Oh nooes! People aren't getting the shot!
The SARS2 Pandemic is under control in the US. If idiots within the executive branches in Washington had not created the web of necessity for the PHE to still be on going - it's going take months to unwind all the regulatory and budgeting bull-shit that is baked into it - it should have been ended about a week ago.
I've completely stopped reading any news reports featuring statements by various government health officials, e.g., Walenski about what we should be doing or not doing, who should get shots and the calamity that is approaching if people still rightfully choose to not get one. Fauci is right up there with people that ought to be ignored.....
.......that I'm probably not alone is actually too bad. The CDC has done some good things, very few, but there is good PH information out there that originated with them. The problem is that it's hard to find in one of the worst government web sites of all time.
IMO, their biggest failure, and it is huge, is the one that involves developing tools and teaching individuals how to use them to assess one's risk of SARS2 and make rational, informed decisions about what risks you want to take in living your lives. Instead, they've shoved shit down our throats to the point where nobody is buying it any longer. Their worst PH nightmare, self imposed and perpetuated.