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Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
I have no idea why he waited so long. He's a much better fit at the crapfest known as CNN.
That's one thing Trump was right about. CNN is fake news. The only one worse is pMSNBC.
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I don't think I said anything in my post that praised Fox.
CNN doesn't even try to be factual or credible anymore. They are running a race with pMSNBC to see who can be the most foolish. Its a tight race.
I don't give a rat's behind who Chris Wallace works for. I'm just not buying him as being a 'neutral' journalist. He's leaned left for a long time, and he needs to acknowledge it instead of trying to fly under the radar disguised as a conservative.Last edited by lineygoblue; December 25, 2021, 11:37 PM."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Yeah, it's pretty hard to even pretend that CNN is anything other than a D mouthpiece or a Prog policy mouthpiece. Is what it is.
Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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And speaking of CNN ...
Their "religious" commentator said that unvaccinated people should be 'socially responsible" and not attend church. From the article:
"So I think the lesson is that if we want to act like Jesus in these kinds of times we take care of each other and if we're going to gather in celebration we have to do so safely, comfortably and we have to give to one another that gift of peace and part of that is health and feeling like we're gathering in a healthy environment."
Just another example of how CNN feels that the rest of us should submit ourselves to their way of thinking. Thank God that for now, we still don't have to kowtow to them."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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I sometimes shake my head in disbelief when big-shot pharisees like that come along and try to bend the Gospel to their own political persuasions. I realize this isn't a new concept. Jesse and Al have made a lifelong living of using their 'reverend' titles to advance political agendas. I doubt that neither of them have even looked at a Bible in years. There are some that claim to be conservative that are guilty as well.
I'm vaccinated, as is my family. We're going to get our boosters. I think its a good idea. But, I still respect the rights of those who choose not to be vaccinated. I have no idea why vaccinated people would want to force unvaccinated people to get the vax. I hope the USSC has the good sense to eventually throw out all vaccine mandates as unconstitutional."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Just saw on the news that here in Michigan, 70% of the people currently hospitalized for co-vid are unvaccinated. 70%. These idiots are overwhelming our healthcare system. This is okay?
Here's a summary of the 1905 USSC ruling that vaccine mandates are completely constitutional. Reaffirmed in 1922. The actual decisions can be read online at Cornell Law School.
I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.
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A quick note on M’s hospital numbers. They are at roughly 85% capacity and Covid patients account for about 15-20%. Much like Ohio. So, in case anyone was wondering, that’s “overwhelmed.”Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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Same in FL. I posted a Diary entry at mgo yesterday. The objective of it was to allay concerns about COVID in Miami-Dade Co. for folks traveling to the OB. I used the Miami-Dade Co. COVID web site for the numbers. Miami Dade Hospitals were at about 65% ICU capacity due to efficient balancing. So, yeah, "hospitals are strained to the breaking point." Also similar numbers of COVID cases in ICU. Out of 154 COVID admissions in the 7d reporting period something like 30 were in ICU beds and 3 on vents.
I don't want to minimize staff shortages. Those are real. There is certainly burn out but there is nothing new about the intensity of ER and ICU care. It is difficult and consuming work. When staff call out sick it can produce some pretty big problems for those that are still working and the patients the remaining work force is caring for.
I don't know the details but some of the call outs have to be due to potential exposures and the CDC guidelines for quarantine. As you know, the CDC just shortened the guidance on that to 10d, 7 if testing is available. I posted about it a couple days ago. The EU has gone back and forth on exposure quarantining but it's less than the CDC's guidance - 7d tops, most are at 5d. An important question to ask is do we need this "in an abundance of caution" shit when what should be done when you get down to crunch time ask, is the benefit in reducing risk of further exposures by keeping key staff off duty for 7-10d worth the costs to patient care and over-working staff who are working????
Clearly, that's not in the calculus for the CDC who are probably being ignored by most hospital systems who, based on reasonable input from thier infection control departments are saying 5d with negative tests on day 3 and 5 will work as a risk reduction strategy that balances benefits and costs.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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One of the best Opinion pieces I've read on COVID. You may be able to get to it without a subscription as the NYTs does occasionally provide unlimited access to COVID related stuff.
If you can't get to it, it is written by a guest essayist, Dr. Lamas, who is a pulmonary and critical-care physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She writes that most patients hospitalized with COVID are unvaccinated, immune compromised or just unlucky. She wonders if Americans, known for their compassion can feel sympathy instead of anger for the unvaxed. It seems that compassion and sympathy is in short supply these days as Omicron hits us and case numbers rise - mostly among the unvaccinated. She concludes this fine essay with this:
What will victory over this virus look like? I used to think that I would care for one final coronavirus patient, but I realize now that is not the case. This virus will become endemic, as some viruses do, and when each winter comes, I will see a few patients with Covid-19 who are sick enough to wind up in the intensive care unit, the unvaccinated or the immune compromised or the unlucky. We will care for them using the protocols that we have honed over the past two years. No one will react with panic or fear or anger; it will be expected, as it is with influenza or a host of other respiratory viruses. That is not where we are yet. But we will get there.
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/27/o...b2da6e075b25bfMission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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