Obama likely considered it too risky politically to quit Afghanistan. After all, we had only been there 11 years by the time that he got reelected, not 20. I can't blame Obama for this mess. It's Bush's baby 100% IMHO. Bush was a disaster. Possibly the 2nd worst president we have ever had. After 16 years of Bush and Obama, it's a wonder we still exist as a country.
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Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects
Jim Geraghty is on fire. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-m...-power-mirage/
The Neocons care, and want to act, even if those actions will often be destructive and have unforeseen consequences. They’re going to make a mess, and spend a lot in blood and treasure, but they’re hell-bent on punishing the world’s most malevolent leaders, regimes, and factions. Maybe you think that’s worthwhile, maybe you don’t, but it’s a coherent worldview that doesn’t rely on the pledges and promises of the world’s most ruthless regimes. The Trump-y isolationists don’t care, and openly say so. Agree or disagree, there’s something refreshingly honest about their lack of empathy and eagerness to tell the rest of the world that they’re on their own.
But the Democrats? The Democratic foreign-policy establishment never speaks or acts as if it faces a menu of difficult choices, with the risks of reacting too hard or too soft in the face of potential threats. It’s always convinced it knows just what to do, once it’s back in power. It’s always telling us that it can generate much better results because its people are so much smarter than everyone else. It understands the world so much better than the other guys. It points to the sterling resumes of its members and warm receptions at the Davos Summit and applause at the Aspen Ideas festival. In many cases, it has already met, conversed, and even dined with the figures who represent the preeminent challenges to U.S. foreign policy.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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The thing is the Taliban is a population of goat herders with AK’s. They are invisible in the country. They look like every other local. Separating them out for elimination is problematic unless we’re a lot less discriminating in our target approvals. We’ll send troops back, they’ll resist for a bit, then hide their AKs and RPGs in caves, and start herding goats again and will say “Go USA!” when we send spooks in with cash to win, you know, the “hearts and minds”."The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
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Originally posted by Hannibal View PostObama likely considered it too risky politically to quit Afghanistan. After all, we had only been there 11 years by the time that he got reelected, not 20. I can't blame Obama for this mess. It's Bush's baby 100% IMHO. Bush was a disaster. Possibly the 2nd worst president we have ever had. After 16 years of Bush and Obama, it's a wonder we still exist as a country.
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Agree or disagree, there’s something refreshingly honest about their lack of empathy and eagerness to tell the rest of the world that they’re on their own.
And the Middle East isn't even an important strategic area anymore. That's another major change that has occurred since we went in there. Thanks to fracking and the development of Canadian oil sands, North America does not need Middle Eastern oil anymore. They help put price pressure on the world's supply, but we don't need it. America became an energy exporter under Trump. We have fucktons of oil now. And, our demand for gasoline is declining while we ramp up our supplies of diesel from vegetable oils and rendered fats. We need oil, but we don't need Middle Eastern oil. The threat of a dictator shocking the world' economy by destroying or monopolizing the oil supply just isn't there like it used to be. We don't need to be propping up the Saudi Royal family and we don't need to be patrolling the Persian Gulf.
I'm a little torn on Israel. On the one hand, they don't flush what we give them down the toilet and their military is incredibly badass. On the other hand, what have they done for us lately? What have they ever done for us period? They have a very mixed record as an ally and their espionage activities are despicable.
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Ahhh, Comrade Jackemoff, is there word from Agent Bear? He promised us Georgia playbook. Comrade Brezhnev is impatient and wishes to place the bet on The People's Revolutionary Red Tide but needs...assurances...the wager is foolproof
Calm yourself, Sergei. Bear has succeeded once again! But there is...complication.
You are aware of the Saturday Evening Post?
Da, an extraordinary American periodical, dedicated to rooting out decadent capitalist corruption.
They appear to have stumbled upon Agent Bear's plans and threaten the mission
We must discredit them!!!
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In addition to Hannibal rationale, this Afghan experience should be made into evidence that there really are shitholes in this world- wretched places where rotten leaders do really horrific things to people for insane reasons. This one gets attention because the US got involved as a revenge tour after 9/11. North Korea only gets attention because they keep launching crappy test missiles in the ocean. But there's all sorts of other bad places in Africa, Asia and South America that are are only noted on maps and Jeopardy questions.
But no, we only think about what goes on here, and what goes on in "nice" places - like Europe and Japan, and that those places are nice because we "fixed" them..
Those other places have never been nice and they can't be fixed.Last edited by Tom W; August 16, 2021, 10:27 AM.
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Videos circulating on social media showed hundreds of people running across the tarmac as U.S. troops fired warning shots in the air. One showed a crowd pushing and shoving its way up a staircase, trying to board a plane, with some people hanging off the railings.
In another video, hundreds of people could be seen running alongside a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane as it moved down a runway. Some clung to the side of the jet just before takeoff. Another video showed several falling through the air as the airplane rapidly gained altitude over the city.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Hope Biden’s press conference is about moving forward. We won’t be a country that nation builds other counties. If he starts to point the finger, it’ll just be uglier.
Side note: Happy I was able to finish the TV series “Homeland” a few months ago. Reminiscent of what’s currently happening, though not as crazy.AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill
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