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  • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
    Any GOP member that is constantly getting praise on CNN and MSDNC doesn't belong in the republican party.
    If the troglodytes of the Heaven's Gate Party are that easily swayed, perhaps a letter campaign to CNN and MSNBC to 'constantly praise' McCarthy, Jordan, Nunes et al is in order.

    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • But you gotta admit its at least a bit humorous as to how heroic she is now being portrayed by the MSM. I mean, all Republicans are devils, yes? She's a Republican. So now she's a hero of the MSM?


      I think I'll go out and join the Hillary Clinton fan club ... lol
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post

        If the troglodytes of the Heaven's Gate Party are that easily swayed, perhaps a letter campaign to CNN and MSNBC to 'constantly praise' McCarthy, Jordan, Nunes et al is in order.
        knock yourself out.


        • Originally posted by Mike View Post
          For the record, the individual you reckon is giving the Republican Party a black eye is one of the most conservative members of the party who recognizes objective reality and not the TV game show host that claims he won the 2020 presidential election in a landslide.
          Ultimately, that objective reality had better win out if the R have any hope of future relevance. But give it some time - It's only 6 months after the election and there's still a lot of shit to sort out- and there's plenty of time before the midterms to do it.

          Most republicans are probably ready to be done with Trump, the character, but not necessarily the policies or principles that he represented. But you wouldn't know that because the Dems are still obsessed with the beliefs that he was some sort of Orange Boss Baby Hitler Youth- and they aren't afraid to keep reminding us of it.


          • I don't think R's will even consider such a thing until after 2022. They're too cowed.

            The non-Trumpers, (you know, the majority of Americans), while rightfully appalled at the person, disagreed with his policies. Trashing the TTP said "China, take our economic leadership position in the East". Inflicting tariffs that 90.7% were paid by American companies wasn't wise, especially given the retaliation against US farmers. Instead of fixing the immigration problem that we have, attempting to build a wall that nobody wanted is a stunt right out of the East German playbook. Trying to circumvent the Constitution to pay for it showed his disdain of the document. Subservience to Russia and impotence toward China were pillars of his administration. A laissez faire attitude toward the pandemic cost lives. Playing kissyface with NoKo did nothing except providing a tyrant with propaganda. Attacks on the ACA without an alternative to reducing health care costs was not in the best interest of Americans. Doubling the national debt needlessly was a blow to our kids that will have to pay for it. (Biden seems to be taking a page of that nonsense - the Repubs should be proud for setting the example!) The list goes on and on and on.

            His Narccistic Personality Disorder, his moral and ethical bankruptcy, and his complete lack of socially redeemable character is what got most news time. No question about it. Even had he been a saint, his policies still made him a bad President.
            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


            • You probably should get out- and have a beer or two, Jon..


              • You brought up his policies, I made observations.

                I would be tickled if he disappeared from the American conciousness. That won't happen as the Heaven's Gate Party will keep him in the news - and keep conservatives out of leadership positions.
                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                • My own personal opinion is that Trump’s domestic policies were palatable for the most part. Or perhaps ideology. But he’s a clown and sucks at actual governance. The best thing the Rs could do would be keep the popular parts of the “America First” platform but find a different vessel.

                  I have high hopes for DeSantis (from 1,000 miles away). I like his approach to rioting and CRT - fuck off with that shit - and he doesn’t seem to be a narcissistic celebrity clown. So that’s good.


                  • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
                    You brought up his policies, I made observations.
                    With all due respect, those weren’t “observations”.


                    • No. They were facts
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Jon utterly delusional. Trump destroyed him.

                        We’ll see what happens in 2022.

                        Meanwhile, no Prog, including Jon, has any interest in discussing Chairman Joe’s policy — whether it’s Trillion Dollar Joe; daycare is infrastructure, pipelines not; the Ayatollah’s Cock Holster; Xi’s Cock Holster; the Border don’t you dare call it a crisis; federalizing all voting laws — and I’m sure I’m leaving out a fuckton.

                        But, sure. A minority party rep who was, what — 3rd in charge? — that’s the concern. JFC.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                          My own personal opinion is that Trump’s domestic policies were palatable for the most part. Or perhaps ideology. But he’s a clown and sucks at actual governance. The best thing the Rs could do would be keep the popular parts of the “America First” platform but find a different vessel.

                          I have high hopes for DeSantis (from 1,000 miles away). I like his approach to rioting and CRT - fuck off with that shit - and he doesn’t seem to be a narcissistic celebrity clown. So that’s good.
                          I hope I get a chance to vote for DeSantis in the primary. He'd be my choice right now. I'd also consider Nikki Haley and Marco Rubio. I said consider...
                          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                          • They would all be improvements. If Trump doesn’t run again, I wouldn’t count out Rubio making a deep run. He had to gain valuable experience last time and he seems to be sharpening his razor. Someone who is viewed as mainstream and sane but with some edge to them could be a viable option in the general. The trouble will breaking through the stupid in the primary.


                            • Well, if our resident dipstick thinks I'm utterly delusional, I must be awfully close to the truth. His obsessions with "the Left" and "the media" are pretty telling.

                              Over the course of my lifetime, I've voted probably 40% Repub, 40% Dem and 20% independent. So that makes me a Prog, whatever that is. Talent has spoken, so it must be true. Just ask him.

                              So what do you want to talk about Biden? Co-vid? I think he's handled the vaccine distribution fairly well overall. Howabout his infrastructure plan? Its actually two bills, one covering infrastructure and one covering jobs. Both bills could be cut in half as far as price tag. Lots of pork stuff could be cut out and still meet the intent. Howabout China? I don't like the impotent policy Biden has continued from the previous administration. China needs to be treated for what they are, a geopolitical player that is very hostile to this country, not simply a nation that wants to sell us their shit. Since the China policy has unfortunately been pretty much unchanged, I can only assume Talent is refering to DJT when tossing the Xi Cock Holster label around. Immigration - glad the Wir sind Ost Deutschland wall was halted and I was pleased that the DACA protections were strengthened. At first glance I don't like the citizenship pathway given to 11 million illegals but to be honest, I haven't read the detail. IMO, follow the law, wait, and do it the right way, like my grandparents did. The $15/hr federal employee wage? Glad it wasn't imposed across the board, because that would have been redundant to my local economy. In my small town, no longer are there any gas stations or convenience stores or pretty much any business open 24 hours. They can't be staffed at $15/hr during the day, much less at night. Help wanted signs EVERYWHERE. The market will determine the wage. Glad to rejoin the Climate Accord but I don't know how effective it will be with China and India being the worst perpertrators. To simply throw your hands up and say I'm going destroy the environment too because others are doesn't seem to be a well thought out decision. Defund the police? Stupidity on the level of believing there was voter fraud in 2020.

                              But hey, lets get all worked up and howl to the moon about the really important stuff like Dr Seuss, Mr Potatohead and Jewish space lasers.
                              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                              • Policy Question: Should the Feds raise the base interest rate?

                                1) Inflation is a concern but has not (til last month) shown any real signs of increasing for several years. In one year's time we had the Trump economic stimulus and are currently staring down Biden's proposals. This will be some serious inflationary pressure.

                                2) Seniors on fixed investment incomes, not willing to risk what little they have in the market, have been squeezed. Food stamp applications amongst fixed income seniors has increased dramatically in the last 18 months.

                                3) Like a junkie with access to free heroin, businesses want nearly free money borrowing to continue. Circling back to the Biden proposals, it may come to the Fed raising interest rates a half percent (gasp!) for revenue to partially pay for said proposals.

                                4) A new housing bubble is percolating. The border closure with Canada has seen lumber prices minimally treble. Low interest rates and sky high building costs set the stage. When people's ARM's go up and they find the housing value drops when construction material prices return to normal, there is going to be some serious gnashing of teeth. Likewise when business requires some/most workers to return to the office, those who bought vacation type homes as new permanent work-from homes are not going to be happy.

                                5) If rates get raised, the market will tank 1000-2500 points for a couple of weeks and then return to the previous levels. A buying opportunity like last March, but Wall Street reporting will make it out to be the End Of Times.

                                6) Raising the base rate before supply chain issues are resolved will act as a force multiplier for businesses currently in trouble.
                                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx

