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  • of course this is pretty run of the mill for most leftists. So yeah you could be right, not terrorism, just hates the fuck out of some white people. and jews (running over 40 white people is just a coincidence!).
    Last edited by Kapture1; November 22, 2021, 04:54 PM.


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      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        There's no question the coverage of this thing is Waukesha is obviously different than if, say, the dude was white.

        BUT, as to the actual facts of the case, the Occam's Razor explanation is that he was fleeing something. If I had to bet a large sum of money on it, I'd bet the career criminal did career criminal shit and was getting out of dodge ASAP and ran headlong into the parade. I would not bet that the career criminal was devilishly scouting out opportunities to kill someone with a car and was fortunate enough to discover the parade as a perfect opportunity.

        I'd also like to say that I can't fucking stand the point we are at where every fucking tragedy has to fit into a fucking narrative. Every fucking time. It's "A-HA!" -- WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!! (you could feel the entire Left hoping the perpetrator was) or, "A-HA!" -- Antifa or BLM!

        The reality, IMO, is the dude was a criminal doing criminal shit and he tragically killed 5 people. That's the narrative. If you want a bigger picture narrative then the bail point is the one you can credibly latch on to.
        Talent --

        There's an awful lot of bizarre stuff in there for an "Occam's Razor" explanation. Occam's Razor doesn't generally tolerate cosmically unlikely set of coincidences and illogical behavior, such as the fact that a guy who consistently spewed hate about and fantasized about violence against white people on his social media just happened to choose a crowded parade route with a bunch of white people to "escape" from a scene when he wasn't even being chased.
        Last edited by Hannibal; November 22, 2021, 06:17 PM.


        • And in case you think you can automatically trust the Waukesha police chief to be transparent on whether this is a BLM-motivated anti-white terrorist hate crime, here is his police department taking the knee for Burn Loot Murder last year.



          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

            Talent --

            There's an awful lot of bizarre stuff in there for an "Occam's Razor" explanation. Occam's Razor doesn't generally tolerate cosmically unlikely set of coincidences and illogical behavior, such as the fact that a guy who consistently spewed hate about and fantasized about violence against white people on his social media just happened to choose a crowded parade route with a bunch of white people to "escape" from a scene when he wasn't even being chased.
            A criminal committing a crime and fleeing? Yeah. Wild shit. But, I guess this parade was some sort of all-white Christmas parade?
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • The city is about 90% white. Just about any public gathering is going to be almost all white. So basically, yeah, it's an all white parade.

              Wouldn't it make more sense to flee from a scene by taking a road that isn't blocked off with pedestrians?


              • He did blast through the barricades. Even if it wasn’t a premeditated attack on the parade, he still chose to run over a bunch of people once he stumbled into it.


                • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                  This is astounding. I need to find the full version with better context but holy shit….


                  • Hmmmmm!

                    Brooks has a lengthy rap sheet and had just been let out of prison on a $1,000 bail earlier this month after he allegedly ran a woman over in the same SUV that he used to plow into Waukesha residents on Sunday.

                    Waukesha city officials say five people are dead and at least 48 are injured after an SUV plowed through a Christmas parade in Wisconsin on Sunday. Children are among those injured, while the person of interest being questioned by police has been identified as Darrell Brooks.


                    • My impression watching several videos is that he was mostly dodging parade goers until he finally came up against the marching band, at which point he couldn't get around them. So he went through. I think most people have seen the video below where he barely misses the little girl. That came before he hit the band. If he was only there to run people over, he had a lot of choices and opportunity to so along this stretch but seems like he avoided doing so until his way became completely blocked.

                      Don't watch the bottom one if squeamish. It's the moment he runs over the marching band. Somehow it sounds like everyone in the band survived. I believe the youngest fatality was 54 or so.


                      • Paul Joseph Watson with a good summary of the incident, including the aftermath with a small sampling of the Liberals openly gloating and joking about it.

                        Disclaimer: I disagree with PJW that the video shows him deliberately swerving into people. IMHO it doesn't show anything definitive either way.


                        • That’s what you consider trying to dodge people? He hit 53 human beings with his SUV. He clearly wasn’t trying to avoid them. He ran through the barricades lining the parade route. Even if that was a panic induced mistake, he still could have shot down a side street to get off the parade route. The only logical conclusion is that he wanted to run people over. Just need to figure out why now.


                          • So, is it the band's fault for blocking his way or if they hadn't a Christmas parade before Thanksgiving, they wouldn't have gotten mowed down? It's a little bit confusing what the leftist logic is saying..


                            • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                              That’s what you consider trying to dodge people? He hit 53 human beings with his SUV. He clearly wasn’t trying to avoid them. He ran through the barricades lining the parade route. Even if that was a panic induced mistake, he still could have shot down a side street to get off the parade route. The only logical conclusion is that he wanted to run people over. Just need to figure out why now.
                              Mike- I don't believe he hit anyone in the parade until he got to the marching band. I could be wrong. He drives through blocks and blocks before that without hitting anyone as far as I know.

                              One interpretation is being pushed here, that his only goal was to kill as many white people as possible. But he drives past hundreds of potential victims and started killing once he could no longer get through.


                              • Yeah DSL. I'm sure the throttle stuck and its all a tragic accident.

