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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
    Is the military really incapable of winning wars or is it that the public in general has absolutely no appetitie for the number of casualties it would actually take to win any of the so-called important wars we've fought post-Vietnam?
    It seems to me that the level of killed-in-action in the post-Vietnam wars has been exceedingly low (149 in the Persian Gulf War) (

    I believe the public gets frustrated by the terms of engagement that result in long, drawn-out wars. We have an overwhelmingly powerful military that continues to fight wars with both hands tied behind its back.


    • A lot of things go into it.

      The public doesn't like to see caskets coming home. Especially from a fight that people don't think is worth the sacrifice.

      Most wars are no longer conventional. Nation states don't attack nations states directly that much anymore, especially not between first world countries. Instead you attack your neighbor through a proxy enemy, or encourage a civil war, or a guerilla uprising. By nature those are longer and more drawn out.

      It's easier to sell the American public on needing to fight ruthlessly when the country itself was attacked first like in WWII. Most of our conflicts post-WWII have been preemptive or us inserting ourselves in someone else's fight.


      • Trump has chosen my home county as the official kickoff to his Grievance Tour tomorrow!!! Wellington, Ohio, at the grand old Lorain County fairgrounds. The Man himself will start at 7 but the public is urged to be in place about 5 hours before, sweltering in near-90 degree, humid weather. Ought to be a blast.

        Trump is likely to spend more time bashing fellow Republicans by name than Biden, particularly former Buckeye Anthony Gonzalez who voted to impeach and represents a district up that way. He may bash Gov. DeWine and Lt Gov. Husted as well, since both declined to attend this extremely important event.


        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

          It seems to me that the level of killed-in-action in the post-Vietnam wars has been exceedingly low (149 in the Persian Gulf War) (

          I believe the public gets frustrated by the terms of engagement that result in long, drawn-out wars. We have an overwhelmingly powerful military that continues to fight wars with both hands tied behind its back.
          We've been in Afghanistan for 20 years.


          • Chauvin's request for a retrial was denied. He'll be sentenced today

            Hennepin County District Court Judge Peter Cahill ruled Thursday night that Chauvin “failed to demonstrate … the Court abused its discretion or committed error such that Defendant was deprived of his constitutional right to a fair trial.”


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              CNBC with a Headline straight out of Covid Fear Monkey Narrative: Covid is already deadlier this year than all of 2020. So why do many in U.S. think the problem’s over?


              I'll let Buchanan comment on that whopper first. (The story is fine; the headline, heh....)
              The left will hang on to the bogus Covid narrative as long as they can. They are drunk with power with it.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                This is where an evil (because of my skin color) white guy like me runs into a problem. If I agree that the premise of 'best person for the job' is a 'white' trait, what do I assume about a black owned business person? They do NOT want 'the best person for the job'? A black business owner just takes the first black skinned applicant, and runs with them? I don't think they do that, but then again, due to my skin color, I'm automatically a bigot and a racist, so I guess I'll never know what a black business owner considers important.

                I'm beginning to miss the 90's. I thought we were all doing pretty well getting along until Barry Otero came along.
                You are a racist prick. No offense.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I wouldnt worry too much about any wars we need to win in the future

                  the real war is the war against white supremacy

                  have to weed those Mfs out of the military before we do anything

                  updates on military doctrine training now changed to critical race theory and how to fight wars with armies of transvestites

                  dont believe me

                  look no further then the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff

                  when 70% of your military is white and you spend an houtr yesterday lecturing critical race theory to be taught at westpoint and basic training you are driving down recruitment/shitting all over morale and going to lose a lot of soldiers who are sick of all this crap coming from the top


                  • are the Grand Wizard of the KKK...aren't ya...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Allright which one of you assholes vandalized the George Floyd monument?


                      • Which one?


                        • Crash makes a good point about the all volunteer military. If the official racial policy of the US armed forces is going to be that white people are born as incurable bigots and racists, why would any white folks want to enlist? Further, why would any white folks want to attend any of the military academies?

                          So, does this mean that minorities will be the only approved races to serve in the military?

                          Wouldn't that be a racist policy, to make minorities accept all responsibility for defending the country?

                          Was that really MLK's dream?
                          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            CNBC with a Headline straight out of Covid Fear Monkey Narrative: Covid is already deadlier this year than all of 2020. So why do many in U.S. think the problem’s over?


                            I'll let Buchanan comment on that whopper first. (The story is fine; the headline, heh....)
                            Well, it's stupid. Let me illustrate why:

                            This morning's Sun Sentinel had a story similar to the CNBC fear monkey shit. The central point of the article was that residents and people visiting FL don't know what the viral prevalence is in a locale they might visit; they don't know the percentage of the "more deadly" Delta variant is.

                            The implication is to refresh the FL media's obsession with criticizing Governor Desantis' pandemic policy, namely, about 2 weeks ago the FL PH Department stopped reporting daily new case numbers - a perfectly logical thing to do because that number is useless, always has been, in assessing where the state or its counties are in managing SARS2. There was never the kind of granular data needed for individuals to make a risk assessment on their own anyway ..... a complaint I've made for months and that's guidance coming from the CDC, not from Desantis.

                            In the last 1/3rd of the article, a educator from one of FL's research institutions is quoted as saying (paraphrased), "while we know the Delta variant is more transmissible, evidence does not support the conclusion that it is more deadly. Moreover, the evidence is strong that all the current approved vaccines in the US work fine against Delta. FL is in good shape with vaccine rates, especially among more vulnerable populations. There is no need for undue concern.

                            Clearly, that's the right message but from top to bottom, from federal to state to local, that's not the message. It is incredibly frustrating.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                            • You knew our military was shackled when the Navy decreed that they would name our next CVN - an honor reserved for presidents or legendary previous warships- the USS Doris Miller.. while Miller’s actions of shooting down Japanese planes at Pearl Harbor was heroic ( he received the Navy Cross) the naming of a carrier for him, without anyone bothering to question WHY? seems to be pure appeasement to the woke left.

                              yeah, that’s racist.


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