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  • Trumpers: Calling it an insurrection is hyperbole, you sickos. How offensive.

    Also Trumpers: Asking me to wear a mask is the exact kind of abuse Jews faced in Nazi Germany


    • STFUaddup
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • .
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        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


        • Gold
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • If the EU has a spine there has to be a response to this...a RyanAir flight from Greece to Lithuania was forced down in Belarusian airspace by a "bomb threat" claim. The real reason seems to have been so they could board the plane and arrest a prominent journalist who's facing the death penalty in Belarus.



            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
              Why not burn down Gaza's communities? They have insurance!
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • The graduating seniors from Grand Blanc High School held their prom yesterday. They were restricted from having the gathering they wanted by COVID rules in Michigan, so they took their party to Toledo Ohio. I've been Toledo many times, and every time I go there, I can see why Michigan forced Ohio to take the Toledo area while Michigan took the UP in the famous "war of Ohio and Michigan" But, for a Michigan HS to go to Ohio to have their prom has to be a major poke in the eye for Queen Gretch.

                This is one incident where I will say "good" on the kids from Grand Blanc for their ingenuity and backbone.

                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Congress returns to earmark spending.


                  Pork products, better known as earmarks, were removed from the spending/legislation process about 15 years ago. Many people, myself included, applauded the move as one to rein in spending and keep legislation on its original topic. That certainly didn't work. It also removed the horse trading of votes that actually resulted in compromise and progress. As Congress has devolved into a kindergarten food fight where party loyalty and ideological purity overrides common sense and the addressing of problems, perhaps it is time to re-'baconize' the lawmaking process. Today's zombie like obedience to the whims of a ranking Congressional leader, the misguided philosophy of 'we must be unanimous', and giving credence to the ravings of a cult Rasputin, has made a bad legislative situation even worse.

                  Perhaps this move will result in some spines being surgically implanted into members of Congress. If there's an extra $50M for my state by voting yes, and my party wants a 'no' vote simply to prevent a 'victory' by the other side, it provides cover to the statement "I am elected to represent the people of my state, not to bend to the blowhard winds of ideological idiots".

                  The lesson of all this is that the ultimate responsibility (or failure) lies with the voters. Political parties are no longer about philosophy and methodology, its all about identity and the oh-so-important demonization of the 'other side'. We are failing as a nation because we continually elect morons who put party over country. Maybe a little horse trading of ham can break this cycle.
                  “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                  • I had my first shot Saturday morning (Pfizer). Other than a little soreness I was fine when I got up Sunday. Met up with my brother for lunch and a few beers. I don't know if the beer aggravated it, or it would've happened regardless, or I just ate something bad, but by late afternoon I had a pretty bad headache and a fever. But I got about 9 hours of sleep and feel fine again today.


                    • What took you so fucking long?


                      • E2DLUurX0AEBIXz?format=jpg&name=medium.jpg


                        • Well I actually had it...and everyone I talked to said to wait at least 3 months until my natural immunity started to wear off. So late April would've been the earliest if I was in a rush.


                          • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                            The graduating seniors from Grand Blanc High School held their prom yesterday. They were restricted from having the gathering they wanted by COVID rules in Michigan, so they took their party to Toledo Ohio. I've been Toledo many times, and every time I go there, I can see why Michigan forced Ohio to take the Toledo area while Michigan took the UP in the famous "war of Ohio and Michigan" But, for a Michigan HS to go to Ohio to have their prom has to be a major poke in the eye for Queen Gretch.

                            This is one incident where I will say "good" on the kids from Grand Blanc for their ingenuity and backbone.


                            Unfortunately, this is the response to Grand Blanc cancelling the school sanctioned prom. Renee Ray, one the organizers, has stated that the Ohio prom is because "the governor is trampling our Constitutional rights". Furthermore, the Ohio prom will have social distancing and masks will be required. So basically, kids are being used for a political agenda, not because kids should be allowed a prom as part of their coming of age.
                            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Well I actually had it...and everyone I talked to said to wait at least 3 months until my natural immunity started to wear off. So late April would've been the earliest if I was in a rush.
                              DSL: Have you seen any numbers of those who have been vaccinated PLUS those who developed a natural immunity (from having Covid)? The progs in my area are wringing their hands that we won't reach "herd immunity" because some folks are not taking the vaccine. IMO, you did the right thing by waiting. Did you experience any blow-back for being "unvaccinated"?

                              Expect your second shot to bring on some more severe reactions, but if you didn't have the reaction, I'd wonder about the efficacy of the shot.
                              Last edited by Da Geezer; May 24, 2021, 09:11 AM.


                              • On your last point, reaction to a vaccine is not a certain indication of immune system status or effectiveness of a vaccine. I have seen anecdotal relationships but there's also been a good deal of variance.

                                On your first question: most epidemiologist are, IMO, correctly abandoning talk of herd immunity and talking about manageable levels of virus circulation. That's achievable, the former is not for a host of legit reasons.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.

