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  • More about Delta ........In response to some misrepresentations of Delta variant data by the CDC I posed this at one of the cruise blogs I write/post for:

    ​​​​​​Lets look at some data points. On 01/08/21, FL's 7d average of new daily cases were 17568, 04/20/21 = 6120, 06/23/21 = 1543. Obviously a huge decrease in transmissability attendant to vaccines as you point out.

    WRT the Delta variant seroprevalence, that variant comprised 2.9% of all infections in 05/22/21 - in round figures a 7d moving average of about 14000 new cases or 435 infections from the Delta variant. The variant comprised 9.5% of new infections on 6/23/21 - in round figures a 7d moving average of about 1500 new cases or 142 infections from the Delta variant.

    While its true the Delta variant is present in FL is it's impact on new cases or more appropriately disease burden something to worry about? I don't think it is. I continue to object to messaging from PH officials, including and most prominently the CDC, that wants to push the importance of getting vaccinated using misleading information. Is the get vaccinated message a good one? Yes it is. But don't manufacture fear of the Delta variant to do that. That fear has much wider negative consequences for returning to some level of normalcy than it does positive things for encouraging people to get vaccinated.

    Like the 6 previous variants of interest and 3 ID'ed by various authorities as "variants of concern", we will continue to see these - it is what viruses do. Obsessing over them as the press is now doing - replacing their dire consequences narrative of a year ago with this - is more fear monkey shit. I have no doubt whatsoever that despite that SARS2 is going to be with us for a long time, it will turn out that it is entirely manageable - that point is being missed in the majority of reports that make it to the public eye.

    I also have no doubt that we will need seasonal vaccinations for SARS2 (timing unknown at this point but will become evident). The Influenza virus changes every year and to be protected from it you need a Flu shot. You'll also probably need a COVID shot to protect your from the ever changing SARS2 virus. The advent of mRNA vaccines - miracle drugs actually - make it easy to "adjust" vaccines to protect against evolving variants. This can be done, as well, with traditional vaccines that use viral vectors to produce an immune response. Humanity will learn how to live with and manage SARS2 and probably we're now better prepared to do that than ever before and will be able to respond more effectively to the next bad guy that comes along. As with influenza vaccines over time that have proven to deliver increasing levels of immunity in humans, virologists expect that will also be the case with repeated inoculations against SARS2 (and future viruses).

    We're getting damn good and beating those fuckers.

    One important thing to keep in mind is that both Influenza and COVID are respiratory viruses with an impact across all age cohorts - some more vulnerable to serious disease than others. However, the incidence of serious illness from COVID is considerably higher than that of Influenza across all age cohorts. A study released in Lancet provides some meat to that claim. I mention this not as a means of furthering the hated fear monkey narrative but rather to be clear that as the two viruses go, SARS2 is both more infectious and more lethal. That being the case, more attention needs to be paid to regional outbreaks of COVID. We may or may not have learned our lessons about how to react to that occurrence, i.e., mitigation measures need to be targeted unlike they were when implemented in March '20: this time around, people need to be given the tools to assess their own risks and risks to their communities when deciding how to conduct themselves. We'll see.

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


    • Froot, I don't have a problem with most of that article ...... except too much how great Chairman Joe is at deal making and not enough "a long way to go, yada, yada, yada."

      I actually support the "deal" that was made on the "Infrastructure" bill as little as I know the details of it but I do understand the gist of it as it has been presented to the public.

      What I don't support is this other bill that's not getting enough press nor enough attention in the article above. As I understand it, it includes all the stupid/free shit that the progressive left of the D party wants and I am mostly opposed to. It's alleged that Biden didn't say in the meetings he had at the WH last week that both Bills have to appear on his desk for him to sign either of them. I have no idea if that is correct or not. Sounds like it is an accurate allegation.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


      • It's alleged that Biden didn't say in the meetings he had at the WH last week that both Bills have to appear on his desk for him to sign either of them. I have no idea if that is correct or not. Sounds like it is an accurate allegation.
        And this is why we still have 50 R's against the package.

        Biden is nearly as stupid as Trump when it comes to this. Biden has several Senate R's that are itching to get on board with him, and kick the country more to the center. Romney, Murkowski, Collins, et al, would vote with him on nearly everything he wants, if he'd just stop pandering to AOC, Tliab, and their minions. I daresay there are MORE THAN 10 R's who'd vote with him consistently if he'd just peel off the most extreme of the Dem party. But, one of the things Joe still does well, is pander to the extreme left in his party. Just like Trump did to the extreme right. It cost Trump a re-election. It will do the same for Biden.

        Biden needs to follow the Bill Milliken model. Milliken kept a "R" next to his name for his entire political career, but he was actually the best and longest serving Democrat governor Michigan ever had.
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Older Americans, a critical source of political donations, often fall victim to aggressive and misleading digital practices. A broad Times analysis points to the scope of the problem.


          • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
            You knew our military was shackled when the Navy decreed that they would name our next CVN - an honor reserved for presidents or legendary previous warships- the USS Doris Miller.. while Miller’s actions of shooting down Japanese planes at Pearl Harbor was heroic ( he received the Navy Cross) the naming of a carrier for him, without anyone bothering to question WHY? seems to be pure appeasement to the woke left.

            yeah, that’s racist.
            Naming our carriers after actual war heroes instead of politicians like Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, and Barack Obama is an act of appeasement towards the woke left, no doubt.


            • Comment

              • I was caught flat footed about the Doris Miller news, they neglected to mention it in The Woke Left Newsletter. But well done, nonetheless!

                The Onion article checks out


                • Biden made a mistake in implying both the compromise infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill have to pass first for him to sign either. He completely walked that back today and said he'd sign the compromise without the reconciliation being ready.

                  At the same time I don't buy that any Republican thought the compromise bill was supposed to kill any chance of a reconciliation bill happening and they are shocked to discover that the Dems still mean to attempt more spending via reconciliation.


                  • No one should ever be surprised that Trillion Dollar Joe wants more, more, more, more….
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • I took a quick look at the Woke Left campaign for Doris Miller naming and I'm afraid we can't claim much credit. This is the second time they used his name, they named a destroyer escort after him in 1966(the Woke Left must have had a time machine!). They reused his name but not many articles actually go into the naming other than commemorating it. If you do a search on Doris Miller and Joe DioGuardi you will find a lot of articles on the latter's 30 year campaign to get Miller the Congressional medal of honor. DioGuardi was a conservative Republican from NY, so score one for the Woke Left! it's pretty clear the question has been asked why a bunch of times for the honor and the Woke Left has continued to get denied on it.
                      Dorie Miller demonstrated incredible valor during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Somehow, he's been locked out of receiving the military's highest honor.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                        Naming our carriers after actual war heroes instead of politicians like Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, and Barack Obama is an act of appeasement towards the woke left, no doubt.
                        Plenty of heroes among the millions that have served in our military during and since World War II. Only two - Nimitz and Eisenhower- have gotten carriers named after them. Plenty of destroyers, cruisers and frigates have honored them though. Perspective..


                        • The arrest of a Georgia sheriff's deputy who is a former Marine shines a light on the growing concern inside the intelligence community about the far-right radicalization of military service members and law enforcement offices.


                          • Posted without comment:

                            An Open Letter to the American Medical Association

                            by Julio Gonzalez, M.D., J.D

                            Dear Sir and Madam,

                            I read with great disgust your "
                            Organization Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity." Seldom have I read a more destructive, divisive, and inflammatory document by a professional organization, and I have never been more ashamed of being associated with the American Medical Association at any time in my career.

                            The suggestion that our country owes anyone "equity" because of "past injustices" is revolting. My family arrived in this country in 1961. We have not been a party to any of the injustices that occurred so many decades ago, yet you hold my family, my colleagues, and me in the same light that you hold the cruelest slaveholder. How dare you say that I, a person who is forced to answer on a census form as being white/Caucasian, but who on a different question answers Hispanic/Latino/Cuban, should be in anyway held responsible for those who traded slaves and the African chieftains who willingly sold their tribesmen and women to the Europeans four hundred years ago?

                            How dare you say that I, and every one of my colleagues who have spent our lives treating the poor, minorities, majorities, and anyone else who may stumble into our emergency rooms, legally or not, without bias or favor, and without any chance of being reimbursed for our training and our efforts, should be thought of as members of an oppressive consortium designed to inflict evil or inequity to those who we selflessly treat?

                            How dare you join the countless number of camouflaged communists who furtively and purposely try to confuse those around them by conflating equity with equality? Ours is a nation built on the premise of equal standing under the law and only that. Everything else is to be achieved through excellence, dedication, training, and hard work.

                            Equity, on the other hand, is achieved by fiat, by taking from some and giving it to others at the point of a gun. Few better ruses exist for the state control of the means of production than through the illusory promise of achieving equity instead of equal standing under the law. This is a dangerous track you are entering from which you and the social system you seek may never be able to return.

                            You claim that we live in a land that was taken from Native Americans hundreds of years ago. That may be so, but you neglect that the same is true of all other civilizations on earth. The Babylonians invaded Israel. The Norwegians invaded England. The Visigoths invaded Rome. Rome invaded Egypt and North Africa. The Turks invaded Constantinople. The Mongols invaded Europe. The Germans invaded Russia. The Russians starved their people. The Germans committed holocaust upon the Jews. The Calusas ransacked and sacrificed their neighboring tribes. The Caribes attacked and imprisoned the Taínos. The Mayans continuously conquered each other and tore their victims' hearts out while they were still beating. Mao starved 69 million people and the People's Republic of China killed millions with their latest virus.

                            Every single civilization, even those in Africa and the Far East, have conquered and been conquered. It is a fact of life and a staple of history. Your skewed and biased view of the events that took place between the Europeans and Native Americans while ignoring every other injustice carried out throughout history upon the very groups against which you point an accusatory finger is ignorant, hypocritical, and insulting to the 100% of us living Americans who played no part in the invasion nor were victims of the conquests.

                            You have abused your position as the self-proclaimed purveyor of the medical profession to promote a self-proclaimed socialist agenda against the will of so many of those whom you falsely claim to represent.

                            I will oppose you with all my being, all my strength, my intellect, and my voice. I will oppose you from here to the ends of the earth. I will oppose you because of your disgusting abuse of the great privilege that has been bestowed upon you, and because of the great insult you asperse upon me by suggesting that I carry anything other than love, charity, and good will towards every human being that I meet and have treated in my 30 years of practice as a physician.

                            There is a magnificent document whose signers pledged their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honor to a cause much greater than themselves. Today, I pledge the same in opposition of you.

                            Here's to seeing the end of your filthy, disgusting, and vile organization.

                            Julio Gonzalez, M.D., J.D.
                            Former Florida State Representative
                            Former Congressional Candidate

                            Dr. Julio Gonzalez is an orthopedic surgeon and lawyer living in Venice, Florida. He served in the Florida House of Representatives. He is the author of numerous books including The Federalist Pages, The Case for Free Market Healthcare, and Corona-lessons.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                            • The AMA is one of many organizations that you are supposed to obey without question. If my doctor says that racism is deadlier than cancer, then I am obliged to believe him.


                              • More, more, do you like do you like it...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

