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  • The NCAA loses in front of the Supreme Court, but the issue was a narrow one:

    The lower court had held that the NCAA's cap on "education-related" benefits was improper, but had sustained it's rules on "non-education-related" benefits. The athletes did not appeal. The NCAA did and thus the only issue before the Court was the latter. The Court found that the NCAA is a monopoly and subject to the Sherman Act and "rule of reason" analysis. And the Court upheld the conclusion that the limits on "education-related" benefts was improper under the Sherman Act.

    That, however, is a relative narrow scope of benefits. It really doesn't change much. That said, the conclusion that the NCAA has monopoly power and is subject to the Sherman Act is big. That means it's possible for another litigant to tee up the "non-education" benefits issue and put it firmly in front of the Court or at least a court (the Supreme Court ain't going to hear this twice -- some Circuit court will weigh in, eventually).
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      The NCAA loses in front of the Supreme Court, but the issue was a narrow one:

      The lower court had held that the NCAA's cap on "education-related" benefits was improper, but had sustained it's rules on "non-education-related" benefits. The athletes did not appeal. The NCAA did and thus the only issue before the Court was the latter. The Court found that the NCAA is a monopoly and subject to the Sherman Act and "rule of reason" analysis. And the Court upheld the conclusion that the limits on "education-related" benefts was improper under the Sherman Act.

      That, however, is a relative narrow scope of benefits. It really doesn't change much. That said, the conclusion that the NCAA has monopoly power and is subject to the Sherman Act is big. That means it's possible for another litigant to tee up the "non-education" benefits issue and put it firmly in front of the Court or at least a court (the Supreme Court ain't going to hear this twice -- some Circuit court will weigh in, eventually).
      Yep and Kav's comments indicate the NCAA would lose on the non-education benefits too


      • Yeah, well, they didn't lose in front of the lower court. The lower court accepted the arguments. But, Kav sure would tell the NCAA to fuck the fuck off.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
          D: Of course more whites are killed than AAs by police. Because there are more whites than blacks in the country. (Duh)

          Blacks are 2.5 time more likely than whites to be killed by police. That is significant and is indisputable.

          This report says 2.8

          Victims were majority white (52%) but disproportionately black (32%) with a fatality rate 2.8 times higher among blacks than whites. Most victims were reported to be armed (83%); however, black victims were more likely to be unarmed (14.8%) than white (9.4%) or Hispanic (5.8%) victims. Fatality rates among military veterans/active duty service members were 1.4 times greater than among their civilian counterparts. Four case subtypes were examined based on themes that emerged in incident narratives: about 22% of cases were mental health related; 18% were suspected “suicide by cop” incidents, with white victims more likely than black or Hispanic victims to die in these circumstances; 14% involved intimate partner violence; and about 6% were unintentional deaths due to LE action. Another 53% of cases were unclassified and did not fall into a coded subtype. Regression analyses identified victim and incident characteristics associated with each case subtype and unclassified cases.

          This one says 3.23 times

          When President Donald Trump responded to a question about Black people who have died at the hands of U.S. law enforcement by focusing his attention on white victims, he was engaging in a “grotesque” misdirection, says Matt Miller, a Northeastern professor who studies gun violence. “Black people are more likely to be killed per capita by law enforcement than are white people,” Miller says.

          Although Black people represented 12 percent of the population in the states we studied, they made up 25 percent of the deaths in police shootings,” Miller says.

          By comparison, Miller says, white people represented 62 percent of the population—and made up 54 percent of the deaths in encounters with police.

          Like I said, indisputable.

          The mmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeediaaaaaa

          Isn't something like 50% of the murders in the US committed by 7% of the population (black males)?


          • 6% of the population is black.

            If 6% of the population is committing 50% of crime, it is little wonder they have more run-ins per capita with police.

            Rather than try to manipulate statistics, how about the 6% stop committing crimes at a rate of 8.33 times the rate if the distribution were random!

            And here is a YouTube dealing with the "genocide" of unarmed black suspects in 2019.

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Last edited by Da Geezer; June 21, 2021, 10:56 AM.


            • Woman fatally shot by officer near Juneteenth parade in Michigan

              Video of the shooting shows an officer opening fire, then falling to his knees in apparent distress.


              • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                Woman fatally shot by officer near Juneteenth parade in Michigan

                Video of the shooting shows an officer opening fire, then falling to his knees in apparent distress.

                Link to the video
                Last edited by Kapture1; June 21, 2021, 01:37 PM.


                • What possible justification would someone have to roll up to a cop who is DIRECTING TRAFFIC, and pull out a gun, and shoot him?

                  I'm sure some talking head will cobble up some sort of stupid racially motivated justification.

                  And meanwhile, the cop who was trying to make sure he didn't DIE, is left with the trauma of shooting someone, that he had no desire to shoot.

                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • Isn't like 100% of police shooting of blacks covered by the media for weeks while police shootings of whites routinely doesnt even make the news


                    • Men with inside knowledge of the Wisconsin chapter of the Proud Boys say it's a den of racism and\u00a0antisemitism, not a benign men's drinking club.


                      • Froot does not deviate from his programming at all. He is a very good NPC.

                        All of the firmware updates since January 6 have been heavily weighted towards creating a White Supremacist terrorist boogeyman.

                        froot, well done. I will make sure that your masters reward you with three bonus minutes in the soundproof padded phone booth today.
                        Last edited by Hannibal; June 21, 2021, 03:49 PM.


                        • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                          What possible justification would someone have to roll up to a cop who is DIRECTING TRAFFIC, and pull out a gun, and shoot him?

                          I'm sure some talking head will cobble up some sort of stupid racially motivated justification.

                          And meanwhile, the cop who was trying to make sure he didn't DIE, is left with the trauma of shooting someone, that he had no desire to shoot.

                          Yep, poor guy went to work just like every other day, and now his life is forever changed.

                          And all of this resentment is built on a... dare I say it.... A BIG LIE

                          No, cops are not roaming the streets in packs hunting down and murdering innocent unarmed black children. Straight ignorant to spew such bullshit.


                          • And right on time, Froot comes up with "Yeah but, .. the PROUD BOYS"...

                            As STOOPID as some of those who identify as 'proud boys" may be, I have yet to hear of one of them rolling up on a TRAFFIC COP and shooting him.

                            Not a single one.
                            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                            • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                              And right on time, Froot comes up with "Yeah but, .. the PROUD BOYS"...

                              As STOOPID as some of those who identify as 'proud boys" may be, I have yet to hear of one of them rolling up on a TRAFFIC COP and shooting him.

                              Not a single one.
                              There’s a very long list of things that the Proud Boys haven’t done that the violent Left has many times over.


                              • You fellas are so very proud of the Proud Boys and the Michigan Militia you circle the wagons very effectively. Especially Lineygobiue, he gets really irritated at anything approaching criticism of the group.

