) Provide resources to the beleaguered public health system. (2) Start an all hands effort to develop preventative measures (e.g., vaccines in multiple forms, patches, oral inhalers and nasal sprays, injections) targeted against the wide range of coronaviruses we are currently living with and at the same time unsuccessful in dealing with the impactful disease burden of them. I won't argue that Omicron isn't extracting a heavy price in deaths and suffering even though from 10K feet, COVID outcomes from it are generally mild. The contagiousness of Omicron and the sheer numbers of infections it produces also are producing an increase in excess deaths - can't escape that. There will be more of these ahead. The best thing the US can do right now is start responsibly managing the current pandemic nationally and start planning for the next virus.Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; January 7, 2022, 09:23 AM.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
I'm not using any of those words but maybe somebody will eventually get charged with one of those three.
I don't think Jan 6 i remotely comparable to 9/11 but it 's also not NOTHING or no different than spreading lies about Trump and Russia. I thought you agreed with me that it has significance in my post on symbolism.
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Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
The end game here is that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits "insurrectionists" from seeking federal office. That is why the Ds chose that particular word. The goal is to disqualify the 120 or so Republican House members who challenged the results of the election. I can easily see a left-wing federal judge ruling that those Rs cannot run for re-election. I can see the same theory applied to Trump, too.Shut the fuck up Donny!
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With what happened yesterday, the D's served notice on all of America. They are The Party, and anyone that doesn't see the issues, or believe like they do are seditionists, traitors and insurrectionists. The sickening idea that January 6 2021 was the equivalent of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 is not only slapping the victims in the face, its spitting in their faces as well. The D's are the biggest threat to democracy I've seen in my lifetime. They want voting rules changed, to fit their liking, and to give them advantages. They want legislation to change how laws are made, in both the House and Senate. They want the judiciary changed, so that when challenges come up from any and all opposition, they are met with D-friendly judges at all steps of the process. They've made no secret of their desire to "pack" the Supreme Court. They've even used that language. They were in favor of defunding and eliminating police forces throughout the country, until they decided that they weren't. Meanwhile, cops quit and retired early in record numbers, and they're having trouble replacing them.
Meanwhile, Putin has his eye on Eastern Europe, and is preparing to either invade, or position his troops to where he must be negotiated with "or else". China has not only designs on finally taking back Taiwan, but also expanding its territory in SE Asia. They even have designs on Austrailia. North Korea is now experimenting with hypersonic weapons, while the US research into those weapons has failed.
Oh yeah, .. and Covid. People are losing their jobs because Joe demands that 'everyone' be vaccinated with a vaccine that doesn't stop a fruit fly, much less a pandemic.
... and let us light a candle over "buffalo head" taking selfies in the Capitol building .......
Fools.Last edited by lineygoblue; January 7, 2022, 11:04 AM."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Now in fairness...one of those pics was the MSP riots...but was egged on by then Veep candidate Kamala Harris...the others include the protest of the 2000 election results (remember...we should never question election results...we are a law and order nation)...the protest of the 2016 election (ditto)...the riots during the Kavanaugh hearings...and the BLM attack on DC in 2020.
So just keep these and dozens of other examples when you see the January 6th melodrama exerted by the Dems.Shut the fuck up Donny!
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Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
They did a lot more than spread a bunch of bullshit about Trump and Russia. They illegally spied on Trump to try and manufacture a "collusion" story and then launched a multi billion dollar, multi year investigation that was sourced in a total hoax. And they knew it was a hoax. Weaponizing the FBI against political opponents is a much bigger threat to our democracy than a bunch of people who storm the Capitol (a public building BTW) and then leave after a few hours without doing any substantial damage or actually killing anybody.
Did they seriously expect that none of that would ever come back on them?
How arrogant must they be to liken this to some sort of violent coup attempt?
No it wasn't. It was just a bunch of wacky fuckups showing up to play stupid pranks on the corrupt establishment. In other words, it's more like National Lampoon's Animal House than it was a "Serious threat to our democracy".
So it was "outrageous"- in the sense that Biden, Harris, Pelosi and the rest of them look a lot like Wormer, Niedermeyer and the rest of the Faber administration and they're oblivious to it..
Last edited by Tom W; January 7, 2022, 12:41 PM.
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