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  • Originally posted by Mike View Post
    I guess life really is a circle when opposing jackbooted brown shirts makes you the white supremacist.
    And it's not like Antfa is winning any diversity awards or anything



    • Oh, Rashida.... I really thought you believed that wearing masks outdoors was necessary.

      "Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said as she pulled her mask away from her face. "No, no, no—I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."


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        • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
          I mean I hate Marxists and Commies. So technically correct about it being a hate symbol.
          Not me I love Commies.



          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

            As opposed to the Republican party, where all opinions are welcome, so long as you do anything Donald Trump wants. If you aren't willing to flatter him, grovel before him, bend the knee and kiss his belt buckle, be prepared to be purged. Dissent is NOT tolerated.
            If you're saying Trump is an asshole, I'll agree with you.

            But I think the numbers show that the only reason Chairman Joe is in the WH today, is that millions(?) of moderate voters swung his way. I'd guess that the reason they swung to The Chairman is because Trump turned them off. I think that's why 2 Georgia senate seats went to Dems.

            I believe the majority of R voters, and right leaning moderates are not Trump clones. If Trump will get out of the way, (and I suspect he won't) the Chairman and his henchmen will all be out of a job in 2024. If Trump gets in the way, get ready for more single party Democrat socialst rule ... on steroids.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              No worries, the complexity of oil pricing isn't in Geezer's wheelhouse either. He's just weaving a narrative that fits his ideological prison. He doesn't ask questions in good faith. Weeks ago he laughably dared us all to name just one single lie Trump had ever told as President. I named one, he never brought it up again. Never acknowledged he was wrong (he never does). Just moved on.

              His beliefs are centered on faith, not evidence. He believes Democrats pay for millions of illegals to vote, therefore it must be true. He believes the price of oil is being set entirely by the Biden administration, because they're "Marxists", therefore it must be true. Why should he have to present evidence? If you don't agree with him then you too are a Marxist.

              Simple truth is that the US in 2021, under Biden, is set to have its third highest oil production in history, despite still coming back online after everything went silent in 2020 due to the total collapse of global demand. Prices aren't high because the govt is choking back supply, making it impossible to drill.
              Actually, I own a small oil and gas leasing company and follow matters involving petroleum closely. Right now, for oil production to be profitable in MI, prices globally have to go to $ 100.00/bl.

              I don't remember the lie you named. I remember your saying something like Trump lied about "repeal and replace", so something that was obviously silly. Remember, my question was after you said Trump lied about everything. What was the lie again?

              Here's the chart:

              Note how production increased after Trump was elected until the Covid recession. That lowered prices at the pump. That is how markets work.

              My intellectual prison is that of a capitalist, nationalist, Protestant. The combination of protestant Christianity and a capitalist economic system has produced the most prosperous nation that has ever existed, and I hate what is happening to this country because unemployed Woksters like DSL want equity, diversity, and inclusion. I do believe the Democrat party wants illegal immigration in order to change the demographics of the US by increasing the population of "takers". But this problem can be addressed by only allowing tax PAYERS to vote. It is really not a very hard fix, but would require a constitutional amendment.

              But the core of everything we are talking about is Climate Change. Global warming was first espoused by the Globalists as a tact to attack nationalism. With anthropogenic global warming, a new element was added that allowed developed societies to be blamed for the coming apocalypse. The solution has become wealth redistribution from the developed to the undeveloped countries, particularly to China. Why else "allow" coal-fired generation plants by the hundreds to be built in China but not in the EU or US?

              So I continually ask the Woksters "What is your best evidence that anthropogenic global warming exists? What correct predictions have been made using this "best evidence'"? The question focuses on actual proofs, not peer-reviewed articles. There is simply no evidence that man is causing the warming trend we now are undergoing. There is no evidence that man caused the medieval warm period either. In our own time, maybe you should read the worry we had when I was DSL's age:

              Or you might want to read this peer-reviewed article about one other cause of Global Warming:'Penises Cause Climate Change'; Progressives Fooled by Peer-Reviewed Hoax Study - Breitbart


              • U38T2Bsd.png


                • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                  This is now going to be their alibi to protect them from accusations that they censor people too much.

                  It's bloody brilliant. Really, it is. Tip your cap to the propaganda masters. Always one step ahead of their enemies.


                  • I do think that Ms, Haugen is about to become painfully aware of just how brutal "Great Personal Risk" really can be.


                    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                      Actually, I own a small oil and gas leasing company and follow matters involving petroleum closely. Right now, for oil production to be profitable in MI, prices globally have to go to $ 100.00/bl.

                      I don't remember the lie you named. I remember your saying something like Trump lied about "repeal and replace", so something that was obviously silly. Remember, my question was after you said Trump lied about everything. What was the lie again?

                      Here's the chart:

                      Note how production increased after Trump was elected until the Covid recession. That lowered prices at the pump. That is how markets work.

                      My intellectual prison is that of a capitalist, nationalist, Protestant. The combination of protestant Christianity and a capitalist economic system has produced the most prosperous nation that has ever existed, and I hate what is happening to this country because unemployed Woksters like DSL want equity, diversity, and inclusion. I do believe the Democrat party wants illegal immigration in order to change the demographics of the US by increasing the population of "takers". But this problem can be addressed by only allowing tax PAYERS to vote. It is really not a very hard fix, but would require a constitutional amendment.

                      But the core of everything we are talking about is Climate Change. Global warming was first espoused by the Globalists as a tact to attack nationalism. With anthropogenic global warming, a new element was added that allowed developed societies to be blamed for the coming apocalypse. The solution has become wealth redistribution from the developed to the undeveloped countries, particularly to China. Why else "allow" coal-fired generation plants by the hundreds to be built in China but not in the EU or US?

                      So I continually ask the Woksters "What is your best evidence that anthropogenic global warming exists? What correct predictions have been made using this "best evidence'"? The question focuses on actual proofs, not peer-reviewed articles. There is simply no evidence that man is causing the warming trend we now are undergoing. There is no evidence that man caused the medieval warm period either. In our own time, maybe you should read the worry we had when I was DSL's age:

                      Or you might want to read this peer-reviewed article about one other cause of Global Warming:'Penises Cause Climate Change'; Progressives Fooled by Peer-Reviewed Hoax Study - Breitbart

                      Trump lied continuously about having a healthcare plan that he would reveal to the public "in about two weeks". It never came because it never existed. He also lied about passing a middle class tax cut once the 2018 midterms were over. He was making all that up too. Just two extremely easy examples.

                      The society you would enforce in America is never happening and thank God for that. You'll die disappointed, unhappy, and angry, hating society. You're used to that, I imagine.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                        As opposed to the Republican party, where all opinions are welcome, so long as you do anything Donald Trump wants. If you aren't willing to flatter him, grovel before him, bend the knee and kiss his belt buckle, be prepared to be purged. Dissent is NOT tolerated.
                        Sadly, both you and Liney are correct.

                        And Mike and Alabam:"Alum" and I drift asea in the Party of the Sane rowboat.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • "...The combination of protestant Christianity and a capitalist economic system..."

                          Goddamn Catholics, Jews, and heathen immigrants are all part of the problem, right?
                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • Quinnipiac poll producing Rasmussen like numbers for the Chairman. 32/60 amongst independents isn't a good place to be. I guess the only thing left to do is pass the whole damn agenda through reconciliation on a 50-50 senate vote!

                            And holy fucking shit...Favorable/Unfavorable on Immigration amongst HISPANICS: 23/69.

                            The Chairman's Open Border policy may be just enough to keep Texas solidly red, despite Hannibal's consistent predictions of utter doom.


                            Last edited by iam416; October 6, 2021, 03:12 PM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              Trump lied continuously about having a healthcare plan that he would reveal to the public "in about two weeks". It never came because it never existed. He also lied about passing a middle class tax cut once the 2018 midterms were over. He was making all that up too. Just two extremely easy examples.

                              The society you would enforce in America is never happening and thank God for that. You'll die disappointed, unhappy, and angry, hating society. You're used to that, I imagine.
                              if you want that society you would enforce in America to take place, you gotta take the guns first.


                              • Speaking of which, remember the left claiming fascism was a right wing ideology?

                                Turns out that was a fucking lie.

